martes, 1 de diciembre de 2020

#WeDay on Hulu

Alright guys, I’m just a para educator but I care so much about my kids. I care so much about all kids and this, this live show that my wife and I watched on Hulu (she’s also a para) just makes me heart burst as well as swell and break. Please I wish everyone could watch this and I wish everyone could understand these things. It makes me so happy to understand that some people and some kids really do want to do better and make the world a better place. Especially after this election and the way this year has gone my heart really needed this uplift and show me that I’m not fighting a totally uphill battle. At the same time it hurt my heart so much to see the slight difference between one or two actions that makes kids respect education and want to make the world a better place or falling off and just becoming part of the cycle that perpetuates negativity and disrespect for people and education.

I teach because I want to make the world a better place. I want to teach my kids empathy, sympathy, compassion and understanding. Even if they don’t necessarily understand the intricacies of algebra or advanced writing as long as my kids can come out of our classes inspired to be good and caring people that’s all I care about.

I just needed to vent a little bit and tell everyone that has any role in education to watch this and always know that even though our days might be hard and even though sometimes it’s hard to get through to our kids sometimes don’t give up on them. They can do great things when they are supported and inspired and not looked at just to be kids!

WeDay on Hulu please!

Submitted December 01, 2020 at 10:10PM by SithlordzomB

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