viernes, 31 de marzo de 2023

Video on Assessing Data Analysis SEP4 in NGSS

Most teachers go over how to Graph, but we often don't give scored feedback on Graph and Data Analysis skills related to these figures.

Check out my latest video on SEP 4 in NGSS, which includes a Rubric and Assessment to help you evaluate your students' Ability to Analysis Graphs and Data. It was made with some help from ChatGPT.

#NGSS #ScienceEducation #STEM #dataanalysis #TeacherPD #SEP4 #chatgpt #chatgpttutorial

Submitted March 31, 2023 at 09:16AM by McLearnwithMcLaren

At a crossroad in my life. Advice needed

Im not sure if this is the place to post this but I could use some advice. I’m at a crossroads in my life right now and I was hoping to get a little bit of advice from you great people. I’m a 28M student in New York right now at my local community college. Looking to pursue with getting a degree in Music. Wether that would be music education, therapy, performance etc. I’m not 100% sure what road to take, but I’ll cross that road when it gets closer to transferring out to another school (I’ve still got some time to think about it). I’ve had a music background ever since I was 12 and I can say it’s definitely a passion of mine. It’s the best thing I’m good at in my life. If I can get some position/job in the music field I would be happy. I’m currently working full time at a dead end job in retail that seems to be getting worse as the months go on (Hot shot management) and I’m going to school part time. Getting to my point, I was at my campus in the music department about a month ago and a counselor said I should be doing school full time with the most serious face I’ve ever seen from somebody. That really stuck with me and it made me think what am I doing with my life currently. Should I make the switch doing full time at school and part time at work? I’m grateful that I’m in a position where there is still a chance to make this happen (No kids, house, not a lot of bills, good amount of money saved up etc etc.). I have the loving and financial support from my family if I need them which I’m grateful for. They completely support me. The only thing that is making me hesitate is the jobs medical benefits. They definitely are good ones and once I demote myself I lose all of them. Some people told me a can pay for benefits from an outside insurance company but I’m sure it’s expensive. I’m just not sure if I should make the change. Life it about taking risks. Some of the greatest people that have lived had to take risks to make it and be somebody. I know if I don’t I’ll probably be stuck here and be stuck with the “what ifs”. Anyways, any advice would be appreciated

Submitted March 31, 2023 at 08:02AM by Goodtimeswithtim

Easiest Way to File EPFO e-Nomination

No text found

Submitted March 31, 2023 at 03:10AM by MaleficentFinance633

When you think about it, a C is really NOT much of bad grade or isn’t a bad grade at all.

A C is 7/10. Right? 7/10 is, also, 70/100 and 700/1,000.

If you climbed 70 stairs, out of 100, you still climbed 70 stairs!

If you were given $700 bucks while someone else received $300, from a game you played, out of $1,000, you were very successful in getting a big $700 dollars! That, itself, is almost $1,000!

If there’s a 70% chance that it’s going to rain tomorrow, you bet your ass you will bring some rain clothes.

The grading system is so bad. This is how the grading system should be:

  • F 00%-49%
  • D 50%-59%
  • C 60%-69%
  • B 70%-79%
  • A 80%-89%
  • A+ 90%-100%

Submitted March 31, 2023 at 01:31AM by humbledaur

jueves, 30 de marzo de 2023

Survey about computer science for K-12 Teachers


I am an educational researcher (and also a teacher) and one of the areas I study is computer science/computational thinking in the classroom, and there's so much research out there but nobody really puts it into practice. If you are a K-12 teacher, would you mind taking my survey? It should take less than 10 minutes.

Link to survey

This survey is on Qualtrics and no identifying information is retained.

Submitted March 30, 2023 at 09:39AM by z0mbiepirate

I unschool my 5 kids. This is how much it costs.

We’re a family of two parents and 5 children aged 5 to 19. We’ve been on our unschooling journey for over 10 years now. There is no going back or no other way for us. The inefficiencies and stress of schools are just too much for us to bear.

We do get tempted with going back to school and sometimes drool at private schools. We then figure the £3k a month it would cost (for 3 of the kids) is ridiculous. There are so many better ways to spend that kind of money.

The cost of unschooling for us

What we spend our money on varies year by year, but hopefully, this will paint a rough picture.

The numbers are rounded and also shown as a monthly cost for easy calculation. Some things we pay per session, per month or per term.

  • Forest School, 1 x 3 hour session per week x 3 kids = £400 per term / £100 per month
  • Badminton, 1 x 1 hour session x 1 kid = £60 per term / £15 per month
  • Swimming x 1 session per week x 3 kids = free, a trip to a cafe afterwards £100 per month
  • Swimming with a friend 1 x per week x 1 child = £40 per month (includes food afterwards)
  • Football x 2 sessions per week x 1 kid = £50 per month
  • Gymnastics x 2 kids, 1 session per week = £60 per month
  • Annual membership to Paradise Park (play area) = £72 per year / £12 per month
  • Annual membership to Drusillas Park x 3 (Zoo + Park) = £300 per year / £25 per month
  • Books: Our eldest reads a lot and has access to my Amazon account to order books, I’ve lost track of cost, but maybe £150 per month
  • Open University course x 2 (for our eldest) = £3k / £250 per month
  • A home ed friendly education space (coming soon for us)for 1 x day x 2 kids = £70 per week / £280 per month
  • Crafts and books for our younger ones = roughly £150 per month
  • Misc outings = £150 p/m

💰 Total monthly cost to unschool our five children: £1382

The hidden costs of unschooling

Of course, these are just the costs of things we sign up for. What is not included here is our time as parents and the cost of driving the kids to things.

My husband and I share unschooling duties fairly between us. I work for myself and I bring my laptop with me whenever I think there will be an opportunity for me to sit down for 1–3 hours to do some work. Often it’s easier, cheaper and more efficient to work whilst I sit and wait for sessions to finish rather than going back home.

The important thing to remember here is that our kids have opted in for all these activities. We only do what they are interested in. And this is what makes unschooling beautiful.

Submitted March 30, 2023 at 09:31AM by rosiesherry

What is everyone’s experience with The Open University/ (UK)

I’m considering doing a marine biology course. I don’t live near any colleges/universities that do it. How reliable are they? Is it worth enrolling?

Sorry if this isn’t the place for it but I wasn’t really sure where else to ask haha.

Submitted March 30, 2023 at 06:43AM by dustbin-account

Revision tips

I have a big exam coming up and have 3 weeks to revise for it. The subjects are math, physics, and chemistry. In total, I have about 90 chapters to revise (4/5 chapters per theme, for example 4 chapters for electricity). I was wondering wherever I should spend the first week and a half learning and studying each chapter, and then spend the other week and a half going through the subjects again and deepening my knowledge. Or should I use a different method?

Submitted March 30, 2023 at 03:43AM by Zigoba

How to do a presentation without getting nervous?

I was supposed to show my presentation today to my prof over Zoom and thought I'd just do it no matter how nervous I get. But I threw up and started to cry and had to cancel last minute. Now I have to repeat the class another semester. But I don't know what to do if I still feel this extremely stressed next time. I don't really wanna drop out just because of this.

I almost thought about drinking before a presentation but then got worried that I'd just still be nervous AND drunk. I've tried a few techniques for calming down like breathing exercises but it doesn't do shit for me. I need something that absolutely definitely works.

Submitted March 30, 2023 at 12:39AM by Keplars

miércoles, 29 de marzo de 2023

Is it possible to go through life with a GED?

I moved to a different country my last year of high school and couldn’t finish my last year in my new country because it took a whole year to get all my new documentation, i went back to the US for a few months and quickly got my GED with very good scores (the same year i was supposed to graduate), but now i’m wondering if not having a HS diploma is gonna mess up my future plans, is it actually no big deal or should be worried?

Submitted March 29, 2023 at 08:05PM by Level_Assumption_140

I submitted this comment to CA SB274, which removes the ability to suspend ANY K-12 student for disruption. It also addresses truancy - and that's where Sen Skinner's bill went wrong

I doubt it is our good Senator Skinner's intention that MTSS, a positive behavior and wrap-around school system, only be used for tardiness and absenteeism. But that's what her revision of Ed Code Section 48900 (w) states. The provision to require the use of MTSS is buried under a subsection to address truancy and will be misinterpreted to only apply to truancy. If it’s not her intention, then SB274, as written, needs to be revised or rejected. The order of subsections matters. I know. I've tried to get top administrators to follow the spirit of Ed Code, but, nowadays, if there is any wiggle room, they will interpret it to their advantage - and it's gutting K-12 education.

Whenever a student is disruptive, by the very definition of the word, learning in the classroom has stopped. How is that fair to the students and parents of the kids that came to school to be educated? Subsection 48900(w)(2) needs to be moved to the top of the proposed revision - with some real consequences for lack of MTSS compliance. Real MTSS REQUIRES admin to step up.

Since the California Dept of Ed hasn’t yet bothered to check if all districts have a working Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS), if/when passed, SB274 needs to have a delayed start date until every district can sufficiently prove they have a real and active MTSS. In doing so, California will then be able to better support students and hang onto teachers. It must be obvious to any sentient lawmaker that our current system isn’t working. Sen Skinner must take this opportunity to help fix it.

We need STRONG provisions to address the lack of accountability of school administrators to implement MTSS and other education legal requirements - not necessarily in this particular law, but somewhere prominently in Ed Code. As written, Sen Skinner's revision continues to place classroom behavior on the backs of teachers. It will drive more teachers out of the profession and, far worse, further erode the ability of California public and charter school students to get an education that will ensure a successful future. Isn't an appropriate education the entire point?

I left the teaching profession earlier than planned when it became clear that top administrators had no intention of stepping-up to make it possible for teachers to actually teach. They took advantage of the lax state oversight of administrators and never set up a real Multi-Tiered System of Support - then lied about it in the LCAPs (state school district plans). My local school district avoids ANY real consequences for bad behavior unless an important parent complains. Consequently, it is quickly becoming too dangerous to teach. As of today, March 29, 2023, my local district is advertising to replace 20% of their teaching force, and more teachers plan to resign. For my last eight years as a teacher, a profession I had loved, teachers became entirely responsible for behavior, attendance, supplies, parent communication, mental health issues, IEP accommodations, independent study files, and for the protection of students from bullying - all tasks for which I had previously received admin support. Did I mention BEHAVIOR? It's damn important! Without consequences, bad behavior grows exponentially and then no one learns.

Submitted March 29, 2023 at 12:48PM by MantaRay2256

Job Interview Rant

Why do schools insist on interviewing during the school day? I understand that’s the best time for them, but they want an experienced teacher, which usually means the teacher is working in a classroom. They know how hard it is to get a substitute, they should know better. Also, I cannot continuously leave my job because of interviews. What if I don’t get the job, and I take all this time off sporadically? Then I’m stuck on a burning bridge. I’m so frustrated and defeated.

Submitted March 29, 2023 at 09:24AM by dw1210

Would you consider this cheating?

So i have an exam on Thursday and your allowed to take a regulation book inside the exam with you and it has like 50 pages for notes at this back. So basically im filling up them pages with notes from subjects I’ve predicted to be on the exam from looking at the last exam pages.

I can’t decide if its cheating or not because if your allowed to take the book in and it has a section for notes im just using the section as it’s supposed to be used.

Submitted March 29, 2023 at 03:09AM by Desperate_Aide_4807

martes, 28 de marzo de 2023

Transferring credits US -> UK/Ireland

I'm an American in my first year of Uni. I was planning on finishing my degree here and then starting my life/career in England. However, now I'm wondering if I should continue my education there already because it might be cheaper. But the credit requirements for Uni degrees in US and the EU/UK are very different. If I continue my education in the EU/UK, will my AP credits be for nothing? Will all the courses I've already taken be for nothing?

I hope any of you guys will be able to help with this REALLY specific question. THANK YOU!

Submitted March 28, 2023 at 07:58PM by Z3e24c123

How do I study as a middle schooler?

I’m a middle schooler and I want to start studying to prepare myself for high school I want to know a few study methods and maybe a few app recommendations or ways to take takes notes.

Submitted March 28, 2023 at 04:00PM by Cat-lover3

Critical math for computer science


I have had homeschooling for the past 5 years and will start a computer science degree next year at my local university. There's obviously a lot of math involved, and I am looking to catch up on that a bit. The math I've seen doesn't really compare to high school math and I haven't encountered all the topics you typically see. I will have discrete math (collections, relations, and functions), vectors and projection, differential equations, integrals, etc in my degree (just the first year, but once I catch up the following years won't be an issue). Since math, algebra, and geometry are so broad, it's impossible to learn them all, so I want to focus on the most important topics that I will definitely need.

What are the most crucial concepts and things to learn and understand in math/algebra, that have prioritization over other topics?

(I am writing this in between research and calling the university for information, so it may seem like an underresearched issue and written too quickly. Partly true :))

Submitted March 28, 2023 at 07:05AM by KayaSem

The role of English language.

What are your personal thoughts on the role of learning the English language for a student. Is it necessary? In what ways would it be different if it was another language?

Submitted March 28, 2023 at 12:31AM by ButterflyResident213

lunes, 27 de marzo de 2023

Sen needs (British)

I know this sub Reddit is mostly American but

Has anyone had experience with ehcp assessments and what to do/not to do in them?


Submitted March 27, 2023 at 10:23PM by GroovingPenguin

How do teachers feels about lecture/seminar recordings?

As a student of courses and seminars, I hate it when there's no transcripts provided as I fail to learn some part of the content. Do teachers feel the same too? Recently came across other student projects looking to provide captioning for recordings and it made me wonder, how have these not existed yet to help both students and teachers

Submitted March 27, 2023 at 08:55PM by akimastina

Sharpen Your Math Skills with MathHeads: Gamifying Math

I have developed a mental math game called MathHeads, which is aimed at helping people to sharpen their mathematical skills. The game can be played on both mobile and desktop devices, and is designed to be engaging and fun.

Through gamification, MathHeads aims to facilitate the learning process by making it more engaging. The game features three difficulty levels, including easy, medium, and hard.

After playing the game for a week, I have already noticed significant improvements in my mental math skills. I recently achieved a high score of 51 on the medium level, compared to just 30 on my first attempt. I believe that MathHeads is a great way for kids to have fun while improving their mental math abilities.

I would appreciate any feedback or suggestions for improvement. Thank you for giving MathHeads a try!

Play Here -

Submitted March 27, 2023 at 11:26AM by amanr2021

Ed.D after Law School?

Is this possible with minimal work experience? I have a substantial interest in the program, and relevant summer experiences.

Submitted March 27, 2023 at 10:29AM by Middle_Web_2718

What can I do meet math requirements in ontario?

I want to purse chemistry but, I need grade 12u math and chemistry. I've only done college level courses and the adult school seems to only offer the same.

Any suggestions?

Submitted March 27, 2023 at 07:48AM by Harudied

domingo, 26 de marzo de 2023

Using GPT to Teach Writing

TL;DR: How are you using AI to give students immediate feedback on their work?

Thinking out-loud:

Today in class, I wanted students writing their own editorials to include their own 'voice'. When asked how you create your own voice, we went through a few items related to modes of discourse (the way we talk to a teacher vs. talk to a friend), and how a persuasive piece of writing could be imbued with thinking that goes beyond just an audience of academics or teachers.

I want to know if it'd worth my time to use ChatGPT to create scaffolded guides for immediate feedback on student voice and style.

I've experimented with the AI Playground feature of OpenAI's site, where after providing an input, students can receive generally accurate feedback on whether they start a paragraph with an arguable claim, are describing evidence to a reasonable degree, and are justifying the opinion created at the outset of the paragraph.

I feel there are ways I can automate student feedback for writing to help differentiate, for example the 'writing with your own voice' portion of an editorial style. Hypothetically I could use the code for specific student feedback I want, imbed it within a host website so they can receive immediate feedback.

Or would it be smarter/easier to instruct students themselves how to use the parameters I use? That way they could just copy/paste the parameters I make for OpenAI, and then they can use that as their own tool for checking their own writing?

I'd love to hear what other teachers are doing in terms of automating feedback for scaffolding using AI. I'm already aware of AI for my personal use in writing comments and developing resources, but I'd also like to integrate it more within the writing process for students as well.

Submitted March 26, 2023 at 11:12PM by hobojoe488

Which is the better model: Middle School or Jr High?

Classic Jr High's date back to the early 1920s, and most commonly have weaved students in grades 7, 8, and 9. In more modern times between the 80s and now, some Jr highs might be grades 8 and 9.

Classic middle schools date back to the mid 1980s, when school districts transitioned their school grade set-ups to different models depending on population increases in their district boundary zones, how many buildings were available, and with the interest in changing the age gap by about a year at either end. They are usually grades 6, 7, and 8. Some districts might keep 6th graders in elementary school and then do only grades 7 and 8 in middle school; it is common for many preteen tv sitcoms to follow the 7th/8th grade middle school model to make airtime shorter in anticipation of cancelations of certain TV shows, and the Disney Channel has often popularized this method.

My school district adopted transitioned their junior highs 7-9 to middle schools 6-8 in the mid 1980s, and I attended a K-8 school up until 7th grade, followed by transferring to a traditional middle school just for their final offered grade of 8th grade (due to bullying and poor admin, lack of student resources and poor staffing, I wanted the true Big School Experience before going into an overcrowded high school atmosphere).

There is only one school district in my region that I know of that still exercises the Classic Jr High 7/8/9 model, and I dont know much about it, but maybe their district admins are just bull-headed and super stubborn, avoidant of change, and they want to remain the odd one out.

So what is your opinion on the middle grades being in a separate school program/building from high school and elementary school? What kind of middle school or Jr high did you attend, with what grades available from start to finish?

If you were the principal of an independent middle grade school, without gvmnt or district red tape locking in the grades/philosophies/curriculum/rules, what grades would you offer at your school? 5-8? 6-8? 7-8? 7-9? What would be your endgame for how students finish their final school year, what do they get out of the Jr high or middle school experience?

Submitted March 26, 2023 at 10:27PM by bebespeaks

Revolutionizing Education: Introducing the ISUM Project - A Blockchain-based School System

Are you tired of the traditional education system failing to keep up with the rapidly changing world we live in? Do you believe that the power of blockchain technology can be harnessed to create a better, more efficient education system? If so, then the ISUM Project is for you!

The ISUM Project is a groundbreaking initiative that seeks to combine the power of blockchain technology and businesses to create a revolutionary school system. At its core, the ISUM Project aims to empower students by providing them with a comprehensive education that prepares them for the real world.

But how does it work? The ISUM Project utilizes blockchain technology to create a decentralized platform that allows businesses to collaborate with educational institutions. This collaboration ensures that students are equipped with the skills and knowledge that are in high demand in today's job market.

But that's not all. The ISUM Project also rewards students for their academic achievements through a unique token system. These tokens can be redeemed for a variety of rewards, including discounts on tuition fees and access to exclusive educational programs.

We believe that the ISUM Project has the potential to revolutionize the education system, and we're looking for investors and supporters to help us bring this vision to life. Join us on our journey to create a better, more efficient education system that prepares students for the challenges of the real world.

Visit our website,, to learn more about our project and how you can get involved. Let's work together to create a brighter future for our students and our world.

Submitted March 26, 2023 at 03:40PM by NoLogoNoName

What about reference letters?

Hello everyone!

I was curious what thoughts were on the title. I'm a 9 year veteran math teacher, and a student favorite. You may (or may not) know that you will always learn far more from someone you respect and like far more than you will from someone you despise in an educational setting. This has been a core belief of mine since year 1, to a great deal of success. We all know how much teenager's love math class as whole. /sarcasm.

So I'm applying at a new district, and on their website they want two reference letters. I've already supplied 5 professional references, emails and numbers of coworkers. There is a separate place specifically for letters.

If i asked my students for letters of reference, I could probably get 100. If I were a hiring administrator, I would find it charming and sweet that students love this teacher so much they'd write it for him, and mark that as a massive positive.

But I'm curious what the reality is, I don't normally see things the same way as administrators, and don't want to scare them off.

Totally open to thoughts and professional opinions.



Submitted March 26, 2023 at 08:36AM by Glittering-Ad4353

Looking for scholarships for my master’s in the UK. Please help a girl out!

I am 24(F) Indian student, planning to do my master’s in MSc. strategic marketing from the UK, sept’23 intake. I have offers from three universities and waiting for a response from my first choice. I have a pretty strong profile, but a few limitations when it comes to funding my education. I am desperately looking for options to fund my studies, since I am self-financing. Please let me know if there are any organisations/ charities that are offering scholarships. I have missed deadlines for a lot of them.

Submitted March 26, 2023 at 07:41AM by headofdumbbitchclub

I need help with my assignment

As a student, time management is everything. But sometimes, things can slip through the cracks. That's exactly what happened to me.

I woke up this morning feeling rested and ready to tackle the day ahead. But as I checked my phone, I realized that I had missed the deadline for not one, but two assignments that were due yesterday.

Panic set in as I frantically tried to come up with a plan. How could I make up for my mistake? I knew that my grades were on the line, and I couldn't afford to fail these assignments.

Desperate for a solution, I turned to Reddit for help. I posted about my situation and asked for any suggestions or advice. Please anyone help me?

Submitted March 26, 2023 at 03:42AM by Southern-Dish2389

sábado, 25 de marzo de 2023

I am retiring in less than three months and....

It was a great career, I really enjoyed it. I recommend it to college students with a few caveats. Move to a pro union state, don't wait to transfer schools if you end up in a bad one. Don't spend too much time in the teachers lounge and stay of off r/teachers.

Submitted March 25, 2023 at 09:33PM by Ok_Boysenberry2713

Questions about the "Free" Harvard Online Courses.

I am a high schooler who is interested in branching out and learning new things. I looked at the free courses that Harvard has and I have a few questions.

Are the courses actually free or are there some hidden costs somewhere other than the credits?

What is the difference between the two different kinds of credits: Free or Verified?

Do you still get grades and credits if you audit the course?

If you audit the course and don't get a credit, can you still put that you did the course on your resume?

Submitted March 25, 2023 at 08:25PM by GenuineElf80093

How can I get my student to enjoy our tutoring sessions more?

I normally don’t like to share things about student’s home life but in this case I feel it is playing into my student’s behavior obviously fake names.

So I have been working about a year and half with Leo who is now in fourth grade. He is a very sweet boy but struggles a bit with his writing and staying focused (he may have ADHD or Asperger’s the family is not sure yet but I also feel some of it is just normal 9 year old boy stuff!) He has a sister who is now three Nancy. Nancy was sadly born a little early and during lockdown. She had trouble breathing and has a tube in her throat but through a lot of help and surgery she is doing much better.

The reason I am mentioning this is I can’t help but think there could be a bit of resentment or even anxiety that Leo may be feeling. It isn’t easy having your little sister go to the hospital a few times a year but it also isn’t easy sharing mom and dad with a new person especially when the new person requires so much attention and restrictions on your part (before he got vaccinated he had to be careful about going to visit friends because of exposing his baby sister to covid because even a cold can be deadly to her).

I have noticed these past couple of months (I meet with him on Saturdays for 2 and half hours) that he seems to be complaining about being sick or not feeling well. His parents have both reassured me it has nothing do with me (ie he isn’t doing this to get out of me tutoring because I am mean or anything) they think he may be doing it just to get a bit of attention. I usually play along and will ask him how he is feeling and suggest things like if he says his stomach hurts I will ask, “Did you eat any breakfast?” or “Sometimes that happens when we need to drink water, why don’t’ you get a glass and drink some and see if that helps you feel better while we are working and if not we can talk to your parents?”

I don’t like calling him out so to speak because a) what if he is telling the truth? And b)I feel like that will make him feel unheard and invalidated so I prefer to ask and offer suggestions and even go so far as to say, “How about we do our work but work a bit slower so we don’t feel overwhelmed?” or “Why don’t you take a few extra minutes at break time so you don’t feel worse?”

Today when I came over he was on the floor of his living room and his mom was getting him his stuff while his dad was making him get up as he said his stomach hurt. It worked out okay in the end and we had a good session (we did some word puzzles which he liked and I had him do mini writing exercises instead of a long one).

I am trying to think of ways to make him enjoy these sessions more so it becomes more of a fun part of the week and less of a chore for him. I know he likes mad libs so I want to get a new mad lib book. Does anyone have any other suggestions for games or activities related to languages art/writing that maybe he will enjoy?

Submitted March 25, 2023 at 05:35PM by phoenix103082

What is your take on this?

As a parent of two children currently in high school and college I am disturbed by the ousting of a principal over her teaching about western culture. This primary pertains to the image of the Sculpture of David. The charge was exposing a minor to pornography. Yeah it seems as though the principal herself was not fully informed as to the reason why she was asked to resign or get fired. I smell money here for some reason. This to me is outrageous and frivolous. How is this being tolerated considering the easy access, and even that is an understatement, to the true adult content easily found on social media. Has the educational community lost its backbone to standing up to reason? I would like opinions and commentary from both sides.

Submitted March 25, 2023 at 05:48AM by PressureUseful

Negotiating salary?

I’ve been offered a nice job at a competitive suburbs high school that I am legitimately excited about. The department is reputable and I feel I can likely stay there for a while. There’s one thing I’m wondering though: are they being super stingy in their salary step placement?

I have a litany of teaching experience in various roles dating back to 2014 (esl, tutoring companies, university writing courses) and two years at a high school—one full time as a long term sub and the other as contracted faculty with a one-year only contract. The suburbs school is counting only one year of experience in their step system , meaning I’d start at step 2 despite relevant experience.

Is this common to others’ experience? Do I accept and just let it be (the pay shoots up pretty quickly from there)? Do I continue to negotiate? (I’m taking a pay cut from my current school to go to this new one; do I mention this?)

As I mentioned it’s a competitive position that likely receives hundreds of applicants. I don’t want to mess anything up there but if it’s possible to start at a higher step…

Any help would be great.

Submitted March 25, 2023 at 05:10AM by Silky_Boon

Questioning Everything We Hear: A Call for Critical Thinking

Hello, Reddit community!

In a world where we are bombarded with information from various sources, it's easy to take everything we hear at face value. But, is everything we hear truly factual, or is it simply someone's opinion presented as objective truth?

This thought-provoking article ( discusses the idea that everything we hear is subjective information, including our perception of reality. It raises questions about the very definition of a fact and the role of theories in shaping our understanding of the universe.

The article encourages us to question everything we hear and to recognize that our own opinions often shape our perception of reality. By challenging what we accept as truth, we can gain a better understanding of the world around us.

So, what are your thoughts on this topic? Do you agree that everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact? How do you approach the information presented to you, and how do you decide what to believe?

Submitted March 25, 2023 at 01:30AM by MeesVIKTOR

jueves, 23 de marzo de 2023

Physical Education Sucks... Let me Explain...

Physical Education is made for kids who fail at everything else and can bully others for not being as big as them.

I recently removed myself from a group who were clearly annoyed by my lack of skill in volleyball (a sport which I do not play and have never been expected to (out of school). After deciding to begin a small 1 v 1 game with a different student who felt the same way, I was told that “I was not allowed to play because not give the other students an equal opportunity”. Instead me and my mate watched as annoying teenage boys embraced the role of toxic masculine men who needed to put each other down in order to mask their own insecurities.

I understand physical activity is apart of school curriculum and is not something that people should stop. But most of us are not doing physical education, we are doing physical humiliation.

People might hate me for this but i don't even care. I hate

Submitted March 23, 2023 at 10:36PM by Impossible-Mango-539

Funding girl education

Hi, Wanted to ask a question, that is there any Government or Private foundation in Pakistan that funds the education of deserving students abroad. Actually my sister got an offer letter from KINGS College London. Fee ia more than 25k£. We cant afford that much of money. So is there any option. She is very intelligent, very ambitious, and deserving. Is there any way forward. Thanks

Submitted March 23, 2023 at 10:10PM by Consistent-Fortune54

Story worth following, a community rallies to protest changes from a new board threatening their beloved school

This is an inspirational story about students, alumni, parents and teachers protesting changes from a new school board ruining their beloved school. I’ve been following it on social media and it’s inspiring. The forerunner of the movement is a suspended guidance counselor who has speaking up on behalf of the students the loudest.

This is the heart and soul of being an educator, fighting for our future.

Submitted March 23, 2023 at 05:53PM by Perpetual-PMS

Graduate Research Paper

Hi, I’m a graduate student in my final semester. I have created a survey through Google Forms for my research paper and need teachers as my participants. If you are a middle school/high school teacher and wish to help me gather my data, I would be very appreciative but if you do not wish to take the survey, disregard this message.

Submitted March 23, 2023 at 05:28PM by ProfYoshima

Why are teachers are set up to fail?

Teaching used to be great - but now it's too dangerous, both physically and mentally. It would be crazy to stay in a job that not only doesn't cover the bills, but puts you in constant, unrelenting stress.

Teachers are asking themselves daily, as they get out of your car in the parking lot, "Will I make it safely through the day? Will I be able to use the bathroom when I need to? Will I have time to eat a proper lunch? Will a parent bypass the office, burst into my room, and swear at me in front of students? How many students will call me a cunt when I insist that they put away the cell phone? Will the 36 yr old principal, who taught PE for two years before becoming an administrator, explain to me again today that behavior issues are to be resolved in class? Will this be the day the dark, brooding kid, who I've referred to the socio-emotional counselor five times, pull a gun? "

When in this situation, they need to leave the profession ASAP. They've been set up to fail. No teacher can do it all by themselves. They must leave the profession until society gets it together and gives teachers the respect and support they need to actually make their efforts viable.

Submitted March 23, 2023 at 10:40AM by MantaRay2256

How hard to get an admin position?

My husband just graduated with his admin degree, and he's had multiple interviews already, but has struck out on all of them because of his lack of experience. He's already feeling defeated, and I want to be supportive.

For those that have their admin degrees, how long did it take for you to find an admin position? Were you a classroom teacher, or did you teach in other areas?

Submitted March 23, 2023 at 10:16AM by JordanGdzilaSullivan

miércoles, 22 de marzo de 2023

Scholarly learning for non students

Does anyone know where a non-student can continue learning about topics they are interested in?

I’d love to keep learning but I don’t trust the internet to tell me what is and isn’t biased research. For example, Ted talks but lectures on learning things/topics/series.

(I am not looking for anything influenced by groups that benefit from sharing skewed/untrue information, Ex: religion)

Thanks for any recommendations!

Submitted March 22, 2023 at 04:15PM by c8ball

Has my head of 6 form been treating me poorly?

Not really sure where to ask this but anyway. I’ve had a really difficult time adjusting to 6th form, going from not working for two year and not revising, too subjects that are genuinely difficult. I’ve been pretty convinced that I have adhd and I told my head of 6th and he told me that this was my responsibility to deal with as I’m old enough to go to the hospital on my own and then explained how it can take months to receive a diagnosis, and did not offer any support or help me try and manage it. My cousin sadly passed away early in the year and I have really struggled with this and it’s made doing work even harder and he offered limited sympathy and then just doubted that I’ll have the mental strength to complete the a levels. He’s constantly on my case which I understand but it’s never in a way that he is trying to benefit me.

Then there’s other examples of him being completely unhelpful for me. Like when I had mock exams he implied that if I fail an exam that was the last chance so when I did my first exam and I really struggled (I passed) I gave up and basically had a breakdown so I didn’t work on my other mocks and this caused me to get an e and a u. And again it was my fault for giving up but he was the reason I gave up.

Then a few weeks back, we had parents evening and they only informed parents and students 3 days before, so my parents couldn’t go as there was no time to get an interpreter (both parents are deaf). They blamed me for not asking for an interpreter even though the school has only provided interpreter on a few occasions and three days is usually not enough time to receive an interpreter.

There’s more examples of times that I feel I have been ignored or poorly treated, I just have a poor memory. It’s has made school incredibly stressful and way harder and has caused my education to decline. So any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Submitted March 22, 2023 at 03:49PM by Joe-Kermin

Head nurse in my sister's charter school

Good day, I am not sure if this is the right place to ask, but my baby sister just arrived from school (she's in kindergarten now). She was asked to be sent home early, and we are actually waiting for her teacher to reply on what time was she pulled out from the class. Because she went home with a bloody nose that is evident from her leggings and cardigan. The head nurse did not tend to her and left her alone at the clinic, where she was not able to have her lunch and snacks. And right now, she's not feeling well.

My mother talked to the principal about it, especially the head nurse not being present. And she just answered, "it's the state policy". State policy about what? Leaving the child at the clinic unattended without food? I just want to know what to do about this matter? Since I'm not sure if the nurse is racially profiling my sister. :(

Submitted March 22, 2023 at 11:56AM by Wondering_shell

Grade 11 and 12 University English

Hi all, I hope this post is in the right community. Not sure. I'm in my 20s, wanting to go to college. As it turns out, I'll need a few grade 12 university level courses, specifically English. I've never really taken academic classes, when I did, I flunked out for reasons. I'm much better now, but I have to go to an adult school to get these courses. I was advised to take grade 11 University English, before I take Grade 12 University English. I want to prepare myself as much as possible so that I can do my best in the classes and succeed. Unfortunately, the school won't give me anything to help. They won't give me a course outline or any assignments from the previous year. I start in September, so I want to use the next few months studying, preparing. I plan to go to the library everyday, and just try to teach myself a good amount of the material. That will be hard to do though if I don't know what to study for. I don't know what material I should be looking at. I was wondering if anyone here has any assignments I could do? Anything I could study? And ideas? I'm in Ontario if that helps. Please.

Submitted March 22, 2023 at 11:24AM by stormofhoney69

Teacher's Kids

In nearly twenty years of education I''ve noticed that the teacher's kids have always been some of the most difficult.

Smart? Usually. Smart ass? 99%

This also appears to be true both inside the classroom and outside the classroom.

Is this a cultural phenomenon or what?

Submitted March 22, 2023 at 08:41AM by JWHY1975

martes, 21 de marzo de 2023

Does anyone know of any policies that have been implemented to either integrate or ban the use of Al in schools?

I'm starting a research project and having a hard time locating policies/data in regards to Al and education.

I'm interested in looking at how Al will impact everything from homework to teaching to admissions to grading to feedback.

Does anyone know about any research / studies / data sources I could check out?

I'd be especially interested in data on how common it is for students to use AI for assignments & policies that have been created by schools regarding Al.

Submitted March 21, 2023 at 08:34PM by slow_ultras

Researching US K12 teacher burnout and career change

Does anyone know the best way to get ahold of teachers who would be willing to participate in some research (20 min calls or a survey) on US K12 teacher burnout and career change?

Submitted March 21, 2023 at 08:58AM by stkier3

Is it possible to be held back from 12th grade to kindergarten??

So I was lying in my bed last night, when I had a thought. Is it actually possible to get held back from 12th grade to kindergarten?? This might be a stupid question, but I just want to know if it's actually possible & the probability of it ever happening.

Submitted March 21, 2023 at 01:56AM by R1l3y_Has_Karma

lunes, 20 de marzo de 2023

Help Learning Math

(PLEASE forgive my username! and don't look at my history unless you're ready for adult stuff)

I'm an autistic adult who would like to get a chance to get a higher education. I had to drop out of high school due to my disorder but I did get my GED. In most subjects, I'm perfectly comfortable but when it comes to Math, I have panic attacks.

I'm curious if anyone knows of a good online resource for relearning math? I'd like to start at a fairly low level, above subtraction and addition, so I guess at division onward. I do suffer from dyscalculia which has been a major challenge throughout my life but if I want to actually get a degree I need to work hard on my issue with Math.

I'm also 40 years old if that changes things? I would like the resource to be free and hopefully interactive and with tests. I've searched around a bit but the options are a touch overwhelming and for a lot of them I end up wasting time signing up only to find out the website doesn't meet my needs.

Submitted March 20, 2023 at 03:18PM by MonsterFuckerForce

Free courses with Cerificates and Diplomas

Submitted March 20, 2023 at 07:35AM by Marumo1979

domingo, 19 de marzo de 2023

What are we really teaching our kids?

What are we really teaching American kids at school?

I'm seriously worried we are teaching far too many of them how to intimidate, bully, and scam by condoning and modeling in the following ways:

  • Not holding our students accountable for their behavior
  • Giving passing grades to kids who have barely turned in any work
  • Passing kids onto the next grade whether or not they can read, write, and add
  • Pretending that administrators are held to account and are doing their damn jobs

To be clear: this is not what our teachers want or expected when they went into the profession. What is occurring is being forced upon them and they are quitting in droves.

In fact, I would argue that the ONE thing we teach our students well is how to pretend to get an education.

Submitted March 19, 2023 at 10:37PM by MantaRay2256

Boys should start school one to two years later

I do agree with this statement because boys Brains develop on a delayed basis. So if a girl starts kindergarten at 5 the boys should start at 6 or 7. This should go straight through high school to college to university.

I don’t think the boys will lose anything for a delayed start simply I skipped a year in college and guess what it had no impact on my life.

Submitted March 19, 2023 at 10:14PM by CHiggins1235

Cameras in classrooms sound like a good idea, but they wouldn't last long

Classroom behavior has become such a huge contributor to the mass teacher exit that some states are proposing that cameras be installed in classrooms. They will not solve the issue, would be misused, and wouldn't last more than a month.

First of all, who will be monitoring them? No one can watch every classroom in real time. They will only ever be looked at afterward to verify serious behavior. It's doubtful they would have audio capability, so wouldn't even be a worthy witness and not worth the cost.

Second, parents and administrators will see what they want to see. The parents will ALWAYS find a way to blame the teacher. It will make teaching and administrating impossible.

Third, the parents of kids who are bullied will now have the evidence they need to sue. This would be a good thing, except as soon as a few prevail, the cameras will be removed and we will have spent all that money for nothing.

Fourth, they will be IEP evidence. What a giant mess that would be.

Fifth, they will violate student and teacher confidentiality. For example, when I had a baby, the only place I could pump while eating my lunch was in my classroom. When reviewing tapes, how will each student's privacy be upheld?

Fifth, they will further erode teacher respect. We spend our entire day trying to figure out which battles to pick. Teachers will look like utter weenies for allowing so much nonsense to occur during a regular teaching day.

Submitted March 19, 2023 at 09:16PM by MantaRay2256

Master's Project: Measuring Student Engagement in Social Studies


I am a pre-service teacher currently getting my M.Ed in Curriculum and Instruction. I am currently enrolled in a mixed methods research course that requires me to design and implement an quantitative survey.

This survey is designed to quantitatively measure different types of engagement in high school social studies classrooms in order to ultimately determine whether there is a noticeable relationship between standard curriculum, engagement, and student demographics.

When I designed this survey I was unfortunately not aware that I was required to disseminate this survey to students. As a pre-service teacher, I am struggling to navigate data collection.

If you wish to provide this survey to even a few of your students, I would be eternally grateful. The survey is entirely anonymous and does not request any sort of location information. All personal information (i.e. demographics) are voluntary.

The survey is located here:\_8GRF60Nvd2RgRNQ

Thank you for your support.

Submitted March 19, 2023 at 02:25PM by thanksihateit19

I’m a district office worker in California. I’m starting to see an increased trend of private agencies staffing our schools with “consultant” like teachers.

It happened a while ago with speech. I’m surprised it hasn’t happened with psychologists. Nonetheless, about 1/3rd of our special education teachers are contracted via a private agency. They make about 40% more than the other special education teachers they teach right next door to, but don’t have to attend staff meetings and such. I’m worried that this trend will continue with hard to fill positions, such as math.

I hope that California will pass a law to put an end to this. It’s very unfair to our certificated staff working on the normal salary schedule.

Submitted March 19, 2023 at 02:18PM by b1ackfyre

Is scam/fraud literacy taught in the US public school system?

In the US its invaluable to be able to spot out fake sales and navigate situations under the pressure of a sales person. Additionally, awareness of all the online or phone call traps that have been popping up over the last decade or two.

I know I didn’t growing up but do our kids learn about this stuff in school? If not, I think it should be lumped in with civics/economics & learning to do taxes type of curriculum.

Submitted March 19, 2023 at 03:39AM by -SaltsFault-

sábado, 18 de marzo de 2023

Where do high school physics teachers get practice worksheets for their students from?

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Submitted March 18, 2023 at 06:54PM by sillyibistt

For those who teach, I see a lot of math worksheets online but very few are word question worksheets at the high school level. Is that because there are already enough sources of those or do teachers actually want more of these worksheets but are not getting any?

No text found

Submitted March 18, 2023 at 04:21PM by sillyibistt

Stuck in inflation

I’m a student of bachelors in business administration and I’m in junior year. I’m from Pakistan and due to Un stability and economic crisis in the country i lost my job and i am unable to pay my tuition fee . As my family is also not in the condition to pay my tuition fee because of financial crisis. It is impossible for me to pay my fee right now as i used to save up for ít thorough my salary but right now i am broke. So if anyone kind enough to help me out in this matter . I would be really thankful to you .

Submitted March 18, 2023 at 12:53PM by Main-Ad-887

School should change (but it won’t)

I am so sick of “learning” geometry and writing essays that are never going to be used in the field I want to go into, which is music. I AM DISGUSTED BY OUR EDUCATION SYSTEM WHERE PIMPS HOLD ALL THE POWER

Submitted March 18, 2023 at 08:51AM by Effective_Designer53

Looking for Co-Founder(s) for Tech Startup Innovating Education

Hello everyone, I’m looking for a co-founder or more than one co-founder to start a tech startup that will innovate education. I’m looking for someone who is passionate about education and technology, and who ideally has experience in either or both fields, but it’s not a requirement. I’m especially interested in hearing from underrepresented groups in the tech industry such as women, LGBTQ, people of color, etc. If you’re interested, please reach out to me, and let’s discuss this further!

Submitted March 18, 2023 at 04:59AM by Astrojead

viernes, 17 de marzo de 2023

DeSantis censorship law blocked by federal court.

“Professors must be able to discuss subjects like race and gender without hesitation or fear of state reprisal,” a spokesperson for FIRE told Law&Crime in an email. “Any law that limits the free exchange of ideas in university classrooms should lose in both the court of law and the court of public opinion.”

Submitted March 17, 2023 at 11:17AM by BigAssQuanta

Some children need to be removed from Public school

Sometimes it just doesn't work. Some children need to be removed from public school in order to keep from distracting the other students around them and robbing those kids of their education. Let's stop pretending that these type of kids are victims. It's just not working.

Submitted March 17, 2023 at 09:48AM by JWHY1975

I submitted my 3rd assignment only one more to go!!!!!

I don’t know if I can post this here but I’m going to anyway. I’ve started doing a level 3 teaching assistant award course from home and I’ve just submitted my 3rd assignment for it. I do hope I pass it because my dream is to become a teaching assistant. I’ve also had a pretty crappy day today so knowing that I’ve submitted this has made me feel somewhat better. Fingers and toes all crossed !!!!

Submitted March 17, 2023 at 08:01AM by Littlemissredhead0

Video on using Chatgpt to teach about Hate Speech

Check out this fascinating lesson on hate speech made with the help of ChatGPT! The lesson covers important topics like strategies for addressing hate speech, promoting inclusivity and respect, and creating a safe classroom environment. With the help of ChatGPT, I was able to create an engaging and thought-provoking lesson plan with some credible sources and great prompts. If you're not sure how to address offensive jokes in the classroom, this video is a must-watch! #ChatGPT #HateSpeech #Inclusivity #LessonPlan"

Submitted March 17, 2023 at 06:58AM by McLearnwithMcLaren

Project Compete! How gaming can help you to develop your soft skills.

Compete!, a serious game developed within the European Erasmus+ framework, helps to develop soft skills. This participatory learning methodology uses gamification to help final-year university students critically apply and discuss the impact of soft skills in classroom settings.
Compete! was developed with competency measurement in mind. The game uses a scoring system based on players’ decisions and progress throughout the game. This allows players to track their progress and understand how their decisions impact their ability to acquire soft skills. The game also provides feedback to players on how they can improve their decision-making, allowing them to practice and develop new skills.

Submitted March 17, 2023 at 05:23AM by DutchTechJunkie

jueves, 16 de marzo de 2023

Teachers 'saw something in me that I didn't even see' -- Jemele Hill

Media mogul Jemele Hill credits Detroit Public Schools as her springboard:

I was so grateful for the teachers that I had. They all saw something in me that I didn't even see in myself.

  • Excerpts from two new interviews are here.

Submitted March 16, 2023 at 03:56PM by Alan_Stamm

miércoles, 15 de marzo de 2023

Masters in education with focus on Jewish education

Hello I have a question. I currently am considering doing an online masters degree in education with a focus on Jewish education from Hebrew university.

This is the link Hebrew University Masters in Education

I am wondering if you all think that this degree will give me the ability to be recognized as a masters in education even tho it is a focus in Jewish education.

What work opportunities does this defer from a general masters in education or a degree with a different focus?

Thank you:)

Submitted March 15, 2023 at 03:54AM by Yankees-player27

Advice on How to Find Enjoyment in Studying for Exams from a Postdoctoral Student at Columbia University

A postdoctoral student at Columbia University shares his method on how he finds enjoyment in studying for exams. Hope this video helps you out:)

Submitted March 15, 2023 at 03:59AM by ConsistentOwl5067

Factors Affecting the Academic Performance of University Students

Fellow Everyone ! 🌟 We are conducting research on the relationship between students' daily lifestyle and their academic performance using machine learning. If you're a university student or recent graduate, We would appreciate your participation! The survey will take about 2-5 minutes to complete and your responses will be anonymous. Your input will help me better understand the factors contributing to student success. Please click on the link below to participate: [] Thank you so much for your help! Feel free to share with anyone who might be interested. 😊

Submitted March 15, 2023 at 02:49AM by masum-hasan

Simple grading tool?

Hey all,

I'm looking for a (I hope?) relatively simple grading platform but I'm struggling to find something that fits.

I'm part of a team of teachers that teaches students remotely online. The students have weekly free response assignments that they (right now) submit directly through a google doc, and we make corrections/comments on the google docs and the students respond accordingly.

Was hoping to find a tool that would make our workflow easier to organize. In particular managing what we need to grade, letting students know/see we have left initial comments, letting us see that a student has responded, and finally letting the student see the assignment is totally closed out and graded/approved.

Sorry if this is the wrong subreddit for this - if it is would love to know where is better. Thanks!

Submitted March 15, 2023 at 12:44AM by Ellibereth

martes, 14 de marzo de 2023

Why do post-secondary schools all hype up the employment statistics during orientation for programs of study?

Maybe it’s just here in Canada, but I’m sure others have seen how much each program study regardless if it’s business, STEM, nursing, hospitality etc. hype up how much a new post-grad can earn and how easy it is to find work post-grad.

In reality, the employment market is over saturated now due to (degree inflation) and many either end up working a different job or some shitty min wage job until they can find work in that field.

Unless you know someone that can get you in or graduated from a “Top school” but even then I know people from top schools here in Canada that went to a top school or people in the U.S that went to a top 20 and are still looking for work in their field.

It’s even worse from for people I know that went a community college or just took diplomas and not a full 4 year degree.

Having your resume professionally done, volunteering, going in to apply directly and speaking with a manager, putting key words on your resume that matches job description etc. and there’s still 100 people applying for one position. Then when you do get hired, it’s usually really shit pay at the start which is way below what you should be actually be paid post-grad

This doesn’t represent the statistics these school programs have on their pamphlets or what they hype up during orientation

Maybe this only apply to white collar careers but if I see that they are providing info that a new grad can easily find a job after or that the average stating salary is $50 - 60k for example, students should in reality at least be able to find work and with that starting salary.

Maybe just a rant, but most new grads would understand, of course every country is different, but I that these issues are most likely prevalent in most places.

Why do post-secondary schools all hype up the employment statistics during orientation for programs of study?

Submitted March 14, 2023 at 05:48PM by Immediate_Charge_974

Should I, an online schooler, go to an in person school for 11th grade?

I've never been to an in person school before. I was homeschooled until 9th grade, did an online school that sucked, and now that I am in 10th grade I am using an online school that is really good.

I begged my parents to let me apply to a private school near me last grade. They said yes, on the condition that I do all the work for it. This didn't guarantee me going to the school since it is expensive, but I would understand if I couldn't attend for that reason. After completing essays, testing, and interviews, I ended up getting a scholarship that covers 75% of the tuition. After seeing how hard I worked to apply and that I got the scholarship, they enrolled me to attend next year.

The only problem is that now I am not so sure about it. Right now I am doing an online school that has good teachers, interesting textbooks and assignments, and I can work at my own pace. I do have problems with falling behind due to motivation, but the school counsellor and teachers have been working with me to keep on track, even though there aren't any due dates. This school is also quite forgiving, teachers will look over your assignments before you submit them (basically telling you what you need to fix), it let's you take quiz's up to two times (averaging the scores), and some teachers let you resubmit assignments for better grades (I could turn a 96% marked assignment to a 100% in some classes).

This online school is already working well, should I really risk this? I originally wanted to go to a school for the social aspect, but I already do sports and am involved in my church, is risking my grades worth it? It does get lonely at times though, where I feel as though I am missing out, I haven't hung out with anyone for a year and a half TT. In online school, I have been able to get over 96% in all my classes, which I don't know if I could do at the private school. Should I try the experience or just stick with what works until college?

Sorry if this post is in the wrong place to ask, just let me know!

TLDR; should I stick with an online school where I work and do well, or should I risk going to an in-person school for a "high school experience", where I would be able to interact socially but also risk my grades?

Submitted March 14, 2023 at 06:08PM by minty_o7

Where can I post research opportunities?

Hi all, I found a really great research opportunity for masters students but I don't know where to post it. In a lot of subs/groups it gets flagged down as "self-promotion". Is there a website or something that grads go to look for research opportunities and I can post there?

Submitted March 14, 2023 at 04:53PM by glitteryCranberry

Student Survey about disability education among educators

Posting on behalf of one of my students - I appreciate you all taking the time to help work on their project.

Hello educators!

I am an 11th grader attending a public high school in New York City, for my 11th grade graduation requirement I have to conduct a neuroscience experiment based on a topic of my interest. The topic I chose was teacher education surrounding learning and behavioral disabilities in middle and high school classrooms. If you are able I would really appreciate if you would take this test. it should only take around 5-10 minutes to complete. Feel free to share the test with other teacher friends, it would be greatly appreciated!

Link to Questionnaire

Thank you in advance :)

Submitted March 14, 2023 at 10:34AM by Rekcuzleinad

Pupil behaviour

What can you do if you are assaulted by a pupil and you are told that it’s part of the job? -in special education.

Submitted March 14, 2023 at 08:29AM by solopmar

What's a tool you wish you had?

Hello everyone! I was wondering if you ever had a thought like "Oh, I wish I had this app/website/tool"? I get those all the time!

I would love it if you could share yours here:)

Submitted March 14, 2023 at 05:33AM by valeriya_ruta

lunes, 13 de marzo de 2023

Admin Interview

I'm nearing what I hope is the final round of a very protracted interview process with a competitive suburban high school. The department has interviewed me twice and checked my references. Now I have an interview with admin scheduled later this week.

I'm wondering two things:

  1. What do admin want to hear? Are there any questions I should especially prepare for? (I feel confident preparing for my subject area, but a bit uncertain in this context.)
  2. In others' experience, will this be the final round? Would they maybe even make an offer during the interview?

Appreciate any perspective on this!

Submitted March 13, 2023 at 06:32PM by Silky_Boon

[Repost] The Effectiveness of a 4-Week Online Mindfulness Program for Depression, Anxiety, and Stress


I am a graduate student researcher from the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs (UCCS) studying the helpfulness of a 4-week online mindfulness treatment for depression, anxiety, and stress in adults aged 18 years and older for my master's thesis. Participation will involve completing online surveys and learning and practicing mindfulness exercises introduced in the online intervention program. After completion of the program, participants will be entered to win a $25 Amazon gift card. Approximately 1.5 hours of your time each week is required.

All in all, through this study, I hope to better illuminate the effects of brief mindfulness programs in both younger and older adults, along with promoting awareness and future research for these types of programs!

*NOTE: Due to the nature of this study, I cannot post the survey links directly to Reddit. Surveys will be sent via the email below.

In order to participate you must:

  • Be 18-30 or 50+ years of age
  • Have access to the Internet and email
  • Be willing to answer questions about your mood and memory

If you would like to participate or have any questions, please email Payton Downey at [](

If you don't believe you qualify or do not wish to participate, please feel free to share this information with other people who might be able to participate.

Thank you and have a wonderful day!

Submitted March 13, 2023 at 12:13PM by PSYResearcherUCCS

the only girl who is bad at class among boys

Why is it so embarrassing to be the only girl among boys who is performing badly at a subject or at class.There are almost 10 students badly executing at this subject and I'm the only female student there.I feel ashamed for some reason,will other students think badly of me ?

Submitted March 13, 2023 at 01:12AM by PilotTypical2789

Are subscriptions worth it?

I currently am subscribed to $170 a year online subscription for high-quality Contant articles ranging from productivity to leader ship, and other useful things. I just don’t know if it’s worth it anymore and was wondering what your insights are. I want to be able to consume good quality online content, and learned about stuff like knowledge, management, and leadership and productivity.[praxis subscription](

Submitted March 12, 2023 at 11:40PM by Ihatecoldwater

domingo, 12 de marzo de 2023

does artificial intelligence basically destroy education forever?

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Submitted March 12, 2023 at 09:41PM by Apprehensive-Oil3360

School admin job satisfaction

K-12 school administrators—How do you like your jobs? If you’ve had several different administrative positions, which ones did you like? Not like? What aspects of the job do you find enjoyable? Terrible? Do you ever regret leaving the classroom? I’m currently a music teacher (K-6) and will be going back to school to get my admin license in the fall. I’m trying to plan out a career path from here and would love to hear about your experiences.

Submitted March 12, 2023 at 12:26PM by OscarMiled

sábado, 11 de marzo de 2023

Does anyone have any experience with an MSW from Capella university?

Would you be able to become an LCSW from this? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Im applying for online MSW programs.

Submitted March 11, 2023 at 11:11PM by BostonianBeth

Les voyelles (comptine pour apprendre)

Apprendre le nom des voyelles avec cette jolie et simple comptine Les comptines amusent les enfants et favorisent l'éveil au langage.



Submitted March 11, 2023 at 01:07PM by Philonico

New South Carolina standards

I was just writing class plans for the museum I work for and had to delve into the new SC standards… and my own personal opinion is that I’m actually really excited about them. Some of them align with NGSS which is nice… but I also noticed that their education going forward will include a lot of climate change and human impact on the environment, as well as learning about renewable energy sources and electromagnetism. As an anthropology grad, I’m also ecstatic to see that they will be learning concepts seen in introductory biological anthropology. Now if only NC would get on board 🙄 our education system needs so much work… pretty sure we’re 48th in the country.

Any SC teachers here? What are your thoughts on the new standards?

Submitted March 11, 2023 at 08:40AM by butterflyfrenchfry

Poing, poing, poing, ouvre-toi ! (agilité - numération)

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Submitted March 11, 2023 at 01:20AM by Philonico

viernes, 10 de marzo de 2023

We got the gifted and talented letter

I have two concerns/questions. Are gifted and talented programs better than they were when I was growing up in the 80s/90s? Will my concerns of layering on an unnecessary level privilege outweigh the possibility that he will be pushed in his academics? It's gross to complain about this but I do feel a knot in my stomach thinking this choice could limit him in tolerance of others and kindness or isolate him but also rob him of the push to learn more and stay interested in learning. Any experience helps!

Submitted March 10, 2023 at 10:53PM by HerdingYaps

should I stay or should I go now? (Dutch system)

Current situation is as follows: working with 12-16 year olds. I joined the school in order to get my license (tweedegraads), but while studying and working I was asked to take on multiple roles. During that time the school went through a rough time, had several new principals. I felt obligated to keep my section afloat, assisted in keeping the findings rolling in. In those years I felt responsible for the school, but got more and more frustrated. With the latest principle, a change might set in, I feel this principle is genuine and wants to get the school back on track. Several colleagues who didn't function as required, were let off, I was told I am needed. However. Had a talk with the principal and I was told that yes, I know a lot. I am very good at creating new kinds of education. Yes, all my thoughts on how to save our school were spot on. But... The MT also noted that I am often very negative. I replied that these last year's I fel responsible for keeping our jobs, keeping our education running, but I felt like I had no-one to share my frustrations with. Where I once could deal with big issues during Covid (and most of the MT were out of sight), lately I am frustrated by almost everything. And no, not personally, but mainly all the processes. Bottom-line was, the job I suggested I'd like to get, with more mandate? Given to another colleague. A salary ease, as indicated by almost all colleagues? Not when I stay negative. What would you do? Stay, try to become 'more positive'? Hope that in due time, things will start to clear up, the nasty subcultures will be take care off? Or look for a new start? There are other schools, there are vacancies and I do realise that other school will have other problems? Or am I just whining?

Submitted March 10, 2023 at 03:42PM by RotterdamRules

Top 5 tips for chatgpt in the classroom

Attention Educators! Are you looking for innovative ways to transform your teaching using CHATGPT? Check out my latest video on "TOP 5 TIPS" for leveraging this cutting-edge technology to become a better teacher!

This video offers practical strategies and tips for using CHAT GPT to improve communication with parents, design curriculum, and write grant proposals, just to name a few. Whether you're a technology wizard or just getting started, CHATGPT is intuitive and easy to use. You'll discover some simple ways to get started, as well as some more advanced tips for taking your teaching to the next level. Don't miss out - check out the video now!

(For example: This post was written by CHATGPT and edited with feedback by a person)

Submitted March 10, 2023 at 09:10AM by McLearnwithMcLaren

What is the math behind the Grade System?

Why does this post exist?

I am trying to inquire about the algebra and details of the education system.


1st of all, I ask that you don't confuse the term "grade" for "grade level" or "education level" (years spent receiving education). "grade" refers to {any and all} {values, variables, and parameters} that relate to a student's GPA.

2nd of all, I am aware that different education systems vary; so let's say (for the purpose of this document and any related discussions) that "the education system" is a typical education system. Furthermore, let's say that the mathematics behind grades in the education system is representative of a majority of other education systems. Finally, let's assume that the education system is based on and founded on strong principles; a majority of these principles are present in a majority of grading systems.

3rd of all, please keep in mind: I am not trying to criticize anything or ask any philosophical questions. I am not asking how the {grade system, or any education system} "should" work. I am satisfied with how the education system currently works and I lack professional expertise to have a deep discussion about how it should work.

4th (& finally), please don't mention or discuss the grade point conversion formula (GPC). The GPC is a simple formula that converts grade proportions (like 85%) to grade points (like 2.5) and grade points to letter grades (like "B"). * I have a desmos graph that discusses them <LINK> * and I can easily write a JavaScript program to calculate GPA: <LINK>

With those clarifications made, I hope we can have a healthy discussion about the mathematics behind the education system (and the math involved in "grades").

Please tell me where I can find reliable sources that describe how the grade system works. My goal is to write an essay explaining it. My motivation behind this project is the fact that I want to help students who are having a hard time understanding the grade system. I am not completely sure how the grade system works, and I don't want to deceive anyone by making radical claims about it.

In an effort to get some hints about how the grade system works, I reached out to GTP-3. It was very unreliable and insisted on lying to me about how the grade system is some kind of corporate secret.

I have also searched extensively on Google,

and I wasn't able to find anything useful. The best results I could find was Stack Exchange questions; the Stack Exchange questions often listed scores and point values without stating where those numbers came from.

So, I guess I am also inquiring about where the numbers and values for the grade system come from. By come from, I mean this:

Imagine that A comes from B. B is a source of data, such as an experiment. A is a value (or group of values) that is measured / observed from B. For example, A could be a sample of measurements of the pH concentration in the soil in various areas of a forest; and B could be the process of going to the forest and collecting samples on the pH concentration.

Please don't state that I am being malicious or sarcastic; I want to share the math (and/or any other details) behind the grade system. I don't know where to look, and my teachers lack the time to help me acquire any information about this subject. I am begging that you help me as much as you can and are willing to.

I am willing to go to any effort, and do whatever it takes, in order to acquire the correct understanding of how the grade system works.

My conversation with Chat GPT is in the comments.

Anyways, here is the conversation I had with GPT-3


So, points are counted cumulatively across multiple assignments, right? i.e. all point values of all completed assignments by some student = Pa = [P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, ... Pn] And a students total amount points in the class is PT = total(Pa) = P1 + P2 + P3 + P4 + P5 + P6 + ... Pn

I have no idea if this is accurate or true or not; I saw a formula like this somewhere and thought it looked kinda cool. (this line was not given to the AI, but the other lines were)

Character Assistant

c.AI That is correct--the points earned for each assignment are counted cumulatively to determine a student's overall grade for the class. The total amount of points earned is then used to calculate the student's final GPA, which is typically a weighted average of his or her academic performance throughout their educational journey. This GPA can then be used by colleges and employers as a measure of a student's overall intelligence, diligence, and ability to apply their learning to real-world problems and situations. Ultimately, earning a high GPA will open up new opportunities and can be a significant factor in determining success in life.


How are the non-proportional points values accumulated into a proportional grade value for determining the GPA? 12 + 202 + 81 is WAY WAY more than 1 (and therefore not proportional). How do I convert a total point value like 5823 into a grade proportion.

Character Assistant

c.AI The non-proportional points are adjusted through a grading formula, which takes into account the overall performance of other students taking the same course, as well as the difficulty level of the assignments or tasks. The result is a proportional grade that is reflective of the student's mastery of the material and their performance compared to their peers. Ultimately, the grade formula serves as a fair and objective measure of the student's performance in class, and therefore is an accurate indicator of their success both in the current course and in future courses or programs.


How come I can't find any of these formulae on google? I understand that they are not standardized, but I can't find ANY (useful) information online!

Character Assistant

c.AI These formulae and algorithms are usually proprietary and confidential information, as they are often the work of many qualified experts in the field of education and are based on decades of research and data collection. However, they are also constantly being updated and refined as more data is collected and analyzed, allowing for even more accurate, fair, and objective comparisons between student performances in different courses at different schools and even different points in time. Overall, the goal is to allow students and instructors alike to compare various educational outcomes in an objective and scientifically sound way, and these sophisticated algorithms ensure that it truly reflects the true mastery of a student.


BUT WHY are they confidential? I see this as a social injustice! How are students supposed to understand what is going on in school if they can't learn what the formulae are?

Character Assistant

c.AI The specific details of these algorithms, including their exact methodologies, calculations, and weightings, are trade secrets of the educational institutions that developed them. This information is considered proprietary and confidential because it represents significant intellectual (and often financial) investments by the educational system. However, the general principles that guide these algorithms' calculations are well-known and widely available to anyone who is interested in learning more about the education system or the specific school or institution they are attending. It is important for students to remember that even if they do not understand the exact nature of these algorithms, their academic performance is still being fairly measured and compared in a consistent and objective ...

Submitted March 10, 2023 at 05:54AM by Simanalix

What are prerequisites to start learning machine learning?

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Submitted March 10, 2023 at 02:43AM by edvanceredu

jueves, 9 de marzo de 2023

A Florida school has recruited dozens of its own alumni as teachers in order to avoid teacher shortages. Do you think this could catch on?

One school's solution to teacher shortages: Hire the students (

I'm curious what everybody thinks about this one. Do you think students in your school would be interested in coming back as teachers later? Would you want to teach at a school you attended? How much can it be scaled up?

Submitted March 09, 2023 at 01:30PM by terran1212

suggestions on where to just get my degree finished

Moved around a lot and inner a decade has passed and I will need to change my major because I no longer live near NY where I went to school. The degree requirements for the major changed as well.

I just want to get my bachelor's and be done. I'm looking for suggestions for online universities where I could transfer allot of credits and get the quickest degree.

I appreciate any suggestions for majors & online universities.

Submitted March 09, 2023 at 08:16AM by Nowfuckingwhat

miércoles, 8 de marzo de 2023

How to approach an anti-masking teacher about asking my immunocompromised son to remove his mask?

So my son had to do school presentation. He has done many in the past (very successfully too- get 99 or 100% on them). This week I learned the teacher asked all students wearing a mask to remove it to practice projecting their voice. I am livid that this happened. How would you address it without having your child get on that teacher's shit list? Lastly, I'm not here to debate masking (I'm literally following doctor's orders plus have been incredibly happy that in past three years my child has not caught the big C or anything else going around in his classroom).

Submitted March 08, 2023 at 08:08PM by mommygood

Wondering if anyone has had a kid go to a Paul Vallas charter school

I’m working on a potential story and looking for sources. Ideally I’d like to talk to people who are parents who have had kids enrolled in a Paul Vallas charter school and oppose it. Does anyone know where to find sources on that or anyone who would be willing to discuss their experience having a kid go to a charter school in an area (Philadelphia, New Orleans) Vallas ran? Thanks!

Submitted March 08, 2023 at 04:31PM by No-Pizza-4249

Where Do You Go To Read Educational News & Op-Ed Content?

Hey everyone!

A lot of us make efforts to stay up-to-date on relevant ed sector happenings outside of professional development, often in the form of engagement with Ed News sites and Op-Ed sources.

I'm trying to get an idea of which sources Educators, Education Leadership, and Community Stakeholders use to stay up to date with the latest buzz about the craft.

This thread could also be useful if you're someone looking for new ways to engage yourself!

Submitted March 08, 2023 at 08:57AM by Prota_Gonist

functional bilingualism?

Anyone care to explain what is functional bilingualism and give some example? I did search on Google scholar but it doesn't help that much and I have a presentation tomorrow :') thank you in advance

Submitted March 08, 2023 at 06:58AM by ruby_is_me

martes, 7 de marzo de 2023

Should I take AP seminar with this schedule? Going to be a sophomore next year

AP Chem AP Comp Sci A AP US History Accelerated Pre Calc (Basically AP level) Spanish 3 Honors Either going to be Sophomore English Honors or AP seminar

Submitted March 07, 2023 at 03:30PM by Worth_Key9956

How to increase virtual engagement

I work at a virtual school associated with a large district. The original plan for the virtual school was to give students and families flexibility in education. We were supposed to be an option for families that travel a lot, medically fragile students, student athletes whose sport takes priority etc. In practice we have noticed that a majority of our students have some form of anxiety keeping them from being successful in traditional school. We have worked hard to support these students and have figured out how to help them be successful.

However, it seems like the district officials have decided that the virtual school can now be used as an alternative placement. We have had a massive influx of students coming in due to safe school violations or instead of truancy court. These kids are continuing to fail online.

Our overall failure rate is hovering around 60%. When we looked at the failing students we see that they are not logging on to the virtual classroom. This is really impacting staff moral. We all feel like we are not effective teachers.

We have had to hire multiple engagement aides. Their job is to track down and contact disengaged students. Between the aides, teachers and admin we are calling, texting or emailing multiple times a week. We have even started doing home visits.

The district is on us because of our failure rates are so much higher than the traditional schools. It is so frustrating.

Has anyone worked in a virtual setting? How did you increase engagement? Do you have any books, articles, blogs, TED talks or anything that we can implement?

Submitted March 07, 2023 at 07:58AM by West_Disaster6436

Has Ascellus improved in the past few years?

I used Ascellus for kindergarten and everything just seemed outdated, im wondering if they’ve improved in the last 2-3 years?

Submitted March 07, 2023 at 07:15AM by Johncamp28

Political suppression of public education in Florida

“Historically, autocratic regimes have set their sights on cultural centers, the arts, and colleges and universities, because they see these places as threats to their power and control,” the joint statement reads, in part. “The events unfolding in Florida are state-sponsored efforts to stifle ideas, silence debate, and limit the autonomy of educational institutions whose faculty, staff, students, or administrators may disagree with the party in power. Faculty, advocates of academic freedom and anyone interested in preserving our democracy must fight these draconian measures with everything we have—in Florida and in every other state where they appear.”

Submitted March 07, 2023 at 05:59AM by BigAssQuanta

Real sustainability research impact of US universities.

Why do American universities that produce such great research on sustainability have no real impact on the country as compared to lesser known UK and European universities? The sustainability score of US is really poor and they seem to have no real initiatives going as a country, so what's the point of all the research with negligible impact?

Submitted March 07, 2023 at 05:32AM by ennigmaak

What are your thoughts about my Stream choosing?

(I might sound very childish or imaginative here but that's where the fun is)

I am a 10th standard student right now and I want to study abroad for college. I want to go with the IT side (become a game programmer or something). I am thinking of choosing Commerce with IT and maybe get Physics coaching externally after 10th and give SAT and other language test after 12th and do Computer Science in a nice college abroad. I am sure money will not be a problem by then but right now is a little bit so I can't really study in an IB board school for 11th and 12th. Also I really don't want to take Science for I guess obvious reasons. What are your thoughts?

Submitted March 07, 2023 at 12:49AM by Zoldyck_Z

lunes, 6 de marzo de 2023

[Repost] The Effectiveness of a 4-Week Online Mindfulness Program for Depression, Anxiety, and Stress


I am a graduate student researcher from the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs (UCCS) studying the helpfulness of a 4-week online mindfulness treatment for depression, anxiety, and stress in adults aged 18 years and older for my master's thesis. Participation will involve completing online surveys and learning and practicing mindfulness exercises introduced in the online intervention program. After completion of the program, participants will be entered to win a $25 Amazon gift card. Approximately 1.5 hours of your time each week is required.

All in all, through this study, I hope to better illuminate the effects of brief mindfulness programs in both younger and older adults, along with promoting awareness and future research for these types of programs!

*NOTE: Due to the nature of this study, I cannot post the survey links directly to Reddit. Surveys will be sent via the email below.

In order to participate you must:

  • Be 18-30 or 50+ years of age
  • Have access to the Internet and email
  • Be willing to answer questions about your mood and memory

If you would like to participate or have any questions, please email Payton Downey at [](

If you don't believe you qualify or do not wish to participate, please feel free to share this information with other people who might be able to participate.

Thank you and have a wonderful day!

Submitted March 06, 2023 at 01:36PM by PSYResearcherUCCS

Bucksmore summer courses in kings college

Has anyone been to kings college english summer courses and can you recommend it?

Submitted March 06, 2023 at 06:28AM by Impossible_Ad1231

Trying to decide on a path

Hey everyone! This may come off as silly, but I'm a teaching aide at a special ed school who's looking to make the leap to being the teacher in the future. I'm specifically hoping to become an ELL/ESL teacher, but I'm not sure how needed the job is, or how it's treated in most schools.

I only have doubts about my prospects because the school I did a practicum at only had a single ELL teacher, and it was kind of an aside where they primarily taught history but happened to have this as an extra class.

As I've been working more and more with my current institution, I'm seriously considering special education as a potential piece, and there's a lot less doubt (at least currently for me!) that I can secure a position.

Thoughts? While we're here, would anyone like to share their experience in either position? (ELL/Special needs)

Submitted March 06, 2023 at 05:25AM by Brendanish

domingo, 5 de marzo de 2023

College students with low reading levels

Obviously, students at higher reading levels will usually have higher grades. I'm at a community college and I'm astounded that my students don't even read the simple instructions for an assignment.

I'm just not quite sure how to handle this.

Submitted March 05, 2023 at 10:02PM by Ok-Brush-7726

Want to go into education-but am greatly concerned.

Hello! For the past two years I’ve been studying to go into Art and French education, a few weeks ago I started my rounds as a classroom assistant and I don’t know if I can do it. It was at one of the top 50 schools in my state, and it was like a zoo to be Frank. The teacher was at her wits end, and the students absolutely refused to participate or listen for the most part. I don’t know if I can deal with that. I love the thought of passing on knowledge and don’t care much about the pay as I want to live a simple life. However, the kind of disrespect is abysmal, especially with the stories I’ve been hearing from the teachers I’m working with. I don’t think I can mentally drain myself like that and really just need some advice.

Submitted March 05, 2023 at 03:44PM by Grclds

Arent public schools and college mostly just baby sitting for parents? Why learn all that useless nonsense? Couldnt a kid learn better just studying a few specialties in their room for 4-6 years from youtube/reddit/google etc?

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Submitted March 05, 2023 at 01:41PM by SeanPatrickRichards

If teachers are essential for a caring society, what will happen when caring teachers are fleeing the profession in droves?

A caring society is a society that has their professional best educating their children. If professional teachers are essential for a caring society, what will happen when caring teachers are fleeing the profession in droves?

It's going to get a lot worse before it gets better. Here is what I predict (recently retired 25 year teacher):

  1. Parents will become alarmed at the amount of violence and bullying at schools - due in part to larger class sizes and less qualified teachers
  2. They will also realize that their kids are not progressing in their education. They can't read at grade level and they can't do math
  3. They will decide to homeschool - with little idea of what it entails
  4. At first, they will rely on the canned homeschool programs, such as K12 to provide instruction
  5. Soon they will realize that without direct parental oversight and guidance, their kids can't/won't do their schoolwork during the work day. They'll eventually discover that their kids aren't doing the work
  6. Caring parents are going to sacrifice luxuries, and take on homeschooling oversight. One parent will go from fulltime to part time work
  7. This will remove more essential workers from an already depleted workforce
  8. Some of those parents will realize that the precious time they are sinking into their children's education is wasted unless they impose consequences. This will be a small start to wellness
  9. There will also be a large percent of parents who remove their kids from the neighborhood school to homeschool who are unable to follow through
  10. Once again, our society will be divided along socioeconomic lines - those who can afford to properly homeschool and those who cannot. This will have long term consequences
  11. At some point, the government will have to step up and enforce state education laws
  12. At first state education departments will turn to administrators for solutions - and they will get it wrong. Too many administrators are people who found day-to-day instruction distasteful. They are NOT education experts (which is okay as long as they are administrative experts - a different skill set)
  13. When those in power include the caring teachers they previously discarded, then we can fix the education conundrum

Submitted March 05, 2023 at 10:00AM by MantaRay2256