domingo, 31 de diciembre de 2023

If the intention is really to absorb learning or news, stress on colors and visually appealing images not a noise?

Finding a corollary between GUI and CLI in computer and the trend of moving away from text books with fewer colors to audios/videos/short texts in learning. In the 1980s as a kid, our text books once passed KG would be text-based with fewer images. Even images were in black & white. If a book colorful, I would smell not intended for serious learners and kind of a lollypop.

Today, there is perhaps too much emphasis on colorful images and videos. Is our core learning impacted? I fail to understand why a website that will be say focused on learning or even news stories needs to have a visually appealing website design. After all, if the intention is really to absorb learning or news, are other things not a noise?

Submitted January 01, 2024 at 12:28AM by DigitalSplendid

Are children less racist now than in previous generations?

Hi, I and my colleague in school were having a debate as to whether children are more or less racist to each other than previous generations. I personally would say yes they are, but racism is still a problem.

My colleague argued that how people are racist has just changed and that they are still just as prejudiced as previous generations but in a more indirect manner

I've read some research suggesting that Cooperative based teaching could reduce racial prejudice between students in a class so surely we have some influence over if children develop racism?

How Cooperative Based Teaching can Reduce Racial Prejudice In UK Schools
I was wondering what other educators' experiences are around racism in this generation, Are children less racist now?

Submitted December 31, 2023 at 03:06PM by Humblypowered

My son's algebra class is supposedly "flipped" but no work is done outside of class.

Background: I have twins in eighth grade. Their algebra class is taught by the same teacher, with my daughter being in the standard algebra and my son in the advanced. My son is less motivated but things tend to come naturally to him. My daughter has ADHD but is motivated and works very hard. Both are honors students. This is the first year they have split classes in this way. The advanced class takes on a few more topics and that's basically it.

Son, who has generally high marks in math, recently failed a test. He could recall very little of the material when we went over the test. A common refrain was, "We never went over this."

We have seen complaints about this particular teacher before. That she doesn't lecture. That everything is done with notes. That there is no formal instruction being done. Parents of past students have also concurred that this is how this class is run. Specifically, it is a flipped class though they don't tell that to parents at the time.

I begin researching flipped classrooms and discover that this is effectively the design. But is it? My understanding is the students watch the videos before coming to class, and spend class time doing the "homework". But this is not what is happening here. The teacher's videos are watched during class. The notes are copied down by students during class. The practice is done during class. Mastery quizzes are multiple choice, undertaken in class, and can be repeated as many times as necessary (which to me encourages gaming of the system rather than learning).

I thought the whole point of flipped classrooms is the rote teaching is done outside the classroom to free up class time for higher thinking. But it sounds like this has been corrupted into something which is leaving kids behind at a similar rate as the old ways. Please tell me I'm wrong about this and there are just growing pains here. I just find it bizarre that we're this deep into a unit about slope and both my kids - one getting a B and the other staving off a D grade - can't tell me the definition of a slope, cannot graph y=x, and have to refer to their notes to recall any work.

Submitted December 31, 2023 at 11:34AM by EdgeBandanna

Preparation of three questions for the final exam in Media Studies

I need to work on the last three questions for my Media Studies exam. But I don't know how to handle them, just like my classmates. Do you know where it is possible to have these questions prepared by someone? Or do you have any other tips?
Thank you
The topics are:
1. Technological properties of new media
- Digital media, digital encoding, digitalisation.
- Feldman and the properties of digital information as defined by him.
- Manovich and the properties of new media as defined by him.
2. Textuality of new media: hypertexts, cybertexts
- Virtuality, virtual.
- Cybertext.
- Hypertext, theory and history of hypertext.
3. New media, interactivity and the culture of convergence
- Types of definitions of interactivity.
- Author/text/reader relationship.
- Henry Jenkins and the culture of convergence.
- New media and the crisis of legitimacy of content producers.

Submitted December 31, 2023 at 10:10AM by picklerick8898

Coping with the fact that I feel I’ve lost the opportunity to properly learn complex subjects

This is just a rant but I feel I’ve lost my opportunity on learning things like math, chemistry, and physics properly. Much of this stuff was taught in specifics only around 11th grade, and that’s when COVID hit and I clocked out during online school. The blame is on me, and I just feel so stupid for neglecting these subjects. While self teaching is possible, I always have this nagging thought that I’m doing it extremely inefficiently. Learning it in university for the first time is so hard for me personally as many profs just have that “you should know this from HS” expectation (which is fair) and the speed is much too fast for me. I just feel like I’m missing out on a huge aspect of our world and it’s hard to accept that sometimes. That’s all.

Submitted December 31, 2023 at 04:27AM by pifthy

sábado, 30 de diciembre de 2023

A generational curse is families not taking education seriously

When I was in school, there were a lot of kids who would skip class to smoke with their friends. And when they did come to class, they would be on their phone the whole time and passing notes to friends. Too much fooling around and not enough learning. The teachers didn't care and would rather put their energy into students who wanted to learn instead of babysitting half the class. There's a good chance that their parents didn't take their education seriously as well. Statistics show that kids of high school dropouts are more likely to dropout. It's a generational curse. I am from the hood (a poor community) and a lot of families there don't understand the importance of education. If the parents don't care about education, you can't expect their children to. It's all about familial values.

Submitted December 30, 2023 at 02:27PM by PandasHaveSex

Stop slave "education" in China, Defend students’ human rights

In China, countless students, engulfed by despair, opt to end their lives every year. School environments have deteriorated into places more terrifying than prisons. Under a despotic regime, educational institutions strip students of all their human rights and freedoms, inflicting rampant physical punishments, subjecting them to immense psychological torment, and placing colossal mental pressures on them. Brainwashing is rampant, ensnaring numerous children in unbearable agony. Students rise at 5-7 AM each day, staying in school until 10-11 PM. They barely receive 1-3 days of respite per month (in most cases, schools are boarding schools, effectively imprisoning students within campus boundaries). It's akin to daily imprisonment; looking out of a window during class invites punishment, and even sitting together during meals can result in corporal punishment, rendering some unable to walk! With only 15 minutes allotted for meals each day, any lateness is met with punishment. Students are forbidden from conversing amongst themselves, and the consequences of laughing in class are unimaginable. Students are treated akin to prisoners...


Submitted December 30, 2023 at 10:17AM by Sensitive_Job_5792


I really can't afford my college fees and looking for a funding please guide me. 🙏

Submitted December 30, 2023 at 02:49AM by LandCorrect5215

Who Was Rakesh Kamal? Education Company 'EduNova' Leaders, Teen Found Dead In $5.7 Million Massachusetts Mansion

Submitted December 30, 2023 at 12:47AM by SuggestedQuotes

viernes, 29 de diciembre de 2023

Writing test questions

I remember back in college (this was in late 90s) I did some courses to prepare to become a K12 teacher. That never happened, but one of the classes I remember was all about writing test questions and the only thing I can really remember was a section on why it was bad to use "not" questions.


"Which if the following is not an example of:..."

But of course that textbook is long since gone - does anyone have any research I can read about this? I'm trying to convince a committee at work that asking those of employees is generally a bad idea. For people with dyslexia (like me) they always throw my brain for a loop.

Submitted December 29, 2023 at 04:37PM by Angelworks42

How do I boost my gpa 5 years post graduation with a B.F.A?

Hi all, i am wondering if there is anything I can do to boost my gpa post graduation? I had a very difficult time in college and graduated in 2018 with a 2.94 from a CSU. In 2021 was diagnosed with ADHD and it all made sense as to my struggles both personal and participatory in classes. I am now older and wiser so to speak and would like to get into graduate school with the focus that I have now but I see that most colleges want a minimum 3.0 gpa. Is there anything I can do to boost my undergraduate GPA? Any advice is appreciated !

Submitted December 29, 2023 at 02:11PM by jimmcat89

Leaving back educational stresses

How did you feel after completing a tiresome education curriculum back?

Submitted December 29, 2023 at 09:19AM by Far-Conversation-485

jueves, 28 de diciembre de 2023

Any free online Scientific calculator recommendations?

I’m doing what is basically a beginner’s maths course 😅 My workbook says:

“The recommended calculators for level 5 numeracy are the old Casio fx-85GT plus (the 82 and 83 are similar) or the modern GTX or “classwiz versions.”

Anyone know where I can get a free emulator or app that would fit these requirements?

Preferably compatible with iPhone but if not I’ll get over it 😅.

Submitted December 28, 2023 at 12:11PM by Neither_Ask_5549

Is there a 1 to 1 way to get a degree?

For personal reasons, I really struggle in settings with a large amount of people and learn far better by myself or with one person. However, I still want to get a degree, and I’m wondering what the options are for me and if there was some way to get a degree all through some kind of 1 on 1 tutoring in place of traditional classes? I’m even willing to look into other countries if their education system is different

Submitted December 28, 2023 at 09:08AM by Ajpaulson2006

The prevalence of hepatic and thyroid toxicity associated with imatinib treatment of chronic myeloid leukaemia: a systemati

Submitted December 28, 2023 at 06:20AM by CharacterFennel1927

To all College Students

We must do better at [creating safer and healthier campuses]. <<<< This sounds cliche because it's in the Code of Conduct and repeated now consistently. And we must.

The answer to racism and bigotry is to challenge the opinions of those who perpetuate the discord of indifference.

***col·lege*** is suppose to be ***col·le·giate***, which is to be of a a greater level of critical thinking.

Why the indifference? Why this or that group inferior? Why does one act this way or believe this way? WHY.

To THINK is to articulate a well rounded response. People just don't believe something because they believe it. WHY do they believe it? WHY do YOU believe what YOU do? WHY?

Of course, this should not just be to combat Hate and Racism only but to challenge our views on any topic or subject.

FACTS should be given. REASONS of well rational thought should be put out. Our campuses can no be places of just coming and going, but one that challenges to go higher by way of Reason.

When was the last time you ever saw a real debate where opposing sides could civilly argue their points with Facts and Reason and true critical thinking? Where even the opposing side understands his opponents argument? (And I don't mean FB or The Primaries)

Or even if it's not a formal debate, just people respecting other people and truly trying to listen to understand the others point without just waiting to say something???

Can YOU really understand ME? Even IF YOU don't agree with me AND UNDERSTAND WHY I believe what I do??

All's this is to say is that I think students on campuses need to be self-empowered to combat Hate, Hot Topics, and Divisive issues with being authentically col·le·giate with authentic Critique.

The last thing we need is more hate and slander. We need more Thinking and Reason of the very deeply held beliefs that make us all People.

Because ultimately, People are People.

Submitted December 28, 2023 at 01:31AM by PhilosophersAppetite

miércoles, 27 de diciembre de 2023

ChaptGPT4 learning and assessment prompts and responses. (developed before vision).

Submitted December 27, 2023 at 10:23PM by SoVani11a

Curriculum/Books/Resources to Teach My Elementary Age Children Grammar

My children (4th and 5th grade) are not really learning grammar at school. At my 4th grader's parent teacher conference, her ELA teacher even said that she realized she hadn't done anything grammar related yet this year but admitted she needed to "touch on it" at some point. They read a lot, read well above grade level, and I still read aloud to them several times a week, but I can tell their lack of formal instruction in grammar is a bit of a problem. It's not the end of the world but I'd like to work on it. I'm not opposed to teaching them myself but I need help finding a good program.

Criteria: (1) In book and/or workbook form rather than online (e.g., Khan). I love websites like Khan but I think both of my kids need the tactile experience of touching and writing in pages, and Khan is more of a supplement if needed. (2) Condensed as possible - hopefully I'm just shoring up some subjects and not teaching everything. They have enough going on. Ideally I'd have ONE book with some simple rules laid out (that I could verbally explain further while we work through it), with a few exercises to follow each rule. Everything I find seems to have way too much information or way too little, if that makes sense. Does anyone know if anything like that exists?

Submitted December 27, 2023 at 01:28PM by Dazzling-Condition93

Can you do masters in a completely unrelated field?

I have a bachelor's in finance can I apply for scholarships abroad in another field?

Submitted December 27, 2023 at 04:11AM by Helphelp70

Reading print improves comprehension far more than looking at digital text, say researchers

Researchers at the University of Valencia analysed more than two dozen studies on reading comprehension published between 2000 and 2022, which assessed nearly 470,000 participants. Their findings suggest that print reading over a long period of time could boost comprehension skills by six to eight times more than digital reading does.

The study, published in the Review of Educational Research, also found that while there is a negative relationship between digital reading and comprehension for primary school students, the relationship turns positive for secondary school and undergraduate students.

The authors also said that young children engaging in frequent digital reading may learn less academic vocabulary “in a critical period when they are shifting from learning to read to reading to learn”.\_567&fbclid=IwAR1e6Wb50KW89zyvakOHE3QkB3hcfwffhIaGBsTaQ9R5Rp\_ZWoR1-Woiqus

Submitted December 27, 2023 at 04:18AM by Jariiari7

martes, 26 de diciembre de 2023


Hello all.

I'm a former homeschooler who now teaches classes in parenting. My focus is on Thomistic/Aristotelian virtue ethics and how they can be applied to child development and parenting.

As always the teacher has become the student, and I find myself immersed in a deep dive exploration of early childhood development and the importance of handwork.

I am seeking sources, information, input, whatever on any pedagogy or school of thought provides insight on the following:

-hand and mouth/sensory input -hand/mind connection -rhythm, repetition, and focus -practical advice for optimizing "hand intelligence"

I am somewhat familiar with the works of Rudolf Steiner and Maria Montessori but am very keen to get specific material recommendations.

If it helps, I am coming from a Catholic perspective but would welcome sources from all walks of life: ancient, modern/western medicine, pagan, classical, art teachers, whatever. Even books unrelated to early childhood, like The Body Keeps the Score, have proven invaluable sources for me. I figure if it is true it can be reconciled regardless of the source.

I realize this might be a slightly esoteric question? (Or maybe not) so I am cross posting in several communities.

Thank you so much for your time and input.

Submitted December 26, 2023 at 08:24AM by NorwegianTrollToll

Why Do Music Teachers Join Trade Unions (NAfME & NAMM) Instead of Joining Real Unions?

Question from the creator of r/FlyingCircusOrchestra

Wondering this because there are differences between trade unions and real unions...

Submitted December 26, 2023 at 07:23AM by MaryKMcDonald

lunes, 25 de diciembre de 2023

Why do some many teachers quit their jobs in the United States?

No text found

Submitted December 25, 2023 at 08:16PM by Purple_Discipline_70

In a dilemma in my last year of university

Hi, I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask, but I'll give it a go.

So I'm in my last year of university about to finish a Bachelor of Arts. I've lately realised that I love Biology/Genetics and Genealogy and would much rather work in those fields than the one I chose.

How would I go about pursuing Genetics? I didn't complete my A-Level in Biology so would have to do that before applying to the Science degree. As it's close to January I'm worried I'd have to apply next September and finish the A-Level in Summer of 2026.

And as I'm doing two extra modules to do with Genealogy, would I be able to get into Genealogy as a career without having a full degree in a history/archives related degree?

Any help or advice would be appreciated, thanks

Submitted December 25, 2023 at 10:41AM by Opposite_Ad3185

As a student, I have to ask:

What are teachers good for?

Throughout my life, I've noticed all teachers actually do is to transform what's in the textbook/book from a "cult", precise language to a vulgar, simplified, "easier" (and because of that, less precise) language. I've come to the conclusion that, in essence and for the most part, teachers are just weird translators. If kids knew how to read and write correctly and understood the meaning of the words they read, they wouldn't need a teacher, ever. They would just learn straight from the book.

Do you think this is the case? Do you think I left something out?

Submitted December 25, 2023 at 05:08AM by ICAN_TCHOOSEANAME

domingo, 24 de diciembre de 2023

Uneducated, lost and don’t know where to begin.

I’m a 21 year old male with a complicated education history, I was homeschooled from 3rd to 8th grade because one of my teachers wouldn’t stop bullying me and she was buddy buddy with the principal so I never got the help I needed, during those years in homeschool, I was neglected and never did any of my work; I was given the option between play video games all day or do schoolwork and we all know what a kid would choose, high school comes and I know nothing that I needed to know and my attendance was one of the worst in the entire school… I drop out senior year and remain entirely uneducated, incapable of getting my GED.

I’ve heard they might have community college courses for those like me and there are various ged study apps that I have no idea how helpful they may be. I just want some help, I’ve been doing manual labor for a little over a year now and I can’t handle it anymore, cleaning up after homeless Oregonians is driving me insane, but I can’t get anywhere I want when I don’t know anything.

So tl;dr, I’m completely uneducated and need to work on a GED but I have no idea where to start.

Submitted December 24, 2023 at 05:07PM by BrodcETC

Hot take: culture is most important

I’m an immigrant, and for me, now being older, it seems a culture of education and progress was what allowed me to do well. I notice it is not as strong in other communities. This may be deemed as biased, but I can’t help shake these observations. Would like to discuss.

Submitted December 24, 2023 at 03:44PM by GiorgiB123

DBA in europe

What are the vest places to pursue a dba based on level of education and quality of life

Submitted December 24, 2023 at 12:23PM by EducationalAd6506

sábado, 23 de diciembre de 2023

Am I cut out to be a teacher?

I'm 32 with no career or children. I have worked with students with specific learning disabilities for 9 years. Took me 10 years to get my AA. I moved out at 20, my parents claimed me on their taxes, got no financial aid, worked 3 part-time jobs, and took 1-2 classes that were available at my jr. college.

Found out I have some type of learning disability in college when I started failing core classes. A counselor suggested I get an evaluation and I qualified for disability services, but they're not doctors so couldn't diagnose me or give me any clue as to wjat was wrong with me. Started passing my classss due to private test taking accommodations.

Got officially diagnosed with ADHD two years ago. My therapist friend who also has ADHD recommended and "diagnosed" me based on her professional experience, but told me to seek a professional. Symptoms got worse once I got married because if I forgot to do a chore or run an errand it didn't just effect me anymore.

During Covid I got the blessing of a free online college program and combined teaching credential paid by my job. I got almost all As because it's my wheel house ( special education behavior intervention).

Now that I'm all done with my degree, the university won't give it to me until I complete student teaching. This program won't let you student teach until you pass 3 of their exams. I passed 2 the first time.

This last test I've taken 4 times and still haven't passed. I've already been held back one year due to this stupid test. It's the Ohio Foundations of Reading 190. I've only worked in jr high and high school levels. We don’t teach the students reading fundamentals in upper grades.

I want to have children (2) before 35 if I can help it, but my husband doesn't want to buy a house or have children until I'm a teacher.

But I'm a fucking failure. I honestly barely make anything as a special education aide in CA. We're never going to progress in our lives because of me.

I hate that this stupid test is holding me back. In every class that I assist in, the students listen to me, want my help, and know that I genuinely care about them. I assist every student not just the ones with disabilities. I'm stern, but silly. I hold high expectations, but I'm understanding. I work with some teachers that don't even know the kids names.

I want to give up on this test, but if I do I won't get my degree. I'm so defeated. I'll never be a teacher or a mother. I feel like nothing I do matters. I don't understand how life can be so easy for everyone else. I'll never reach my goals. I can't be resilient anymore, I'm so tired of trying and failing.

Submitted December 23, 2023 at 07:33PM by Decent-Tomorrow3983

viernes, 22 de diciembre de 2023

Educator Survey on the knowledge of Dyscalculia 8-12 minutes (teachers only)

I suspect that I suffer from dyscalculia, which is a learning disorder that affects one's ability to perform math, (counting, learning multiplication facts, reading a clock, directions...) sometimes called math dyslexia. I am curious about how aware teachers and educators are of this condition, the survey should take 8-12 minutes. I appreciate every response! General Ed and special Ed welcome. Please note that this survey might be used for an essay that I might write (for fun).

Submitted December 22, 2023 at 06:16PM by Fun-Cow7494

Edu Reform book recommendations

Looking for an unbiased book to gift my dad for Christmas that talks about the current state of education and reform in the U.S. any and all suggestions are welcome. Thanks.

Submitted December 22, 2023 at 11:31AM by worried_banana21

Juris Doctor or Master of Finance?

Hi all,

Currently have an undergraduate degree in Accounting with about 4 years banking experience.

I want to continue postgrad but not sure what to study. I don’t have a clear goal as to where I want to be in the future (I know that doesn’t help) but would like to progress within banking and finance, maybe even investments.

I have heard Juris Doctor provides a wealth of knowledge which can be applied into banking and finance even though I won’t become a practicing lawyer however master of finance will give a lot of technical skills.

Which would be better?

I live in Australia and would like to work overseas as well FWIW

Submitted December 22, 2023 at 06:16AM by d1amiri

jueves, 21 de diciembre de 2023

1% of Harvard’s endowment would fund free community college in Massachusetts

In 1978, Harvard University had a $1.4 billion endowment and admitted 2,200 students to its incoming freshman class. This year the endowment sits at $50.7 billion—and they only admitted 1,942 students. That’s a 3,521% increase in the endowment and a 12% decrease in freshman admissions.

Full video explainer on why that happened featuring some MA legislators that want to reappropriate their endowment for the state’s community colleges.

Submitted December 21, 2023 at 10:28AM by madtenant

bring back monkey to kahoot!

sign this petition to bring back the monkey avatar!

Submitted December 21, 2023 at 04:53AM by leechy_boi

Can I introduce a new field of study at a university?

If I have a master's degree in a subject that's not taught in universities in my country, can I potentially start teaching it? How are new degrees usually offered at a university - can a single person do it if they have education experience in the field?

Is this the right sub for this question? If not, please direct me elsewhere, thanks!

Submitted December 21, 2023 at 02:05AM by SheWritesYA

What would happen if parents deliberately ignore their child’s suspension?

For context, I work in California with a kindergarten student who had been previously diagnosed with autism until their parents revoked their diagnosis and accommodations. He cannot function without a 1-1 aide in the general Ed classroom due to his disturbing/disruptive/dangerous behavior. Today, he was suspended for repetitive inappropriate behavior toward me. He was sent to the office for the rest of the day until his parents come to pick him up. However, not only did his parents refuse to pick him up early (which is not the first time), but they refuse the suspension! So tomorrow, if he comes to school, student services will be there to enforce his suspension. However, this particular parent is condescending and overpowering and overall unpleasant and socially aggressive, so I’m thinking tomorrow won’t be a walk in the park if his parents show up to drop him off. I’m just wondering what might be next steps/possibilities from this situation?

Submitted December 21, 2023 at 12:49AM by Diligent-LaZ111

miércoles, 20 de diciembre de 2023

Trades or College?

Hey y'all I'm 24 years old and I'm kind of at a crossroads in my life. Currently I live at home in my Dads basement and I have no career prospects. I've dropped out of school a couple times in the past due to some mental health issues. But I really need to get started on something so I'm not the stereotypically loser who still lives with his parents when I'm 30. I don't know whether to start college again or go into the trades. Was hoping I could get some advice from y'all cause I really feel lost and I feel like a loser at this point. I've mainly been working manually labor jobs since high school so I'm not lazy. I just really struggle with anything that has to do with school but with the possibility of me living in poverty the rest of my life I'm willing to try anything at this point. Any and all advice would be appreciated.

Submitted December 20, 2023 at 11:02AM by Background-Ad-9212

I want to change my degree course into another field after first year in another university

Does this mean all other university students are not allowed? What does this mean I want to know,What is an external student? I'm currently studying BSC first year ( 1st semester completed ) In a indian university.

The college I want to take admission in is saying that external students of other university not allowed.

Submitted December 20, 2023 at 08:06AM by Sachinrock2

How to get myself to look at my wrong marks on my assignment?

I’m sorry if my question doesn’t relate to this subreddit since I don’t know this place quite well. And I don’t know which flair to use either.

Sorry if the title is confusing, I mean like on a test and I circled the wrong answer. Because I’ve noticed that I felt uncomfortable and only really looking at the overall grade of the work. So like when I get handed back the paper, I feel like I am rushing to put it back into my binder than it hitting my ego and taking it to improve. Rather than looking at the mistakes and trying to study whats wrong in my apply, evaluate and - the word for - open-ended questions. It’s just something that is cringey and I push to the back of my mind.

It’s just an important step that I feel like I have to take, especially since I am still technically in junior high/middle school for my first year in high school. And from what I heard, the high school I’m going to next is pretty demanding as it’s the largest high school in the province. Plus it is one of the top traits a person can have to have to be able to improve on failures in general.

I’ll just copy and paste this post to a different subreddit if this one might not be fit for it.

Submitted December 20, 2023 at 12:51AM by Tarokui

martes, 19 de diciembre de 2023

Funding help

Hey Reddit community,

I've been accepted to the Yale Young Global Scholars program with full financial aid. However, the program doesn't cover travel costs, and I'm reaching out to you for assistance.

Does anyone know any organizations that support students like me, providing help with travel expenses for educational programs? Your guidance and suggestions would mean the world to me. Thank you in advance for your support!

Submitted December 19, 2023 at 11:31PM by queenjavad

What is the best route for transferring into a 4year college as a student pursuing a second bachelors?

I (26) would like to pursue a bachelors in computer/electrical engineering. I graduated with an unrelated bachelors at a 4 year university, so my understanding is that I will mostly be starting from scratch, besides my general credits being covered.

Would it make more sense to take the math and physics courses I need at a CC and then apply as a transfer student to a 4yr, OR apply for the AS degree in engineering at the CC, before applying as a transfer student to a 4 yr university?

My undergrad gpa was a 3.4 unweighted. I’m wondering if my chances of getting in as a transfer student would be better if i only take the math and physics classes, or if it would look better if i boosted my gpa while obtaining the AS degree. Cost efficiency is a factor as well.

Submitted December 19, 2023 at 06:32AM by April0510


Hey. I’m currently a Junior in college right now with a Studio Art Associates degree from my community college. I really have a passion for photography and originally wanted to pursue a BFA, but after looking at the job opportunities they don’t have the desired pay I want to get. Right now I’m in the fence about going for a BA because of more career options. I just want a good job with sustainable income and that can see myself doing for 5+ years. Should I just do photography as a minor and make my concentration something else? I’m in a weird place right now.

Submitted December 19, 2023 at 03:40AM by ShisuiGamer9_YT


How much are Udemy's certifications valued? Or, where are they accepted? For languages, or sciences, etc.

Submitted December 19, 2023 at 04:09AM by Zeewa-Kun

Nature/Science/History videos or documentaries on YouTube without music

Hello all,

I’m looking for educational videos on YouTube that don’t have all this distracting and unnecessary music.

Stuff like people with animals, talking about science and doing experiments and maybe stuff like history?

I’m sure there are loads of people who do this, but I just can’t find them, the ones I can find are always over produced and lacking in actual content and information.

Even if it seems a bit ‘dry’ a lot of kids I know from different families actually like it and get very absorbed and learn more in the classroom that way.

Age range? 5-11 years perhaps.

Thank you

Submitted December 19, 2023 at 01:56AM by Empty-Language-8593

lunes, 18 de diciembre de 2023

What arre the leading education resource companies and non-profits?

Title is relatively self explanatory. I was wondering if anyone can provide me with some names of leading companies in the education sector. Any high-growth/scaling organizations would also be helpful. Would prefer if they are US based, but not at all a requirement. Thanks in advance.

Submitted December 18, 2023 at 01:51PM by mtomba

I’m doing a project on educators/students feelings towards cell phone usage in their country. It’s 9 questions and short. Please help me out

Link to survey Thank you for your help

Submitted December 18, 2023 at 11:21AM by Calm_Ad_7299

Education Compensatory

Hi everyone .... quick background. So my son at 3 years old had IEP, and they diagnose him with autism. They recommended a behavior therapist, 1:1 and a occupational therapist. They didn't provide him any services after the diagnosis and its required in my state. After several attempts to contact the agency and no response I had to hire a lawyer. We won and just settled for a specific amount for services not rendered. I'm only allowed to use it for therapeutic services, developmental services, and school .... BUT only if they are a license therapeutic service. However, I have 2 years to use it. His school is free and his getting his therapy session for free from the agency. I have asked them if I could use it for karate, sports or even equestrian therapy, but they said no cause they have to be license for therapy.

But I'm very confused if the money is for therapy why cant I use it for all therapy places? Sports is therapy.

Can anybody help with ideas that I could use the money? I can't use that amount of money in 2 years and I don't want to miss out getting services. He goes to school for 6 hours everyday. I'm limited on what I can do. I don't know how else to use it and I don't want to lose it. Please help.... thanks guys

Submitted December 18, 2023 at 07:04AM by Such-Potato8348

No diploma/Ged

Currently don’t have a GED/Diploma. Never graduated, dropped out i guess you could say. I’m currently 23. Been working full time since I was 17, but just can’t find the right job. I hear of people having these $30+ jobs without a diploma or anything. Obviously this going to be a tough question, but anyone have recommendations on jobs? I’ve thought about the typical UPS and stuff. I would really like to get into the union but I don’t see that happening in my situation.

Submitted December 18, 2023 at 03:40AM by Long_Discipline9837

domingo, 17 de diciembre de 2023

I am not allowing myself to be happy with good grades and it’s becoming a serious problem, I need help.

For context, I am a 17 year old student who is gonna be attending his last year of high school in 2024.

For one of my subjects I was able to do a Grade 12 subject early, to make more time for other subjects next year.

The official, finalised, and moderated results for that subject were released today, and I got an A+

Good right?

Not exactly, see the way that subject is programmed is that there are three assessments with different % weighting over the course of 1 semester. For 70% of the subject I got an A+, and for the remaining 30% I got an A.

My teachers assured me for that 30% assessment it was an A+ level. Instead, it got moderated down by the education board to an A. Which by all means, is a great grade, I mean it doesn’t matter right? It was still an A+ overall.

But it just eats me up inside for some reason. I know what my standard is, and I wasn’t able to achieve it. I was hoping to merit, and I know I was so close too, but it didn’t happen.

Yet even so, I still got such a great grade, it’s not like I failed, so why am I so pressed and discontent with it. My family is overjoyed but I don’t see any reason to be happy over almost meriting. Even though I should be!

I just don’t think it’s a very healthy mindset to have and I recognise that. But I can’t stop thinking that I could have done better overall.

Am I putting too high expectations on myself? How do I stop thinking like this and allow myself to be happy over great grades. I really need some advice so that I actually don’t think like this in Grade 12.

Submitted December 17, 2023 at 04:16PM by MadLadsReturn

I'm 28 years old and I want to become a Psychiatrist. I passed all my GCSE's but I have no relevant A Levels and I didn't go to University. Am I crazy? Is it possible? How long will it take and where do I even start? I feel so overwhelmed but I really want to do this....

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Submitted December 17, 2023 at 02:03PM by ttelracsbrown

Overseas recruitment

I’ve recently read of several districts hiring teachers internationally due to teacher shortages.

I’m very curious how each state handles license reciprocity. Do these teachers need to go back to school to attain a local state license or are they given an alternative path to licensure?

If you have any information on your state or district, please share.

Submitted December 17, 2023 at 11:06AM by jbl420

Going back to school after a Bachelor's

I have a Bachelor's in Comm. Unfortunately, I'm disillusioned with the subject after a string of crap jobs. I loved college and would like to get more education, naturally a masters would be best. But I wouldn't want a masters in comm... is it possible to directly enter a masters program in an adjacent field or must I start from scratch with another Bachelor's?

Submitted December 17, 2023 at 10:17AM by whitepinewitch

sábado, 16 de diciembre de 2023

Gift ideas

Looking for gift ideas for an 8th grade (14 year old boy) office aide?

Submitted December 16, 2023 at 11:37AM by 435haywife1

Last year of university

I am in my last year of university in england but I am at a crossroads on deciding wether it’s worth going stratight into an undergraduate program/degree apprenticeship or just wait out abit before going ahead using my degree for work?

What did you all do when your time at university came to an end? Do you regret opting to start working right away or to wait a little while before starting?

Submitted December 16, 2023 at 09:46AM by wChad

NFC for tracking attendance

Hey folks, sorry if this is somewhat off-topic. I work for a higher ed institution where lately attendance has become a problem. I want to implement an easy way to track attendance, and I have been looking into NFC as an option. Anybody has any experience with this?

Thank you for you help!

Submitted December 16, 2023 at 06:07AM by curious_smorrebrod

Something out of 'Les Misérables": Limit childhood education and put them in the factories and fields. It's for their own benefit.

Governor DeSantis and the Florida GOP have so mismanaged the economy and the immigration problem they are now looking to transfer the weight of their incompetence onto the backs of the state's children. "...In late August Hurricane Idalia, the strongest tropical storm to hit northern Florida since 1896, killed four people and caused up to $20 billion in damage. In September, thanks to Governor Ron DeSantis’ anti-immigrant law that has been called “draconian,” clean-up and rebuilding has been hard. Migrant workers have been fleeing north, to Georgia and other states, terrified of being arrested.

“The Republican-backed bill, fed to Rep. Linda Chaney by the right-wing Foundation for Government Accountability — a think tank that wrote the bill — would gut the state’s current restrictions on child labor for older teens, which were originally established to prevent work from interfering with a child’s health, safety and education,” Orlando Weekly reports. (All italics mine.) “Backed by industry groups representing restaurant and hotel owners, the proposed bill would get rid of state guidelines on when 16- and 17-year-olds can work and would limit local governments’ ability to enact stronger regulations in their communities. The bill, for instance, would make it legal for employers to put older teens to work on overnight shifts, even if they have school the next day.

"...State Rep. Linda Chaney on Wednesday explained her legislation to weaken Florida’s child labor protections.

“...This bill is not about children,” the Republican lawmaker told her colleagues. “This bill is about 16- and 17-year-olds. These are youth workers that are driving automobiles. They are not children.”

"...Rep. Chaney went on to explain that under her bill, a child could legally work the overnight shift, perhaps midnight to 6 AM, at a gas station or 7-Eleven, for example, on a school night, and could do so without parental consent.

"...She said, “it is up to the individual and their parent how they choose to work and again, there’s no mandate in this bill of when or where they work, they may choose to work 35 hours. There is also school choice,” she said, of Florida’s massive school voucher program. “There’s a lot of differences of children in youth schedules now. So they may not be going to school during typical school hours. So for them to choose, they have the right now to choose what best fits their individual situation.”

"...When asked if the child has to “get parental consent to take that job if they’re 16 or 17?” Chaney answered, “No.”

"...Chaney “said she filed the legislation in part to provide more labor for Florida’s tourism industry,” Florida-based reporter Jason Garcia wrote at Seeking Rents. “Being in a tourist area of Florida and knowing the needs of the hospitality industry…I felt this was a common-sense bill.

Submitted December 16, 2023 at 04:44AM by LetterGrouchy6053

viernes, 15 de diciembre de 2023

Universities in EUROPE with low tuition fees

Hello to you my dears,

I'm writing this post to get more help in making my dream of studying abroad come true. I will provide some facts about the Lithuanian universities as well later if someone is willing to study here :) 🎓📚

Firstly, I'd like to make sure you understand, before you dig deeper, that I am an EU citizen (Lithuanian to be exact) searching for a university in EUROPE, I'm a senior in high school right now, my average grade always was and right now is 8-9-10 ( In Lithuania we don't have letters, we have a GRADE system from 1-10). I feel like it's the best time to start looking for my rational possibilities.

Secondly, since my university tuition cannot exceed more than 1.5k /year, I strongly believe we can exclude countries such as, say, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and Iceland.

I also wanted to mention that the main MY idea of studying abroad is because :

- will improve my English

- Has wider possibilities compared to Lithuania, since it's very small.

- Makes you free! The idea of studying far away from home makes me feel happy and enthusiastic. I bet I have a bigger chance of getting a scholarship in one of the best public universities in Lithuania for applied sciences or technology than in, for example, the Netherlands, but it's Lithuania... I've been living here for 18 years of my life and I realized I wanna run away.

Down to my last research, I have managed to understand:

Nationalist countries in the EU such as Germany or France, etc. are very tied to study programs mostly in their language, so for this reason, we can exclude them as well (France and Germany).

Therefore, I understand that EU universities are mostly government-funded, and because of that, there are tons of possible positions for low (<2k/year) or even free tuition fees. But by digging deeper I found out the twist that by offering low prices, they won't be funding your living expenses so you are forced to rent something or try applying for a student dormitory. I have a few friends who are studying in foreign countries who recommended I check Denmark and Belgium since they offer a bunch of free studies (I read the news not so long ago that Belgium will start providing more free study programs in the upcoming years which is very fine for me :) ). I did check it, and according to one site, that helps you join these universities in the EU, Denmark offers 0 euro tuition fees and Belgium offers it for ~1k/year. So these two countries I think have the best potential for me.

They say the Netherlands has almost the best, high-quality offering Universities in comparison to the tuition fees, but as I looked at some sites, the prices were more than 2.5k/year. :( I would go to the Netherlands for sure If I could find the right conditions.

In addition, I am completely lost in these rules where most universities give you a deadline of applying until the end of winter or April 1st, etc. What's up with it? It is strange for me because we Lithuanians are used to this system: we finish 12 classes by taking our high school graduating exams from the middle of May until the end of June (compared to what exams you take) AND then you wait until like JULY 20th when you get your final evaluations on how you performed and just then you count the final grade of your admission score and see where you can and want to apply. I have seen that if your final graduating exams are not taken yet, you send your grades from the last 3-4 years.

Few researches on what requirements they raise have shown that the only thing EU universities need is for you to take an English exam ( Dolingo; IELTS; TOEFL); give them your grades or exam results; write a motivational letter if they ask you and go for an interview either online or face-to-face.

Another thing that makes me stressed is that I don't know if it is better to do everything alone/independently (this includes friends; family etc.) OR to hire an agent or a consultant. MY school doesn't have a specific person that helps you/ guides you to where can you study and what to study.

Lithuanian Universities are very fine, they offer mostly Lithuanian language studies but you still have the same programs just in English if you want to even though you are a Lithuanian. There are a lot of private universities with 3.5k/year tuition fees, but most of my friends go to public UNIs where they get a government-funded place, WHICH IS NOT A RARE THING AT ALL, I bet more than 80% of native Lithuanians have all their studies for free. The universities offer tons of expeditions around the country no matter what your profession/subject is, they invite big names to lecture us, and so on. Of course, every year there are, say, pretty great competitions between who gets the scholarships, but I'd say it's half easier to get in as compared to Harvard or whatever popular "TOP 100" universities - you pick. But since medicine is on rocket speed here, It is the program hardest to get in, because it requires a lot of knowledge and so on, you name it. Applying for medicine was always complicated in my opinion. I don't want to expand myself on this since this post is not about it, so ask if you need anything about education in my country.


P.S. I know this whole post doesn't make sense because I didn't mention anything that I want to study, but I'm not sure still. It's not medicine or anything related to chemistry or biology. But what I can say is I'm into math, physics, and geography as subjects, but as a study program it tilts to Finance; Engineering of some sort; maybe something in Business if the university makes you practically touch business, develops critical sense and doesn't fill you full with theory.

Thanks for your time!!!❤️❤️❤️

**And last, I wanted to wish every single one of you a peaceful and heartwarming time during the upcoming Christmas Eve!!**❤️❤️❤️

Submitted December 15, 2023 at 11:53AM by BiscottiPossible350

Video games

Thinking of using video games in history class. Particularly interested in A Plague Tale, which is about the Black Plague in medieval France. Reviews say it occasionally drops an F bomb, and that corpses are everywhere. Although accurate, would it be suitable for American High School?

Submitted December 15, 2023 at 10:03AM by EffectSubject2676

The Coming Wave of Freshman Failure. High-school grade inflation and test-optional policies spell trouble for America’s colleges.

This article says that college freshman are less prepared, despite what inflated high school grades say, and that they will fail at high rates. It recommends making standardized tests mandatory in college admissions to weed out unprepared students.

Submitted December 15, 2023 at 08:14AM by Beliavsky

jueves, 14 de diciembre de 2023

Financial aid understanding

Hi, I was hoping the community might be able to help me understand some financial aid stuff a little better. My award letter says Pell grant 3,500 and direct sub loan 3,500 so 7,000. Now is that for the whole year or my spring semester. I'm going full time at 139 dollars a credit. I understand I'm generalizing for numbers here. I'm trying to figure out how the disbursement works is the 7000 cut in half for the semesters? Any ways any general help would be awesome

Submitted December 15, 2023 at 12:20AM by Hippiestixs

An 11 yo student in Brownsville, TX was arrested and put in solitary for 3 days after reporting being bullied by his principal. Yesterday the judge granted more time to prosecutors to build a case against him.

Submitted December 14, 2023 at 06:33AM by Digger-Upper

Help with my master's thesis


I hope everyone here is doing well! I'm conducting several experiments related to grading in a K-12 setting for my master's thesis, and I would greatly appreciate it if anyone here had some time to answer a quick survey I've made !

For more details, my research topic is on how grading affect student's self esteem and motivation, as well as why teachers grade, and how I am also preparing an experiment in the school of my internship, and setting up several interviews with teachers from various backgrounds !

With love, Nate

Submitted December 14, 2023 at 12:39AM by Illustrious-Disk-395

miércoles, 13 de diciembre de 2023

how do i get back on track with school?

no judgement pls- also idk if this is the right place to post this if its not pls lmk of a better subreddit!

im 16 and im supposed to be a high school sophomore but im in 9th grade (sorta). i switched to online school during covid and i was already struggling ALOT in elementary and middle school so when i started doing online school i just cheated my way through because i didn't know anything from the past years and i didn't even finish 8th grade because i got dropped from all my classes and i asked a teacher about what to do and she said because im technically homeschooled i can just go on to 9th grade. i eventually want to go to college and i want to catch up with everything i didn't learn even from elementary school and my mom suggested going back to regular school but im really scared because i don't have all the credits like from 8th grade and bc im a grade behind its rlly embarrassing and i was bullied a lot in school and haven't had a lot of social experience since pre pandemic i think it'll be a lot for me to handle

has anyone else been in a similar situation or have any advice/ideas?

Submitted December 13, 2023 at 02:26PM by sophiab124

Facing low pay, shortages and violence, nearly 60% of surveyed Colorado teachers consider leaving

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Submitted December 13, 2023 at 12:03PM by thecoloradosun

How education is organised in European countries?

I’m interested in how pupils in European countries study. How many subjects do you have. What are these subjects? How often do you take your exams? How do you feel about cheating and fellow’s helping on exam?

Submitted December 13, 2023 at 02:59AM by KlutzyAd3951

martes, 12 de diciembre de 2023

Working with Difficult Supervisor

So a little background….I’ve been a teacher for 9 years and have been the director of a department for several years. This past fall, the school I was at announced that it was closing and I needed to find a new job. I took that time to figure out what I actually want to be doing in my career and excitedly have begun a bit of a career shift towards becoming a LCSW. However, in order to do that, I needed to find someplace that would employ me where I could “double-dip” and get my necessary field works hours done rather than having to work part-time or not at all while in the 2-year program.

Soooo brings me to the reason for my post….my supervisor here at the new school absolutely drives me BONKERS. I have never met someone who is a combination of oblivious and passive-aggressive all at the same time.

I’ve tried two different times over the past two weeks to approach her and have a conversation about how I don’t appreciate the way she speaks to me in front of students, or how she undermines what I am trying to accomplish (again, I’m not a new teacher. I’ve been doing this a long time and am rather successful in it). BUT, every time I try and have a conversation with her, she get’s all defensive and tells me WHY she did certain things and not acknowledging at all my side of things.

It's getting to the point where I’m afraid students will start to see the frustration on my face.

So….HELP! Has anyone been in similar situation? How did you go about it?

TLDR: How do you work with annoying/tricky supervisor?

Submitted December 12, 2023 at 01:58PM by TrainerQuirky

"America’s top universities should abandon their long misadventure into politics, retrain their gaze on their core strengths and rebuild their reputations as centers of research and learning." CNN's Fareed Zakaria

Submitted December 12, 2023 at 10:44AM by Dependent_Wafer3866

English taught upper-secondary education for adults?

I'm trying to find upper-secondary education systems for adults in Europe that are taught in English.
Short story is that I did IB, and scored 23 marks which was 1 mark away from passing and I cannot go to Uni with it. I currently live in Denmark with my partner and cannot really move anywhere, and Denmark being so awesome they decided to remove basically every AP English programs that I could've applied to.
Now what I can do is, acc study in a upper-secondary school for a year, do 2 classes pass them and use my IB diploma marks as an "add-on" to the new upper-education and use it then to apply to Uni.
However, I'm struggling to find adult upper-secondary schools that are English, I know Denmark has one but my Danish is not that good, as I have to do the classes in high level and my country is too undeveloped to even understand what IB is, so I am struggling right now.
Also, I tried the UK, but the ministry of education ain't responding back

Submitted December 12, 2023 at 10:34AM by TheNedi14

Who knows the best platform to teach courses

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Submitted December 12, 2023 at 09:13AM by prica079

lunes, 11 de diciembre de 2023

Anonymous Peer Reviewed Grade?

Hello! I am asking this for my brother, who is currently a senior in college. I work in a middle school but thought I would ask others about how they would handle this situation.

My brother is currently in a class and had to complete a group project with 4 other students. At the end of the project, the group members completed "anonymous peer evaluations" where they graded each other based on certain criteria. My brother recently got is grade back as 20/100 and was shocked. He emailed his professor, who said "my advice is to communicate to your team and understand what can be done to enhance the team dynamics and make sure any obstacles are worked through".

My brother reached out to his group members and asked for feedback. They gave some, and several of the members voluntarily saiid they gave in a C in one area, but all other areas were As and Bs, which does not make sense with a 20/100.

How would you recommend my brother handle the situation?

Submitted December 11, 2023 at 02:36PM by harmonylane

What's a better equitable education system county level of individual district?

In some states counties run the schools in that area. You can have a rural county with one high school with 1000 kids to county with 20 high schools in one county.

Or you can run it by district. One high school per district. Taxes being decided by the voters in that district. Kids going to local schools. Communities deciding budgets not politicians.

Submitted December 11, 2023 at 10:04AM by Dependent_Bug7346

Materials Science Challenges

I’m planning a materials science day for elementary age kiddos, and would love some ideas for challenges! Students will be presented with challenges/learn about engineering/making things 1) stronger, 2) smaller, 3) cleaner, 4) smarter.

Current ideas: -stronger: testing minerals for hardness to determine which is best for a task -cleaner: using corn starch to make biodegradable plastic

Any other ideas welcome!

Submitted December 11, 2023 at 08:42AM by mlittle791

Why do American schools have bands and choruses?

American (and Canadian?) schools typically offer band and/or chorus as classes; while in the rest of the world, music ensembles are only offered as extracurriculars, or not at all.

I'm curious as to how this developed, and whether any other countries have something similar.

Submitted December 11, 2023 at 12:46AM by manicpixidreamgirl04

domingo, 10 de diciembre de 2023

New math tool from

Hi! I shared before my site and want to share one additional tool that I launched this week.
The "Mistake Maker 3000" will generate an example of student work but the student makes a mistake in their work. The idea is this can be used in an error analysis protocol.
GPT3.5 mode usually makes a mistake but I have not yet gotten it to work 100% of the time, GPT 4 mode seems to work 100% of the time. If it seems not to handle any problem well, let me know and I will continue to update the series of prompts.

Submitted December 10, 2023 at 09:54AM by DutyFree7694

Cambridge A levels vs IB

Hi. So I have finished my tenth grade and now I'm a bit conflicted. I am not going to go to a local school for personal reasons and now I am going to go to an international school. Now I don't know whether I should go for Cambridge A Levels or IB. My parents are saying A levels but I want to do IB. So anyone who has gone to or considered IB or A-level schools, could you please suggest which one would be better? Also, those who have done Cambridge A Levels or IB can you please tell me the pros and cons of the boards? I want to make an informed choice before applying to any school. Your help would be appreciated. Thank you so much

Submitted December 10, 2023 at 07:12AM by what_is_life-2212

20 year old highschool dropout who did not pay attention to anything after 8th grade and having anxiety about starting community college

As the title says I made some pretty poor decisions starting around 8th grade. I barely attended freshman year of highschool and then dropped out barely before the begging of sophmore year. I earned my GED with an estimated GPA of 3.2 a year after dropping out.

Besides that though in all this time I have not even tried to get caught up on anything education wise. My parents are offering me a last chance and are more than willing to support me and help me pay for college. So I’m starting community college on January 4th and have my placement test in 2 weeks for the core classes. Does anyone have any advice?My main struggle has always been math and I’ve heard that there are remidial classes available for it all the way down to elementary level math.

These past couple of months I have been studying and trying to figure out what all I’ve missed out on but I’m still very anxious about it. My parents keep saying that I’ll be perfectly fine, and that I’m just going to have to work a lot harder than I would’ve if I stayed in school.

Submitted December 10, 2023 at 06:04AM by BranIsNotMute

Penn president resigns after antisemitism hearing backlash

The University of Pennsylvania’s president has resigned amid pressure from donors and criticism over testimony at a congressional hearing where she was unable to say under repeated questioning that calls on campus for the genocide of Jews would violate the school’s conduct policy.

The chairman of the Ivy League school’s board of trustees, Scott Bok, also resigned immediately during a trustees meeting Saturday evening, just hours after Bok announced Liz Magill’s departure as president in just her second year.

After months of criticism over the university’s handling of many alleged incidents of antisemitism, Bok, a fan of Magill’s, stood up for her.

Submitted December 10, 2023 at 01:41AM by Franciseli

sábado, 9 de diciembre de 2023

SAT compared to HiSET and GED

I got an 1130 on the psat, how will I do with the HiSET and GED?

Submitted December 09, 2023 at 04:23PM by Any_Ad_8779

Survey questions around protected class students?

Hey all,

I'm working on a survey to send to a number of schools participating in an extracurricular activity and I was wondering if I could ask questions like "how many students belong to a protected class?", "How many students have an IEP/504 in your program?" I've been trying to read up on Ferpa and HIPPA, but I'm hoping someone can provide me more direction.


Submitted December 09, 2023 at 06:44AM by AnEducator262

For Educational Purposes

Hello! This is not related to any topic. I'm reaching out to ask for a small favor related to our education. My group and I uploaded a video on YouTube that is crucial for our group project. Your support in watching the video at would not only contribute to the project's success but also help us earn additional points in our class standing. If we reach 1k views, your simple click can make a significant impact. Thank you so much for helping me and my group!

Submitted December 09, 2023 at 05:59AM by FantasticCherry0125

Thoughts to share for professors and teachers

I think what teachers don’t understand or fail to address when speaking on student cheating and academic integrity is that our education system is broken to it’s core. They don’t teach people to think critically, or use their brains. They simply want information memorized and then regurgitated onto a piece of paper for marks “to ensure their understanding”. This isn’t how the real world works. Degrees are essentially useless outside of stem, kids are pressured to simply memorize texts and get good grades. I’d fucking cheat too. Gimme my piece of paper so I can fuck off and be unemployed or under employed in peace, goddamnit. I have a college diploma, an advanced diploma, a degree and 2 interprovincial red seals. You know what makes me the money? The fucking red seals. The degree is a cute picture in my home office I look at sometimes and go “oh ya, forgot I had that”, then move on with my day. All post secondary institutions have become money hungry paper mills. Get the marks, get the paper. There’s no real learning that happens at these places. Don’t kid yourselves. If ya ain’t cheatin. Ya ain’t trying. The kids who are using ARTIFICAL INTELLIGENCE to cheat on your assignments, are probably the “smartest” ones in the room. It’s not about how much knowledge you can memorize, it’s about how quickly you can acesss the knowledge you need, when you need it. AI is an amazing tool for that. And I think the education system should embrace that idea and maybe look at what THEY’RE doing to try and improve on the current curriculum and methods. Sense made? We’ll find out. End rant.

Submitted December 09, 2023 at 01:20AM by comeatnenoob

viernes, 8 de diciembre de 2023

📚 I’m from Spain and I want to go to the US in college (University) to study 📚

I’m from Spain as I said, and I want to know how can I go to the States to study (college, 18 yo) if I’m from Spain. (I don’t have much budget).

Submitted December 08, 2023 at 09:07AM by 11eduu_

Please help me fill this super short survey. Don't mind the company it doesn't matter who and where u r from just answer as my team need to find 100 people to fill this survey.

Submitted December 08, 2023 at 07:59AM by RationallyLogical247

Books in US school system

I am trying to get an idea "what books are typically read by kids in school in the US". I realize that given different states it is impossible to answer, but I also need a list to pass an exam just to get an idea. What I would like is for this list to be complete and "typical". Are there any resources you can recommend? As for age I aim for kids of all ages from the crib to the end of the high school.

Submitted December 08, 2023 at 03:20AM by Quirky_Obligation_64

jueves, 7 de diciembre de 2023

Vouchers Promoted in Tennessee

Gov. Bill Lee of Tennessee is promoting education vouchers in TN. It will change the public education system. Here is an article on the voucher program in Tennessee, and vouchers generally.\_campaign=post&utm\_medium=web

Submitted December 07, 2023 at 09:37PM by davidstuart

Studying in Wharton from UK? Need help

I need some help as I am soon going to start going to UK college in about half a year since I am turning 16 soon & I want to pursue Economics. It has always been a dream of mine to study in an Ivy league business school however I come from a decently low income household, I come from a diverse background where I am Polish and Jewish. I have had many bad things happen to me in my life such as being a survivor of Domestic Violence, been bullied so bad for many years that I had to turn to home-schooling. I'm not trying to trauma dump I just need to mention these things since I really REALLY want to go to an Ivy League but I feel that these things will weigh me down.

I did okay in my opinion in high-school mainly because I didn't really care about high-school that much since I either got bullied extremely to the point where I had to many times leave school for multiple months and miss out on study. Because of that whole experience I kind of gave up on school however since I have been 11 years old I have started doing some form of business / side-hustle.

I had many successful businesses (which I am documenting since I heard this can help me out with my applications) such as a phone buying & repairing venture at age 14 which got me around £2,000 per month (roughly $2,400) I also ran a social media video editing agency where I had 30-40 people working for me. In this social media video editing agency I did work for many many popular YouTubers / Influencers in the Finance Niche and I still have contact with most of them and speak to them semi-regularly. I also currently ran multiple TikTok pages which in total amassed to 500,000 followers & I am currently running a YouTube channel which is monetized and I pay others to edit for me. I am not trying to brag at all I am just wondering if I mention this in my application if it could help me out?

For extra-carriculars I can speak 3 languages (2 of which I am fluent in) I play the Piano, I go to a Martial Arts club and also of course all my other ventures. I am now turning 16 where I will legally be an adult so I need to start thinking about my education more seriously and I am hoping I will go to a college (in the UK) for around 2 years then I would want to go to a very good business / economics university in the UK and then hopefully get into an Ivy League in the USA such as Wharton, On a scale of 1-10 how much possible is this?

Submitted December 07, 2023 at 07:47PM by Amongussussy69420

I’ve been searching for ways to properly handle my concerns about a school vice principal.

I have two daughters in middle school (6-8) in California, their school has amazing teachers, minus one bad seed , but for the most part my kids really look up to their teachers, my issue is with the support staff mainly the vice principal. My 8th grader had her first boyfriend this year , it ended when he asked for inappropriate photos , and got angry when she said no. She ended the “relationship “ and there was no further conflict. About a month later two girls got into a physical fight over this boy. So my daughter was brought into the situation and she had to explain she had no involvement and why . During this time the vice principal demanded her phone . My daughter stated she had nothing to hide but her mother has a very strict policy that she needs to be present. I do this because our district has not had a very good track record with inappropriate behavior between students and teachers. With litigation still pending for failure to protect young boys at the next door elementary school , resulting in the sexual assault of many by a man the school and board protected. As I parent I know kids do not always use great judgment so if there is something on the phone I would rather find it than a stranger . The vice principal then demanded , yelling at her in front of students and said “ your mother has no rights and neither do you , stop with the attitude and give me the phone “. My daughter opened her camera roll but did not hand the phone over , which further angered her because she wanted to see texts , videos , Snapchat ect .” So my daughter walked away to PE. I received a call from a concerned parent over this altercation. I messaged my daughter to check on her , she responded during passing period and was met by the principal who ripped her phone out of her hands. She told him the situation and told her “ I don’t care your mother has no right to know what is happening at school”. After no response, I showed up, voiced my concerns and was met with gaslighting , policy and was told I didn’t fully understand the constitutional rights . Also that schools trump federal law. Which I knew were lies , but not being in the right mindset I left with my child. After school my 6th grade daughter informed me she was approached by the vice principal, asking why I was so upset . She explained “ because of the phone situation and how it was handled “ the vice principal informed her that “ your mother has no rights at school , once you set on school you have no rights and we are your parents now” she also added “ this boy has had multiple notes in his school record dating back to 6th grade for the same thing he asked if your sister , so maybe if your sister and these girls had better taste in boys these things wouldn’t happen to little girls so it’s their own fault”. After this I emailed the school with no response, so I went in to address all of this with a clearer head and a brush up on California education laws as well as the district policy. So when I was told I had no clue , I had proof so my concerns could be heard. There were other minor things I brought up but I think these are huge lying to students and parents about rights , intimidation, and then approaching my younger child to make a point then telling her private confidential information on another student . I still have yet to hear a response on these actions just they would be dealt with , my children do not have much faith that this will be handled and even some school staff is reluctant as well. I feel like this is a small , lower income community so most take the word and advice of the school as truth because they do not fully know their rights and their children’s so they trust school officials to tell the truth. I don’t know how many times I was told I didn’t understand the constitutional right in schools ect. Til I advices him I major in government and history, til I put school on hold to adopt my girls in my early 20s ( they are biologically my sisters) and that I spent hours reading updated policies and law . With just a “wow your dedicated huh?” Response …. I’m frustrated as a parent and for these teachers and students , this district has always like to sweep any misconduct under the rug instead of handing it properly.

Submitted December 07, 2023 at 02:42PM by softballmom1789

Wanting to teach Elementary Art, not sure where to start

Hello, I have been teaching at a private art college for the last four years, teaching figure drawing and basic drawing classes. I was hired as an adjunct and not given any benefits or great pay or support, and I feel like the environment is toxic and dead end. They decided not to hire me next semester and give my position to someone who can be paid even cheaper and I feel like I’m at my wits end with this institution. I want to transition to teaching art at the elementary school level but am not sure what I need to do degree wise to be able to. I have a Bachelors in Fine Arts as well as a Masters in Fine Art (Visual Studies, Studio Art). I’m wondering if I need to get another degree in education, and what kind? Or would I need to pursue a masters in art education? I have experience teaching young children at. Private owned studio but no official classroom experience. I’m just at a loss what my next step would be.

I would love any input or help! I’m also in Oregon if that helps (I know they have specific licensure requirements as well).

Submitted December 07, 2023 at 02:07PM by Low_Cycle_6736

miércoles, 6 de diciembre de 2023

I have a zoom meeting for a disciplinary hearing tomorrow, for a child that has assaulted me, and at least half my class

I am a first year assistant and a 20 year old woman.

My lead and I suspect fetal alcohol syndrome, and abuse. The child has no IEP. The mother has not consented to him being evaluated. He is past his maximum suspension time, as a kindergartener. He has some sort of speech issue, and has a cleft palate with a scar.

In November, I picked up the child and he tried to bite my chest and grab at it. When I tried to pull him off, he laughed. I should’ve known better than to pick him up, but I didn’t connect the fact that he had already made sexual advances on his classmates. I picked him up because he was a rolling under the carpet in another teacher’s classroom, and disrupting. It was the second time in 5 minutes, and I figured I could just carry him back to the classroom. I overheard his mother, when she came to pick him up hours after she was called- “I’m sorry, I don’t know where he picks this stuff up.”

After that, incident reports were filed, I had to take an hour to myself, the works. I cried in front of my boss who was understanding. Because admin never has their shit together, after Thanksgiving break, I was alone with my class at recess; I’m not supposed to be. He ended up hurting his face. Thankfully, one of my bosses actually apologized for it.

I have been informed by two of my bosses that the school would be moving forward in the attempt to expel him. I was ecstatic when I heard this news. Of course, in between then and the last time he was at school, he assaulted more children. I think the last time he was at school was over a week ago. Just this past Monday, we were informed that the board approved a disciplinary hearing for him and that his mother said she was withdrawing him. We were also told that he has a step dad and an older sister at home. Tomorrow is the disciplinary hearing. I am out of work tomorrow for a dentist appointment, but I was asked to join the zoom.

I know I shouldn’t let work tear me up, but fuck CPS. Fuck this broken system. My heart breaks for this kid, as much as I am disgusted and honestly traumatized. That being said, I cannot imagine the trauma this child is going through and will continue to go through at the hands of the system and his family.

I feel for him because CPS also screwed me over as a child. They visited the house, but interviewed me next to the problem, took his word for it, and left. I am still trying to put my life back together.

The children in my class might need therapy for what they’ve been through.

Now, I am part of the process of expelling this child, and hoping that he doesn’t completely fall through the cracks. Knowing that he already is. I am thankful that my class is safe now, but I know this child is not safe. This will never leave my mind.

If anyone has any similar experiences they want to talk about, advice, or opinions, feel free to comment.

Submitted December 06, 2023 at 05:04PM by Separate-Scratch-839

Black educators - what is your why?

Hey, all! I'm currently an IA. I'm finishing my bachelors degree and currently deciding if I want to apply to teacher programs. I guess I just wanted to hear from my community on why they decided to become a teacher. Was it prior experiences? Socially or racially motivated? Was it because it's your passion? Is it all of that? Is it something else? I just really want to hear from all my Black educators out there. Thanks!

Submitted December 06, 2023 at 01:36PM by ss3walkman

BSAP Grant

Hi everyone,

I am a classified employee at my school site, and was informed I could submit a proposal for a BSAP grant. This program was established to help our black and brown students succeed in their academic journey. I wanted to write my proposal on creating a reading incentive program that motivates our students to read. In an article, published in 2019, three out of four black students in California were failing to meet the reading standards. I want to incorporate culturally relevant reading, as well as incentives that will further their motivation to participate in learning. I want to give the students their own collection of books in which they can see characters that look like them, or books about people they know. I would like to know if this is a good idea, or just something that is unrealistic. Thank you.

Submitted December 06, 2023 at 10:23AM by confusedlilthang

Artist creates sculptures of students out of textbooks, highlighting the overuse of textual material in education and assessment.

The images of this artist are very cool and even powerful.

He seems to be saying we turn our students into versions of textbooks through the use of text and conservative assessment tools.

If you scroll under the text, you see some of the artist's work. What do you think? Is this artist correct? How do we make school more experiential and non-textual?

Submitted December 06, 2023 at 04:55AM by gubernatus

martes, 5 de diciembre de 2023

Advice on where to start as a 33 year old looking to finish Bach degree quickly

I'm sorry--I'm sure this page sees this question often but I don't even know where to start. |Feel free to link me to where I might be able to find these answers somewhere else.

I recently lost my job (where I was heavily respected and relied on by upper management) but, because I don't have a degree, even getting an interview has been an absolute kick to the balls.
I've never felt so worthless as a human being.
So I've decided I want to finally finish my degree in hopes that it will help me further my career in the long run.
I've tried to start my research but catch myself going down so many rabbit holes with different/conflicting info. And honestly, my issues with attention are arguably the reason why I have never finished my degree in the first place. So all of this information is so overwhelming for me.

I'm hoping someone might have some more straightforward advice on how to start.

Here's the basics:

I'm 33 years old. In Chicago.
I have been in and out of school multiple times in my life (I have credits from 4 different schools).
I've got 58.5 credits as of right now but nothing to show of it.
In the Chicago City Colleges' (CCC) system I'm one biology class and maybe two electives short of an official Associate Degree.

I want to get a Bachelor's degree (most likely in Business Admin) as quickly as possible.
At 33 years old, I don't need to spend any time or money taking religion 101, you know?
I don't mind if it's not super well respected, as long as it's legit.
I've heard people say Capella and SNHU are good schools for adults, but that they have issues with transferring credits or with employers thinking they aren't legit?

-Do I finish my Associates degree at CCC and then go on to complete a Bach somewhere else? Or just take my credits and go straight to another school to pursue the Bach degree?

-Does anyone have any advice on schools like Capella or SNHU?

-Or any other suggestions on schools that are good for adults who want to bi-pass the irrelevant gen eds?

-Do you have advice on any grants/scholarships that could help me even pay to go back? (That's a whole box of worms I haven't even thought about)

-Also--If I got financial aid to go to a for-profit school such as Capella, does that mean if the government ever forgives our student loans that I wouldn't be eligible for that?

Any advice or direction would be so helpful and mean a lot to me!

Submitted December 05, 2023 at 01:45PM by kadesmlades

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Submitted March 25, 2019 at 07:25AM by Asclepias_metis

Can I get my GED from a different country?

I'll try to keep ot as brief as possible.

I was raised in the USA as an illegal immigrant, I dropped out in 9th grade. Im now living in my home country, I decided I wish to finish highschool or get my GED but if I study in my home country I would have to do it in spanish which would add alot of difficulty to the challenge. Im wondering if I can complete my GED in english online in some way. Is this possible?

Submitted December 05, 2023 at 11:35AM by IamTheOneUnderTheSun

lunes, 4 de diciembre de 2023

Question About STAAR test

What happens if a student keeps running out of time every single time they take the STAAR test and fails it as a result? The student is unable to complete test the within the standard four hour time limit due to a disability. To be honest, I don’t know how Texas state law would address and repair the problem.

I was wondering because the tests I took back when I was in school were never timed (especially since I have Autism and Tourette’s). The standardized test I took was the TAAS which was never timed.

Submitted December 04, 2023 at 05:00PM by Eastern-Ad-600

Teaching assistant (early years)

Hello there, my Wife is due to begin a course in the New Year which is the introductory teaching assistant course. She is a foreign national, and as such English is not her native language- she has been told that there will be a numeracy and literacy test as part of the induction and it would be very helpful if there were any resources online which she'd be able to use to prepare for this.

Does anyone know of any? We are in the United Kingdom, so apologies if I have posted to the wrong sub.

Thank you!

Submitted December 04, 2023 at 11:37AM by Competitive-Reach379

Masters in Education/ Job Advice

I’m from NY and I’m getting a bachelors degree in Philosophy Politics and Law. It is too late for me to switch my major as I am graduating this spring, but I want to pursue a masters in education and become a teacher though my bachelors has nothing to do with that. After I graduate I’m taking a year off before getting my masters but I plan to work during this time. Originally, because I thought I had wanted to go to law school, the plan was to work at a law firm and decide whether or not I liked it there. If I didn’t like it, I was going to pursue my masters in education. However, now that my plans have changed, I have my heart set on becoming a teacher and I want to do something related to the field of teaching during this year off, especially so that I’m prepared for my masters and am accepted into the school. Any advice? I’m in an area with a pretty large school district, but I don’t know what kind of jobs I can get with just my bachelors at a school. Do you have any advice for me or know what I could do during this time?

Submitted December 04, 2023 at 11:04AM by FlowerPuffGirls

NGAT - Grade 4 - PDSB

My son in currently in Grade 4 and did NGAT test few weeks back. It was conducted in 2 sessions. he told that first day test was bit easy and he could complete all 40 questions quickly within time. But 2nd day test was bit difficult and he completed 32 out of 40 questions.

I just want to know how difficult the test would be? Is it really hard to complete all 80 questions on time by 4th grader?

Submitted December 04, 2023 at 10:04AM by SwordfishCautious621

domingo, 3 de diciembre de 2023

I need advice for university

Hi I'm a 17yr old male from sweden. I study the natural science program and it's going quite well. As of now my plan is to work in the bioengineering/biomedical engineering fields but I haven't managed to find a good university where I can study everything there is to know about genetics and crispr etc(that's doesn't require almost straight A's) studying abroad isn't an option for me since I do believe that I'm not ready for such a step in my life yet.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated

Submitted December 03, 2023 at 08:48AM by xX_subway_worker_Xx

Why do high school students put so much unnecessary pressure on themselves to be perfect?

For example, if they got a 99 on a test, they treat it like a failure because it wasn’t 100, while anyone else would be extremely happy with it. And report cards too, if they got straight A’s, but not every A was an A+, it’s a failure in their eyes. Now honestly, what college would not accept your application just because you fell short of a 4.0 GPA and got a 3.9?

Submitted December 03, 2023 at 08:49AM by Wink2K19

Advice on university education

Hello guys!!

Im a 17 year old girl rn with a while left for uni. I am planning on doing bachelors in computer science online from a university of uk with bachelors in dentistry in person from a university in pakistan. Do you guys think i will be too stressed and if i should drop one of the majors? If yes, which one?

I really want a computer science degree as well so i can work from home…

Submitted December 03, 2023 at 05:58AM by Notheratall__

sábado, 2 de diciembre de 2023

Compilation of Education Reform Ideas

Hey there, I’m a 19-year-old student with a strong interest in how American schools could be improved. So strong, in fact, that I’ve been devising an educational model for over a year within this Google Doc. The project is finished in the sense that I’m done with the six essays, but now I’m not sure what the next step is besides additional editing. To give you an idea, there are approximately 7,500 words spread across 25 pages if one ignores the 85 links that I cited. Suggestions and feedback are appreciated!

Submitted December 02, 2023 at 09:10PM by JustAGuyNamedEli

Down with the Gag Order Against NYC Teachers!

Class Struggle Education Workers Protest D.O.E. Attempt to Ban Opposition to U.S./Israel War

Down with the Gag Order Against NYC Teachers!

By Class Struggle Education Workers/UFT

Almost immediately after Israel launched its massive bombing campaign against Gaza in response to the breakout attack by Islamist Hamas fighters, followed by their indefensible killing of several hundred Israeli Jews in nearby communities, Israel’s imperialist backers went on the warpath to squelch opposition to the unfolding Zionist slaughter. In various European countries Palestinian solidarity demonstrations were repeatedly banned outright. In the United States the repressive campaign was directed at universities in particular, where support for the Palestinians is widespread, but also against K-12 schools. Any and all protests against Israel’s mass murder were labeled anti-Semitic, including those by anti-Zionist Jewish groups. The drive to shut down opposition to U.S. president Joe Biden’s emphatic support for, and arming of, Israel intensified as people could see how the Zionist militarists’ bombing and subsequent ground invasion of Gaza amounted to a genocidal assault against the entire Palestinian population... Read more at Class Struggle Education Workers.

Submitted December 02, 2023 at 03:39PM by a_indabronx

Asking for academic articles

Hey (M22) asking for academic research that support my claims on my on going study about Montessori. My claims are two. First, there is a concern to understand authentic montessori educational purposes and alot of institutions not righfully implemented Montessori philosophy although the put the name on theirs. Second, Montessori name only labelled for profit-driven purposes to gain atractions (i read this on a lot of web articles) however i still couldn't find any academic papers that support the second claim. Apologies for my poor english.

Submitted December 02, 2023 at 01:38PM by hai_fay

viernes, 1 de diciembre de 2023

Gap year

I think we should encourage people to take gal years. it is the first time a person is an adult and they really have an opportunity to explore the world in a way that is very unique to this stage of their life. it is an opportunity to develop interests and worldviews before dedicating at least four years to specialising in something. is it also an opportunity to check(ascertain) how the stuff they learnt at school holds up in the real world and if the education(university) paradigm is worthwhile at all

Submitted December 02, 2023 at 12:18AM by Longjumping-Ad5084

Teaching English to an adult for the purpose of business communication.

Hey guys, so basically I will be undertaking to teach an adult, English for the purpose of improving his general English skills and business communication. The person is somewhat educated in English, but still his foundations aren't very strong. The reason he wants to improve his skills is so that he doesn't face problem in the corporate world, and is able to conduct business well, also, he plans to go abroad. Since this is my first time teaching English to someone else, I would love to get some help and advice on effective ways to teach. For starters, here is the curriculum I prepared for our sessions, I also plan to use a basic English grammar book like wren and martin as a reference to practice grammar, would appreciate feedback, improvements or other things that I should include. Thanks for your time.

Submitted December 01, 2023 at 11:10AM by RushanKhan

Computer science degree useless

Is there any point in doing a computer science degree, I’ve done research and found that the a computer science degree on its own is useless and is only good if you specialise in a specific thing.

However I don’t know ow what I want to specialise yet, can you do computer science and then do a specialised masters?

Submitted December 01, 2023 at 10:18AM by Separate_Tune3662

Should Drug Education Exist in Primary Schools?

When do you think that drug education should really start?

Submitted December 01, 2023 at 07:38AM by qqlan

Fertility as Spirituality in Modern Art: Mediterranean #Mythology and Be...

Fertility as Spirituality in Modern Art: Mediterranean #Mythology and Beyond International Conference

Submitted December 01, 2023 at 04:24AM by Nuit11