martes, 10 de enero de 2023

I am having trouble deciding my extra module for university. Need advice

Hey everyone. So I am really needing some advice here. I am studying Computer Science in the UK and we are required by our university to pick an extra module of our liking which will start now on the 2nd semester. I haven't picked mine yet and I have just a few hours to send an email with my choices (I have to make a list of 3 options by order of most favorite basically).

However, I'm unsure what to pick. I speak 3 languages and that's something that I'm quite proud of myself for so I always wanted to learn a few more. The one I'd like to learn the most right now is Japanese, which I have already done some learning by myself but I thought picking it up as a module would help me study it on a regular basis, however I can only pick it up on the 2nd year. Right now the only two available languages are Mandarin and Italian. Italian is not a bad option but it's similar to my native language enough that I can understand at least 60% of it already, but can't speak. Mandarin sounds interesting but a bit intimidating.

Despite enjoying languages though I was considering something that is not as easy to find tons of free options of learning online and these are the modules I was considering:

  • An Introduction to Entrepreneurship
  • Developing your Personal Entrepreneurial Skills
  • Introduction to Negotiation
  • Effective Communication Skills 1

Now for reference I'm not that great with communication, I'm a little bit of an introvert, but I would like to become really good with communication. Negotiation is a skill that could also come in handy but I guess it's something I could learn on the internet maybe? And as for Entrepreneur stuff, basically I understand very little about business and/or entrepreneurship, I know my course allows me to get a job in the future but I'm mostly studying for the knowledge, not the qualifications, ideally I'd love to have my own company/companies in the future so I thought this knowledge could come in handy.

Submitted January 10, 2023 at 05:43AM by OvercookedSatellite

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