jueves, 7 de diciembre de 2023

Wanting to teach Elementary Art, not sure where to start

Hello, I have been teaching at a private art college for the last four years, teaching figure drawing and basic drawing classes. I was hired as an adjunct and not given any benefits or great pay or support, and I feel like the environment is toxic and dead end. They decided not to hire me next semester and give my position to someone who can be paid even cheaper and I feel like I’m at my wits end with this institution. I want to transition to teaching art at the elementary school level but am not sure what I need to do degree wise to be able to. I have a Bachelors in Fine Arts as well as a Masters in Fine Art (Visual Studies, Studio Art). I’m wondering if I need to get another degree in education, and what kind? Or would I need to pursue a masters in art education? I have experience teaching young children at. Private owned studio but no official classroom experience. I’m just at a loss what my next step would be.

I would love any input or help! I’m also in Oregon if that helps (I know they have specific licensure requirements as well).

Submitted December 07, 2023 at 02:07PM by Low_Cycle_6736 https://ift.tt/aiYgIhS

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