sábado, 12 de diciembre de 2020

(a vent) Education faculties should be more strict about who they choose as teachers.

this topic is common and talked about but I just felt like venting. I've had an interest in many things including math and i was good at it however when I reached Highschool math became more complex, i was still really interested in it but my teachers weren't helping at all.

one of the main things they did wrong that I just realised now that I'm in college and things are more detailed is them never using mathematical expressions. so let's assume they want to remove the power in loga(a4) and make it a coefficient, they'd say "we take the four and put it on the side" . This method as simple as it is left so many small gaps in my learning process and i hate it.

in 11th grade my math teacher would be speaking gibberish, he was really smart but when putting his knowledge into words everything falls apart,so if you didn't already have knowledge of what he's explaining you wouldn't understand much.

two of my teachers would block questions that aimed for more depth and understanding so no word was being taught outside what's written in books. we took alot of concepts in a shallow way. derivatives were just a rule being applied with no explanation whatsoever of what am i supposed to use it for, and then when we get to use it in physics or such, these teachers would skip it with the argument of "oh you're supposed to be all knowing of this from math, it's not my job".

right now and my math proffesor reads off of slides and when he actually bothers to explain he uses the method I complained about earlier and that sucks, my physics teachers says the sentence "you know this from math i won't explain it" more than he explains things not to mention he gets so lost when you ask a question, oh and my other physics professor throws tantrums at us when we ask because to him if we read the course we should have a full understanding of everything . I wish education systems gave more sh*ts about who they choose as a teacher or make teachers enroll in courses that teaches them how to deliver their knowledge because my interest in math is turning into nothing but stress and burden. needless to say this is hell.

omg one last thing I majored in computer science and we asked a professor about why are we taking physics (cs, math and physics major share the same curriculum the first year) and that in other universities they get straight to it. his response was that they make the first year like this so that it's harder for the cause of making less people pass so yeah what the actual fck, why not make entrance exams but fck me ig I'm 18 what do I know about education right.

Submitted December 12, 2020 at 11:18PM by collegehelpbegger https://ift.tt/37c9j9L

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