martes, 1 de diciembre de 2020

Is it possible to rejoin a college course after withdrawing before the semester ends..?

Basically im regretting dropping out of my program. I did so impulsively. I had all 90s in everything and dropped them october 30th bc i thought i had different plans for my career. My semester ends in about a week and im wondering if anyone has successfully withdrawn from a college course and then rejoined before... i feel like id feel stupid reaching out to ask my college after telling them i had different plans. I only wanna reach out and ask if it is possible before i make myself look dumb lol. Im going insane from boredom and lack of purpose. I feel like if they said yes i could bust my ass and makeup all of these classes projects and work in the week or so left. I know it sounds stupid but anything helps.

Submitted December 01, 2020 at 06:13AM by qwertyalderson

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