lunes, 9 de enero de 2023

What do you think of Democratic Education? Any studies measuring their effectiveness?

Hi, I'm a social sciences hobbyist who's interested in education reform. I'm very interested in democratic education, where students are treated as equals and schools are run as direct democracies, but have had trouble finding evidence either in favor or against them, with most studies conducted by the schools themselves.

I doubt that democratic education leads to increased performance on traditional standardized tests, but I also doubt that standardized tests are a good measure of actual intelligence. Have any studies been conducted on the outcomes of democratic school students vs traditional school students in any of the following metrics;

-self-reported emotional wellbeing

-self reported life evaluation

-fluid intelligence

-Torrance tests of creative thinking

-openness to experience (Big 5)/other measures of curiosity


-conscientiousness (Big 5)

-percentage of graduates who became entrepreneurs, creatives, scientists, engineers, leaders, etc.

-metrics other than standardized test scores that I haven't thought of

What are your personal thoughts on democratic education? Would you send your child to a democratic school?

Submitted January 09, 2023 at 03:00PM by Pyropeace

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