martes, 26 de diciembre de 2023


Hello all.

I'm a former homeschooler who now teaches classes in parenting. My focus is on Thomistic/Aristotelian virtue ethics and how they can be applied to child development and parenting.

As always the teacher has become the student, and I find myself immersed in a deep dive exploration of early childhood development and the importance of handwork.

I am seeking sources, information, input, whatever on any pedagogy or school of thought provides insight on the following:

-hand and mouth/sensory input -hand/mind connection -rhythm, repetition, and focus -practical advice for optimizing "hand intelligence"

I am somewhat familiar with the works of Rudolf Steiner and Maria Montessori but am very keen to get specific material recommendations.

If it helps, I am coming from a Catholic perspective but would welcome sources from all walks of life: ancient, modern/western medicine, pagan, classical, art teachers, whatever. Even books unrelated to early childhood, like The Body Keeps the Score, have proven invaluable sources for me. I figure if it is true it can be reconciled regardless of the source.

I realize this might be a slightly esoteric question? (Or maybe not) so I am cross posting in several communities.

Thank you so much for your time and input.

Submitted December 26, 2023 at 08:24AM by NorwegianTrollToll

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