martes, 31 de enero de 2023

School Uniforms

I really wish public schools had uniforms. 1.Schools shouldn’t be where kids go to “express themselves.” They should go there to learn so they can express their thoughts logically and responsibly. 2. Uniforms help eliminate obvious class/economic disparities. It demonstrates that everyone starts on an level playing field. 3. When we dress for work, sports, play, or home we are mentally preparing our minds for what’s expected of us. 4. The cost can be managed. Uniforms could be simple and affordable.

Submitted January 31, 2023 at 11:46AM by ixxmeyo

How can I memorize faster than usual?

No text found

Submitted January 31, 2023 at 07:32AM by Virtual-Study-Campus

lunes, 30 de enero de 2023

Are Masters of Professional Studies worth it?

Trying to find some info on the MPS degree. Not even sure this is a thing outside America, but basically an MPS is different from an MS in the sense that an MPS does not require a thesis, usually only takes 2 semesters, and is geared towards practical applications for a job rather than a more theoretical MS. My question is, will employers take an MPS as seriously as a MS? I do not want to get an MPS if they don’t, because then I feel as if it would be a waste of time and money. However, it seems like you can learn some cool stuff- looking at an MPS in machine learning, 10 classes geared towards machine learning and real job applications. Any insight would be great, and if there is another subreddit to post this in let me know! Thanks in advance

Submitted January 30, 2023 at 07:42PM by chikenugetluvr

Anyone have experience with a Balanced School Year?

My district is considering moving to a Balanced School Year (year round school). An official calendar has not been produced yet, but I don't hate what I've heard so far.
The rumors are there would be a 2 week fall break, 2 week spring break, 4 week summer break, and I think a 2.5 week winter break. The key point I heard was that it will be a 6 week on/2 week off kind of schedule. I don't think that exactly meshes with the required class time, but I'm sure they would sprinkle in a PD day here or there.

Anyone here have experience with something similar that can give me their perspective?

Submitted January 30, 2023 at 03:40PM by clownscrotum

What kind of schools does California consider excellent? Segregated ones — In Oakland and elsewhere, school segregation and its ties to "excellence" are almost endemic.

Submission statement:

As someone outside education, this is something that has always seemed super obvious to me, and I've always wondered why school districts and teachers don't more to fix this bigotry of low expectations.

Submitted January 30, 2023 at 10:27AM by BlankVerse

domingo, 29 de enero de 2023

Why aren't there more K-12 schools?

Just curious. I see K-8 schools, K-5 and 6-8, and 9-12. I've also heard of 7-12.

However, the only K-12 schools around me are private schools. Why is that?

One benefit I see is that younger students will be exposed to more opportunities to challenge themselves and older students would be exposed to mentorship opportunities/have the expectation of setting an example for younger students (and will likely be more behaved as a result).

Submitted January 29, 2023 at 03:43PM by ExcellentPartyOnDude

Helping memorize: Important rules for teachers

Quantity and intensity do not strengthen memory The mistake is to see the mind as a basin that must be filled Memory shortens a path one has taken for a specific purpose. Memorization simplifies, but does not produce knowledge. to watch the full video:




Submitted January 29, 2023 at 12:58PM by Philonico

L' Acropole d'Athènes (visite virtuelle) @GreceAntique

VISITE VIRTUELLE : ACROPOLE Venez explorer la Grèce antique. Episode 1 : Présentation générale de l'Acropole d'Athènes et visite des Propylées.

Submitted January 29, 2023 at 01:24PM by Philonico

School times

Where in world are there schools that start later in day since there seems to be many papers that say its better for the learners? Which developed nation countries has this

Which places also has very nuritionous healthiest foods for kids, seems japan is one of those that do

Submitted January 29, 2023 at 11:32AM by Fly-Hiklnf-6193

Republicans see education as winning issue in 2024

No text found

Submitted January 29, 2023 at 10:09AM by trumpfamily2020

Best Bachelors degree

Hello I'm conflicted. I am debating on changing my degree to Health Administration with a concentration in Health Information Management. Which is the best Bachelors degree to make a great pay? I was in for AS in IT but no longer want to do IT. Also want to get a Bachelors. Anyone get theirs in Health Admin? I am a single Mom and I am going back to school to receive an education and so my girls do not have to worry about a thing. Pretty vulnerable here, please no rude comments.

Submitted January 29, 2023 at 05:09AM by Life_Flower_8266

sábado, 28 de enero de 2023

[UK] 18 Year old looking to work towards job in law

This might sound odd, but I have no idea where to look, start, or go.

I’ve wanted to be a lawyer since around 16, at first my parents were supportive but now their extremely against it, this means If I want an Education I have to work on it alone, due to my current life situation (Which I don’t want to get to far into for privacy reasons) For me to get a job of my own to move out, I’d need to break away from my parents, I have no savings, my parents do pay me a small amount however it’s barely enough to save.

Nobody in my family ever really got an education so I have nobody to go to, so I’m just asking if anybody could take some time to sit with me please and try to help me understand what I’d need to do to get into Law.

I understand the bare bones process of, school, college, Uni, etc but I don’t know what courses to take or if it’s even feasible to get an education in my situation. I’ve taken a year off from college this year to try and figure these things out but I’m really lost.

(I’m sorry if this is a little rambly)

Edit: The only useful qualification I have are my GCSE’s

Submitted January 28, 2023 at 11:47PM by Luxi_-

The about knowledge and the real knowledge

I was wondering about this topic. You see a lot of popular content, specially on social media, that is about a field of study. Essentially a generalised overview of different topics. I think a lot of my education including and up to highschool was this way.

Then (if) you hit university you realise you basically know nothing about the real deal which can lead to a crisis and/or a lot of trial and error switching.

Something similar happens if and when you (for example) start doing reseach or just simply use your education in a particular profesion outside academia. I guess this is why a lot of jobs require years of experience.

This is clearly problematic (yes, I know my personal experience may not generalise and there are a million different experiences depending on the nation, social class and institutions)

My question is: What is being done to change this and what you think should be done / is the best approach?

First thing that comes to mind is injecting real experiences as an important part of education.

Submitted January 28, 2023 at 06:45PM by Wrahms

Can I get an English Literature degree online?

I'm currently working, but it was 14 yo me's dream to have a degree in Lit. I don't have time, and neither can I afford to take time off to study. Seeing that I may not get into academics either even with the degree, it seems like it isn't worth taking time off for it separately. So this is more for my edification than anything else.

Question is, is it recommended to do an online degree for this? Would I even have time to attend classes, and turn in assignments?

I have a very demanding job and sometimes I find it tough to even squeeze in me time after work hours. So I am not sure how viable an online degree would be for me.

If a degree isn't possible, is there some outline of a course I could use as a guide to teach myself? Thanks!

Submitted January 28, 2023 at 08:57AM by dimpld9

How can I obtain a second bachelor’s degree?

I am in CA and graduated several years ago with a B.A but would like to get a different degree.

I called several campuses and they have told me that one cannot be an undergrad twice, which leaves me feeling stuck.

Is there a way I can somehow still get a second bachelors in a B.S degree?

Submitted January 28, 2023 at 12:43AM by WildWild420

viernes, 27 de enero de 2023

Building an app to make students learn faster and simpler. Looking for feedback!

Reaching the final stage before being able to simplify the life of students in college. However, up until now, its been my mind on my own so I don't really know if the features are what I expect them to be. Please give me your feedback. Be as honest as possible. What is great, what is $h!t, and what could I add to make your life simpler?! Thank you!

Click here to see our features!

Submitted January 27, 2023 at 08:35AM by Short-Quarter-6014

What is a layman to do?

I am a 29 year old landscaper/tree worker. I barely graduated high school. I was never much of a student but always had a passion for reading. Mostly pulpy stuff like crime thrillers and horror stories. But lately when I'm at the library or the bookstore I find myself looking at books about science and math but I feel inmidated or confused when the subject goes beyond the basics.( my understanding of the basics of math and science are pretty bad as well.) So the question i came here to ask is where should a practically uneducated tradesmen start his journey into math and science?

Submitted January 27, 2023 at 07:20AM by z3bra_cakes

I am Curious to know your Experiences

What is the most important thing you've learned in school?

Submitted January 27, 2023 at 06:10AM by holistic_education

Homework Wizard App

"Homework Wizard" uses Artificial Intelligence to assist students with their homework by providing accurate and immediate answers to their questions. Using natural language processing and machine learning techniques, the app can understand and respond to a wide range of queries related to various subjects such as math, science, and history. With Homework Wizard, students can get the help they need to complete their assignments quickly and easily, without relying on traditional tutors or searching the internet for answers.

Get it on Google Play Store

Any feedback is greatly appreciated.

Submitted January 27, 2023 at 01:27AM by trax1337

jueves, 26 de enero de 2023

Switching Careers from teaching degree.

Hey guys,

I have a Bachelor’s degree in teaching that I haven’t used in 3-4 years since I’m self employed now.

I want to go back to school for something else.

Anything you guys can recommend?

Thanks in advance!

Submitted January 26, 2023 at 11:50PM by Public_Magician_9352

Why do schools only teach the math part of physics but never explain the theories that math contributed to?

I remember being in year 9 at school being so excited to do physics. I used to watch a lot of vsauce videos and I really enjoyed understanding the concepts and ideas behind the theories of how the universe works. But it took me about 2 months before I realised it was just going to be doing a bunch of equations for the next 3 years without ever being shown how these equations were used to come up with theories and ideas that people like vsauce were able to explain so well.

Don’t get me wrong I understand why the math is taught. You can’t have a deep understanding of physics without having a good foundation. But almost none of those equations were ever used for things other than memory recollection. We had 20ish equations to remember for our exams, and yet I don’t ever recall ever having a lesson on key scientific figures like Einstein Newton or Hawking and how they changed physics. I guarantee 90% of my class still probably don’t know how significant their work actually is.

And let’s be real here, out of every classroom only a handful at most will pursue physics, and that’s being quite generous imo. Kids won’t need a good foundation unless they pursue it. Wouldn’t it make more sense to expose kids to the cool ideas that hooked people like me in the first place and then slowly start building the maths and explaining the math behind the theories when it’s needed? At least then you might even get kids interested in learning instead of just throwing equations at them. Looking back the reason why vsauce was able to hook me in is because he almost never touched the math, he was always more about explaining the general idea.

I’m not saying don’t include maths, you will need to eventually, but if I can understand the basics of the theory of relativity just from speed = distance/time and basic knowledge about acceleration and gravity just from a 15 minute YouTube video, I’m sure that would’ve made physics a lot more interesting to study.

Submitted January 26, 2023 at 10:34PM by TheOnlyJoe_

Thinking about switching my minor


I am a freshman with a major in finance and a dual minor in leadership and computer science. I’m thinking about possibly switching my computer science minor to something else but I’m not sure. If you could go back in time to my point in life, what minor would you do in my position?

Submitted January 26, 2023 at 10:09AM by censic

Which post grad diplomas and courses are helpful for seeking jobs?

Hello , I’m currently undergraduate student.

But I like to prepare for how to join postgrad courses and universities to attain a job in a company or freelance or work from home .

Especially , I like to make money.

So please advice me which courses , diplomas , postgrad lectures are helpful to get a job easily.

What skills are needed or should prepare to get a job especially in US , but you can advice me anything , no limited location or countries.

Please share your opinions of work life after education .

Submitted January 26, 2023 at 09:21AM by atthefourthgreen

Best non-academic PD you’ve received?

What’s been the best professional development you’ve received that is NOT about content/standards/strategies? What did you like about it and how did it change you or your teaching?

Submitted January 26, 2023 at 04:37AM by cell4130

Will they let me sit in the next semester?

Hey guys,

I am a second year engineering student at SPPU, I am currently in my 1st semester of 2nd year (end-sems are going on), so I wasn't able to sit in the exam because - I didn't attend like the entire semester because I, at that point of my life had decided to give up on engineering entirely, and choose some another field.

What I thought was that my parents would agree and understand my situation and would eventually agree with my decision to drop-out.

And.. That didn't go as planned because I was here, far away from my family and they having no clue that I am even attending the college or not- I would just lie to them that I am going to college regularly and being a good student overall, while on the other hand that wasn't even close to what I was doing!

So, after them finding out what I was here up to, my dad immediately booked me an appointment with a career counsellor/guide guy who somehow convinced me to complete the remaining course, at that point I regretted each and every decision I made in past couple of months and wanted to get my life back on track. But it was to late ig since all my fellow mates were done with the submission and were ready for exams, when I asked my teachers what should I do- they said "dekho beta exams deke"

On the day of exams: They didn't let me because of my obvious low attendance and no TW submission.

So this story was imp in order to ask my question>>

Will they allow me to sit in next semester or I'll get a Year Down.. I am so confused how this will turn out?

Submitted January 26, 2023 at 03:53AM by Extension_Piano6273

miércoles, 25 de enero de 2023

Exclusive: Amy Wax files grievance against Penn Carey Law dean in opposition to disciplinary proceedings

Submitted January 25, 2023 at 11:34PM by jargito

Wanting to go back to school and make a career change, looking for input/advice on my current choices.

For background: I live in michigan and currently work in quality at a factory. I make roughly 56k/year with good benefits, so the ability to make more than that relatively soon in the new field would be preferred. I'm only interested in going to community college and getting an associate's as that would be fully paid for by the state. The two options i'm really interested in are Architectural Technology or Electronics Engineering Technology. I'm at a bit of a toss up between the two, so curious on what other people have to say and why they feel how they do.

Submitted January 25, 2023 at 09:05PM by fck-justin

F, 30 What to do next after dropping out of nursing

Hi, I am looking for advice on what career path would make sense based on my circumstances.. I have a bachelor's degree in human biology, my initial plan was to go for nursing as a bridge program, although after a few weeks of nursing, I realized that's not a profession I want to be in anymore.. for over 10 years I have been working at businesses, handeling mostly the financial aspects.. based on my bachelor's degree type, so far no jobs similar to what I have been doing are willing to consider me without a degree in accounting or finance.. I am trying to figure out if it would make sense to go back to school for a business degree, or maybe come up with a new business idea or if I should consider psychology, which would be my only other option that I would consider outside of business... Any advice is helpful

Submitted January 25, 2023 at 08:34AM by ThrowRA-Dare7731

Any tools to uncover ChatGPT cheating?

Many students are tempted to let ChatGPT write their assignments for them. Do you know of any tools to uncover this if they do?

Submitted January 25, 2023 at 01:26AM by GeppaN

martes, 24 de enero de 2023

Is this possible?

Hi! I'm just wondering if it's possible for respondus lockdown to run on a chromebook nowadays? I've been looking into this and I've been getting mixed answers.

Submitted January 24, 2023 at 09:43PM by Saphyy002200

True Problems with Schools - I am an educational researcher

I am currently collecting true stories from teachers, students and educators. I am interested in anecdotes or recollections of real events that you were a part of which could be seen as problematic in contemporary education. I am not interested in generalised opinions. I am interested in seeing if there is enough material to create a book. The identities of all involved will remain anonymous for publication. If they are safe to post here that is fine otherwise DM me. Please let me know specifically if you would like to be credited in this publication, otherwise your contribution, for your protection, will be anonymous. There is no financial incentive to post. I may have questions, it will only be to verify the validity of the post or add missing information. Feel free to respond or not. Thank you in advance. Your story must be heard.

Submitted January 24, 2023 at 05:55PM by This_Acanthisitta_43

Education and homework

The policy is that when you give students homework you expect them to do it and within a time frame and that's justified as their trying to attain an education but when a teacher says they don't want to discuss work outside of school that's also good and encouraged especially on r/teachers many may not see this post and that's fine but I see a double standard where you expect k-12 kids to put time out of their own lives to do your work that you put so that they may or may not learn something and get something out of an education. So no I don't agree with homework and yes I think work shouldn't be discussed after hours but if your able to put the phone or notification done why don't the kids have the same ability seems like a double standard in the education sector.

Submitted January 24, 2023 at 05:19PM by suf15

Looking for sources containing evidence/data driven studying/learning techniques.

Hello all!

I am looking into building a study guide for my college-level students. Although I have plenty of anecdotal suggestions, I'm wondering if anyone has any references for studies, papers, or other academically reviewed studies/theories on techniques for studying or learning. I'm primarily looking for things in the academic fields of education, psychology, and/or biology, but I'm open to any credible sources.

As a note, I'm a professional academic, so direct links to research papers or studies are welcome.

Submitted January 24, 2023 at 04:32PM by JasonNowell

Aftermath of 2 Failed Course Launches 🤦‍♂️

We often think building courses is the ultimate passive income play.

But the reality is that selling a course is neither easy nor passive.

I only made about $1500 from two courses I built in the last 6 months.

Considering I spent 3 months on the first course, and 2 weeks on the second, I probably won’t break-even on either course for a long time.

I also have a sales conversion rate of 1.5%.

That means for every 100 people who land on my course pages, I can expect to make 1.5 sales.

Driving 100 people to a course page is actually very difficult, as it requires somewhere between 50k-100k post impressions to get there.

While attainable for people with a mid-5 figure audience, I’d have to post an insane amount to get that many post impressions to make a sale.

I thought with

  • 13k followers on Medium
  • 12.3k on LinkedIn
  • 2.7k on Twitter
  • 2.7k on my Substack

that that would be enough to make sales.

But I have a feeling this is still too small of an audience to really make a dent.

If you have any questions on launching a course, I'll answer them below :)

Submitted January 24, 2023 at 02:36PM by k2h66p26

lunes, 23 de enero de 2023

School / university book series to re-ed myself midlife?

I feel heavily outdated, and honestly don't remember much from the school years. I would like to take a second look at the chemistry, biology, physics, history, arts and etc.

Open to any suggestions that would help to rebuild the fundamentals

Submitted January 23, 2023 at 11:30PM by wtlenny

I'm a paraprofessional, and I desperately need advice

A few bits of information for context: I live, work, and go to school in Minnesota. I’m currently attending college for a degree in secondary social studies education, and in the meantime, I work full-time as a paraprofessional in a nearby school as it’s good experience. We are a K-12 school in a small town, with under 400 students enrolled in the entire school- in other words, we’re a VERY small district; the typical grade size averages about 25-30 students. For our purposes, we consider K-6 to be elementary, and we have a Special Education teacher that handles all students on IEPs in those grades. We consider 7-12 to be secondary, and that is the side I work on. There are two SPED teachers on our side, one that handles students 7-9 and the other handles 10-12. One last thing to note- because we are such a small school, we are incredibly under-staffed. Including myself, there are a grand total of THREE paras on the secondary side to work with all of the kids in 7-12 on IEPs. 

With all of that said, there’s a caveat here that is the source of my current dilemma: the 7-9 SPED teacher has a 6th grade student on their caseload, and has assigned me to this student for three hours every day now that we have entered our new semester. Back in November, this teacher asked me to start accompanying this 6th grade student to their first period class as a 1:1. I normally work with high school students, so this age group is outside my comfort zone already, and I felt as though I could not say no. For legal reasons, I can’t provide much detail about this student, but it’s worth mentioning that this student is very high functioning, and nowhere in their IEP does it state that they require 1:1 para supervision. I do not assist this student with their academics, nor even with organization skills. They perform well in their classes and keep track of their materials and assignments on their own. I am, essentially, here to babysit this 6th grader; my job consists solely of ensuring that this student sits down in their desk and doesn’t disrupt the class by making noises or saying inappropriate things. I am having to pull them out of the classroom during lessons on a daily basis because they cannot get through a lesson without being a significant disruption. They also are not allowed into the hallway unsupervised under any circumstances due to them vandalizing school property. Yes, this means that I am required to escort this student to the bathroom. And on a personal level, I just do not enjoy working with that student. I feel bad saying that about an 11 year old, but it’s the truth. We just do not have compatible personalities.

One more piece of context: a couple weeks ago, there was a meeting with all of the paras on both elementary and secondary sides, where we were essentially told that we are not allowed to say no to new assignments. I understand that, legally, we are required to meet the needs of students on IEPs and that excluding myself, we only have two other paras to cover all classes with 7-12 students. I’m not unwilling to work with this student, but three hours a day, 1:1, is just too much for me to handle and I would really like to go back to just once a day; however, I’m afraid that if I go to the SPED teachers with this, they are going to dismiss my request and not listen to my concerns. I apologize for the wall of text, I wasn’t sure how to condense everything because there’s a lot going on here. Any and all advice is greatly appreciated, I’m at my wit’s end here.

TL,DR: I’m a para, and my new assignment has me literally babysitting a student that’s younger than what I’m used to working with, and I’m not there to assist with any academic or cognitive needs. I want to go back to being with this student once a day instead of three times, but I’m afraid my SPED teachers won’t listen to me. What should I do?

Submitted January 23, 2023 at 06:50PM by ToothlessBeggar

What is the purpose of high school?

I’m a college student and I have found that the required classes for all majors are simple refreshers from high school, or are entirely unnecessary for my major. What would you all say is the purpose of high school if higher education is treating students as if they learned nothing in high school?

Submitted January 23, 2023 at 06:07PM by KingReforged

No more university for current and future gens?

Hello everyone. I'm 21 and I'm in the second semester of community college, I started in August. So far the government has been paying for it. Hopefully I'll get a scholarship or two I've been applying with diligence to many for awhile. Thankfully I have 4.0 and doing my absolute best to keep it because my high school grades were 2.0

What I'm noticing though is that I won't be able to get a bachelor's unless I get a full ride. I'm not gonna give my future fate to debt, it's simply foolish. That means banks will control me and I'll have no chance of owning a damn thing. I was born in an impoverished family so I have no support from them. Maybe I'll get a benefactor or two from a connection I make one day.

It makes me kind of pissed-off to know that I'm barred from higher education because I don't have money. If I saved with misery and took out smallest loans I could get bachelor's but that sounds like the worst idea ever.

I got a lot of these mental disabilities holding me back too. Sometimes I beg the question, who the fuck will hire some 35 yo (by the time I grad from bachelor's due to cost saving) who finally got his bachelor's. So degrading. I feel like I'll never be able to get a good job.

No I'm not doing a denigrating trade and fuck every single one of you STEM assholes. Go enjoy your dehumanizing rote memorization. I'm a damn person not fucking book ledger or server.

No I don't want to be liberal arts. I was thinking Spanish or something involving media or people. Or hospitality

What are the options in America? Am I simply fucked?

Submitted January 23, 2023 at 01:34PM by AntoneAlpha

Looking for the best way / resources to learn Physics, Chemistry, and Electrical Engineering


There is no clear cut path to learning all of these in the best way possible. I am very interested in these three subjects. If you know of any good online courses related to these subjects, I would appreciate it if you shared them with me. I don't need a degree and can't spend more than a few hundred dollars on each course. I am strictly interested in learning. Thank you very much!

Submitted January 23, 2023 at 12:44PM by ticketbroken

nyc regents

Does a wavered exam count as passing regents? Or does it not count towards the ny graduation requirement? Would I still need to pass another math regents in addition to the wavered one?

Submitted January 23, 2023 at 11:18AM by luxefiat

Online Education

Hello. How is the post-covid impact on your education? Do you keep giving online classes?

Submitted January 23, 2023 at 05:50AM by nocode_app

domingo, 22 de enero de 2023

New to USA education system

Can someone please explain to me how kids get into honors class in middle school and high school?

Is there a test when they are selected?

Or general grades?

Can they be rejected from honors classes?

Submitted January 22, 2023 at 10:51PM by nemtudod

Looking For GradeQuick SKF ad Related Files


I am looking for files related to an old program called GradeQuick. More specifically looking for files that are so-called skill import files (that end in *.skf and the like). I'm also looking copies of old education software to show how my childhood looked.

If anyone has old software then please let me know. I'm looking for the following:

  • Renaissance Learning STAR Reading
  • Renaissance Learning Accelerated Math
  • Renaissance Learning Accelerated Reader
  • Renaissance Learning STAR Math
  • Renaissance Learning STAR Early Learning
  • Pearson SASIxp
  • Sagebrush Athena

If anyone's school had used these and you still have the media and serial numbers, I'd like to connect with you as I need to work with this to demonstrate some of the systems and tools in my child. I know that most of these software manufacturers have moved to cloud-based nonsense that I cannot run in my lab due to costs... so I'm grasping at straws here.

Submitted January 22, 2023 at 07:40PM by IClient511407


I finished my Cambridge GCE alevels recently. I took Biology, Chemistry, physics and maths and passed all the subjects. Now I am having trouble choosing a degree to study further. I dont know for what I am having my passion for. I am very uncertain of my future. I do like physics and also technology related stuff. Do yall have any suggestions on what are the factors should be considered before I choose a degree so that it would help me take a decision?

Submitted January 22, 2023 at 07:46PM by Jaded_shii

Is there much difference between either concentration?

Im a child development major hoping to become an elementary teacher. Right now my concentration is early childhood and adolescent and the other I was looking into was Early Childhood Development as it seems to apply more to younger children. Right now I don’t think there is a preference on which grades I’d teach as long as it’s elementary but will the concentration affect my ability to teach a couple younger grades if I chose that? What are other careers I can do with my degree? Sorry if I seem uneducated on the matter because I quite literally am and felt like I entered college without knowing exactly what I was supposed to choose or do and advising hasn’t helped me much

Submitted January 22, 2023 at 02:52PM by Embarrassed_Dust7985

How exactly does a school district work, e.g. kid in primary school?

I guess it's easier to ask because the available information in the Internet is overwhelming.

We are planning a relocation to the US and I understand there are school districts where the kid belongs based on where you live (and pay taxes.) So far so good, same in Germany: there is a list of all the streets / house numbers in town and the assigned school.

But here that's a 1:1 mapping, let's say we live at street x number y, then our kid HAS to go to the assigned school.

Now when I browse the homepage of a US school district, there are usually a bunch of schools mentioned. Who decides where the kid is going?

Submitted January 22, 2023 at 01:26PM by MathEngineer42

"Qui doit gouverner ?" Ce n'est pas une question démocratique

No text found

Submitted January 22, 2023 at 08:44AM by Philonico

sábado, 21 de enero de 2023

No more spelling test. What is wrong with education.

11 year teacher here. Four years into teaching spelling test went away. I didn’t care I was too wrapped up with the new buzz word common core. It is the same time that this kiddos parents did not have to remember phone numbers. Parents do not need a short term memory skill. So why should these kids! So thankful I just teach 5th grade science. I always joke it a decline in parenting not schools or kids. I love all my students. When I meet mom and dad I can explain why their child acts like they do. Pursuing a job for counseling students with trauma.

Education system needs to change. I would do what 20 retiring teachers with 20+ years experience voted on to do for all American schools. 20 should change each year. To put people in charge that have taught. Rant over.

Edit. Easy to focus on math, reading skills, reading info and vocabulary memory. Just bought some sulfur hexafloirxide to teach density. We also cut open cow eye balls at the start of the year. I was gifted a corn stake and a poison dart frog that I hate, but the students love them. Again. Thankful I just teach science!

Submitted January 21, 2023 at 12:33PM by Kreios273

Problems with assignment/grading software-Maryland schools.

I posted the below in the Montgomery County (Maryland) and the Maryland sub. I’m curious as to the take of folks here. “Studentvue/Parentvue/Instructure/Canvas are th maze of software our county uses. TIA.

I have an 11-year-old in middle school. My wife and I would like to provide him appropriate support in his schoolwork but are having a ton of problems tracking his assignments and grades through the maze of Studentvue/Parentvue/MCPS classroom/Canvas/Instructure.

My wife and I are tech savvy- we both have worked remotely through Covid. The single most contentious issue in helping our son is figuring out what is due when.

Some of his teachers are helpful-sending out emails specifically interpreting the strange ways of the software landscape. Some of his teachers seem to enjoy the complexity of the system and seem deliberately vague in their instructions.

My son has a speech IEP (he has received AMAZING support from INCREDIBLE teachers to the point he may no longer qualify) so we have a lot of contact with teachers. Everyone we come in contact with acknowledges how needlessly complex and deficient the system is (especially those with kids in MCPS)

Tracking middle school class assignments and grades shouldn’t be this difficult. Anyone else have the same problem? Any hints? Someone made a ton of money selling these multiple layers of software to MCPS.

Submitted January 21, 2023 at 07:40AM by Pigmansweet

I am a high school graduate, and I'm wondering if there's any exams that I could give which are equivalent to having a bachelor's degree in any field?

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Submitted January 21, 2023 at 03:23AM by hello_melancholia

viernes, 20 de enero de 2023

How much does it cost to educate 1 student k-12 in California

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Submitted January 21, 2023 at 12:29AM by pondarious

I hate the IB Program (Shameless repost from /r/teachers)

There, I said it.

I teach in a public Title 1 high school in the USA that just so happens to be afflicted with the International Baccalaureate (IB) Programme . . . . . . and I hate it. I absolutely hate it.

Why do I hate it, you ask? Let me elaborate . . .

1. It limits student options: Students can't take IB classes until their Junior and Senior years. This means that students that could take advanced classes (cough, cough . . AP! cough!) have to wait before they can take the courses they want.

2. It's more work!: On top of demanding courses, kids have to do TOK, the Extended Essay, and community service. Wow! I never knew having no life was so beneficial! Why should any student work harder for a program that fewer universities even give credit for?! I wasn't a "full diploma student," that must be why I don't know!

3. It doesn't fit in with the American model of education: This one is the hardest to pin down, but I'll phrase it like this. The best argument in defense of American education is that it is democratic to a fault. Everybody gets 13 years of schooling. That is whether they choose to spend it taking APs, SATs, ACTs, and getting straight As. Whether they choose to do it playing sports or making art or making out behind the bleachers. You can get a high school diploma getting straight Cs and never arriving to class on time once. However, while not every student may be guaranteed to learn, every student is guaranteed an education.

Not so under IB . . . . .

IB is an elitist program not intended for the general public, no matter how much its greatest defenders may sing its praises. It was created by a Swiss woman who modeled it after the French baccalauréat back in 1968 and much like the diplôme it was modeled after it was not intended for everybody.

This flies in the face of one of the U.S. education system's saving graces.

4. As a world language teacher I hate the "Lang-B" (i.e. foreign language) expectations: This one is a bit personal but, as a teacher of Spanish and French, you would think I love the IB program. After all, it's international. In fact, I absolutely hate it.

The IB Lang-B test's internal assessment is a 12-15 minute presentation + conversation in the target language. While in some countries this may not seem a tall order, remember that in the U.S. most students don't start studying a language other than English until they are in 9th grade (13/14 years old). The IB Lang B test was not written for that. It was written for students who have been studying their target language since they were in kindergarten (or at least lower secondary).

If you compare this with the AP Spanish Language or AP French Language tests, they are much more realistic for students that have only been studying a language part-time for four years. In fact, to put the severity of the situation into the language of IB, AP Lang is closer to ab initio while Lang-B is higher than anything on the AP framework.

Add to that an admin that is Hell-bent on "IB for all" at a Title 1 school where most kids are just trying to make it through high school and you can't win. As a language teacher, you just can't win.

5. Nobody even cares. Most schools don't offer this thing and there's a good reason for that. In fact, for it's claims of being international, the IB Diploma Programme page on Wikipedia shows just how few countries even care about this thing. In most countries, it comes to down to each individual university what status they're willing to grant the IB diploma and/or how much credit they'll even give you for it.

Submitted January 20, 2023 at 10:39PM by ASoloTrip90000

Your School Memories

Share your favorite story from your time in Elementary school (can be public, private, charter, homeschool). Were there any transformative moments? Times you realized your teacher was human? Little lessons that impacted your life?

Submitted January 20, 2023 at 04:39PM by Pleasant_Emu3245

Explaining how UK schools work for Americans or anyone who is interested :)

Hiya, hope you're having a lovely day.

  • School in the UK starts in early September. It usually ends in the summer from May-July depending on exams. You usually get august off in education no matter your age.
  • So in the UK, from ages 0-4 years old (before september when they're four years old) they usually go to nursery, (I think this is the same as playgroup?). Nursery is basically kind of like a fairly educational daycare. I don't think it's always compulsory but it's very common. It helps the parents get back to work and deal with the transition from toddler to child.
  • Then from 4-10 years old they will attend Primary school where they wear a uniform and must arrive from about 8.45 and stay until about 3.15 or possibly later. This is Pre-K, Kindergarden, Elementary school all in one. Sometimes a primary school is split up into an infant school (reception to year 2) and a junior school (Year 3 to Year 6). In other words, this splits them into 'Key Stage 1' (KS1) and 'Key Stage 2' (KS2). Majority of the time, each year group will get a new teacher every year regardless of what Key stage or infant/junior level they're at. These are the classes in Primary School:
  • ages 4-5 - Reception Class. (Because you're welcoming them/giving them a reception to school life)
  • ages 5-6 - Year 1
  • ages 6-7 - Year 2
  • ages 7-8 - Year 3
  • ages 8-9 - Year 4
  • ages 9-10- Year 5
  • ages 10-11 Year 6

Then you will go to Secondary school or what we sometimes refer to as our own 'high school' which is A cross between your middle school and high school in one. In Year 6, you will either do sats (NOT the same as American S.A.Ts) if you want to go to a regular state secondary school or you will do the 11+ if you want to go to a grammar school or a certain kind of independent school (private school). This usually gives an indication of your ability to help your new school determine your ability sets but it's just a guideline because you should be able to be moved about accordingly anyway. Tbh, sats and the 11+ is more to benefit the schools and the government because the data they accumulate helps to determine which schools are +/- the national average and it's more to show what kids are taking from the curriculum etc.

Anyway, this is secondary School:

  • ages 11-12 - Year 7
  • ages 12-13 - Year 8
  • ages 13-14 - Year 9
  • Note: year 9 is where you choose to or only do your 'option subjects' bar the torture of PE and RE/RS (Religious Education/Religious Studies) if your school is catholic. So in Year 7 and Year 8, you'd do the core subjects that you still have to do until GCSEs e.g. English: Literature and Language, Maths, Chemistry, Biology, Physics and possibly a language depending on your school) but you can keep/remove other subjects you had to do in the previous secondary school years. For example, I took French and Geography GCSE but didn't take Food tech or Music that I had to attend in Years 7 and 8 if that makes sense.
  • ages 14-15 - Year 10
  • ages 15-16 - Year 11 (Year of GCSE exams and results)

These are what the current GCSE grades mean:

0-3 - Fail

4- Standard pass/ low-average C

5 - Strong pass/ C/B

6 - B

7 - A

8 - A* or A+

9 - The same as an 8 but the difference is you either got full marks or you were in the top percentile of that whole cohort who took the same exams. We don't have extra credit like America, if you mess up in the exams, you mess up in the exams. Some subjects have coursework but not the core ones, or at least not when I was there.

Most people can remain in education. Some don't. Most go to a college or Sixth form.

College - Usually does Level 2s- Level 4s (Not the same as GCSE grades 2-4) or Btecs (like an A-Level but usually associated with more practical subjects or more coursework based though most of my A-levels had a lot of coursework anyway). College is it's own separate building from a secondary school and kids of varying abilities tend to go there. You can wear your own clothes.

Sixth Form - A- Levels only. This is usually for people who got grades 4-9 however, some A-levels require grades 6-9 only. Sixth form may an extension of a school rather than it's own building. You may need to wear a uniform or smart clothing.

I fortunately went to a hybrid of both, I went to what they call a 'sixth form college' where I was on a college campus with my own clothes but did A-levels :)

College and or Sixth form usually is like this:

  • ages 16-17 - Year 12
  • ages 17-18 - Year 13

The grades are:





not sure if a D is a pass or fail but anything else is a fail.

Then you can go to Uni. You apply via UCAS and you need to get like student finance stuff sorted from the government. If you got the grades to get into uni you can go, unless you have a backup or you want to go through clearing. Some people re-take A-levels and re-apply, some people just go where they can. University is where you do a degree. Not everyone does a degree even if they got good grades but lots of people do because this is where you can move out of home unless you're commuting. You can move into halls or private accommodation.

Hope this was helpful :)

Submitted January 20, 2023 at 01:11PM by SarahLovelace

[The future of education in the age of massified AI](

I have been a teacher and translator for almost 20 years. Recently, especially with the advent of massified AI chatbots, we've been witnessing technology integration in education rapidly changing the way(s) we teach, learn, and prepare for the future.

Education experts suggest a shift from traditional classroom models to a more personalised, student-centred approach. Advancements in AI and biotechnology are making conventional education models outdated, and the ability to continuously learn and adapt to new situations is essential for success in the 21st century. However, we need to be aware of the potential dangers of this technology, such as mass unemployment and the perpetuation of biases.

I wrote a short article on this subject, and I hope it spurs curiosity and debate.

Submitted January 20, 2023 at 01:03AM by phrmf33

jueves, 19 de enero de 2023

Pedagogy research papers or books for adult elective education (not GED)?

Good afternoon r/education . I'm a rope bondage educator; one of my partners is a teacher. We also do yoga and dance, and one of the things that we talk about a lot is pedagogy in adult elective education - in particular, we go to yoga classes, rope classes, or dance classes, and sometimes the teachers are ...not great.

Classes where the description is ambiguous whether it will be hands on, or demo only.
Classes where we messaged the presenters to ask if they're hands on or demo only, told they were hands on, then got to the class to find out they were demo only.
Classes where the description of the class was radically different from the content of the class.
Classes where the educators get pulled on wild tangents by the class.
Classes where the educator is clearly more interested in entertainment than education.

I was asking my teacher partner for books I could read focused on pedagogy and teaching techniques for adult elective education - I would like to be a good teacher, and I care deeply about being a good teacher. In their degree, they learned so much about getting class buy in teaching youth - how does that change when a room of people is already very eager to be there? In the school systems, the teacher has substantial authority and long term influence over the youth; how does that change when it's a peer educating for a single day. I recently paid to attend a class by a 15 year sex educator with a masters degree in sex research and a bachelors in psychology, focused on sex, who I was excited to hear speak, who then only spoke for 10-15 minutes of their 90 minute time, the rest of which calling on random members of the class to share their perspectives (people I did not pay to hear from) - my teacher partner says class participation can create people feeling like they belong in educational communities...but does it also create good education in and of itself?

I'm particularly looking for things that reference physical movement arts, as the thing I educate in is most similar to a physical movement art (dance, yoga, martial arts, aerial silks, pole dance, etcetera), but if there is any good pedagogy research in adult sex education, I'd also be interested in that.

My teacher partner and I already spent a few hours looking for material and came up with not a lot of great options.

Thanks for your thoughts!

Submitted January 19, 2023 at 09:50PM by AFoxWithRopes

ChatGPT and Education

If you haven’t yet heard of or haven’t yet checked out ChatGPT, you should. It is a pretty incredible piece of artificial intelligence technology. The ramifications for widespread access to AI are going to be astonishing across all sectors, education included.

To my fellow educators, I gave it the following prompt:

“Write a step by step guide for what public school teachers need to do to ensure they are not replaced by artificial intelligence. “

Here is the fascinating response written by that very same Artificial Intelligence:

“1. Stay up to date: It’s important to stay up to date with the latest AI, machine learning and automation trends, so that the teacher has a good understanding of the potential applications of these new technologies in the classroom.

  1. Leverage technology: Incorporate technology into lesson plans and activities to get better engagement from students and check for understanding. If done correctly, this will show that teachers still bring value to the classroom.

  2. Demonstrate adaptability: Show how you can easily adapt to new digital tools, technology, and trends. Artificial intelligence technologies are constantly improving, so the ability to quickly learn and understand these systems enables teachers to offer insights and new ideas.

  3. Emphasize interpersonal skills: While digital tools, technology, and AI can help with instruction, there’s still a need for traditional teaching skills and rapport building with students. AI cannot replace years of experience and relationship building with your students; instead…”

What do you think?

Submitted January 19, 2023 at 07:16PM by jordanradke

Survey on computer science for K-12 teachers in U.S.


One of my research interests is learning about computational thinking. So many articles are coming out about about computational thinking/computer science in educational research but I have yet to really see it in practice. If you're a K-12 teacher, would you mine taking my survey regarding your experience/interest with it?

I very much appreciate your help! My goal is to find the barriers to integrating it and what we can do to encourage teaching it. I hope to use these results in a publication this year. This survey will take about 10 minutes.

Link to survey

Submitted January 19, 2023 at 01:31PM by z0mbiepirate

Motivating students

Scenario; 2 girls, 11th grade, both bright and capable. Both are flunking all classes and refusing assignments. Not troublemakers. Both have fairly ok homes and lives. Small rural setting. At my wit's end with these two. I truly want them to succeed, but how can I make them see that education is important?

Submitted January 19, 2023 at 11:49AM by EffectSubject2676

What is education?

How would you define education?

Submitted January 19, 2023 at 10:53AM by mayipetyourshiba

miércoles, 18 de enero de 2023

What are pathways to leadership within education?

Hi - I'm curious to know what are some example career pathways to leadership positions in the education industry. Do most of them start as a teacher?

Submitted January 18, 2023 at 07:20AM by seanthesonic

Struggling to find the right uni

Not sure if this is the place for my question(if not please redirect me to a better place to ask), I'm some months into my level 3 course in music performance and production and trying to look into unis for the near future, I'm UK based and have seen some options but nothing that catches my eye, I'm after some that have a course in music composition as that'll be my main focus in my second year of level 3, any advice is appreciated!

Submitted January 18, 2023 at 07:29AM by ImNotImCheesecake

martes, 17 de enero de 2023

Educational App For Students

We believe teaching is a greatest form of optimism and that’s why we want to give back to educators and make their work a little less complicated. We have created a Free Google Classroom student work scanner app that can scan and save entire class marks in just 3 mins. We'd greatly appreciate your feedback; download it free now!

Submitted January 17, 2023 at 11:52PM by ConfidenceForward215

are there places to study post-secondary education but in a smaller closer to 1-on-1 environment?

I haven't attended college but there are subjects that I would like to study where it would be appropriate to do so. However from what I've heard from people who've been to college it's largely dozens of students with one professor who is very hands off and often most of what you're doing is just studying the textbook anyway. I can buy textbooks or study privately but I would I think learn better if I had somebody who is knowledgeable in the subject that I could discuss the concept with. Is there any sort of an environment for this? Even like a smaller class size type of thing would be preferable

Submitted January 17, 2023 at 06:26PM by JellyBellyBitches

Preparing K-12 students for college falls to 47th place as a priority, among American population polled

Submitted January 17, 2023 at 05:06PM by all_of_the_lightss

Did getting a Masters after your BA affect your opp to get a better job?

Hey, I’m a student and I am about to finish up my bachelor’s. Previously I was considering applying for law school and taking the LSAT, but I am now reconsidering getting a Master’s degree in criminology? I have a passion for pursuing true crime and I’m not sure if I should rush into law school right away. Has anyone had this problem? How did you make a decision?

Submitted January 17, 2023 at 04:13PM by Puzzleheaded_Park_71

Looking for a good online college for Electrical Engineering (Canada)

Hey. So I'm looking to try and go back to school. I quite enjoy electrical engineering and am looking for an online college that teaches it. I have a damaged spine so a daily commute is basically out of the cards for me, far too much pain for that. Does anyone know of any online colleges or colleges that allow you to take said required courses online.

Thanks all

Submitted January 17, 2023 at 05:12AM by Rerfect_Greed

What are the most influential works in the education field?

Let's get a bit meta. I'm thinking works that talk have informed your educational philosophy/worldview.

Submitted January 17, 2023 at 03:00AM by santgun

lunes, 16 de enero de 2023

What is the most resourceful knowledge for people to know in your opinion?

honestly, I am quite curious to hear from the perspectives of people who have learned trades or philosophies that have really aided them in life.

Submitted January 16, 2023 at 09:42PM by Pristine-Fig7287

Letter of recommendation not in English

So ive been working as a freelancer and most of the people i offered services to cant speak english, but i need a few recommendations to show for my time spent like that to universities. What should i do? The clients keep telling me to write something on their behalf but i know that’s the recipe for trouble . Any advice?

Submitted January 16, 2023 at 05:20PM by Ok-Marionberry3478

I can't find a term for my specific learning style. Can you please help me find it?

I've always required context for learning. I am a proficient learner and in school I didn't have to study for tests and was often bored. I could learn anything very quickly- but ONLY if I had context surrounding the subject. For instance, I was terrible in math because there are just numbers. I was mid in history because I couldn't remember dates.

Later on, I found when I have context for the numbers (I.E. Oregon trail was paved in 1840s) I am able to apply it to a broad range of things (IE so relative to that, the railroads were created toward the west in the 1860s because it was a couple decades after it had been established. Then i can understand how American tycoons were able to be rich in the Gilded era of the 1900s and how the indulgence affected the economy decades later in the Great Depression, and how after the recovery from that in and the war in the 40's America felt more comfortable living conservatively again).

Another example is in nursing school I struggled to learn electrolyte levels but after practicing with patients with electrolyte deficiency I suddenly had context for the implication of a tiny shift in lab levels.

I just generally need to have context for anything to make sense. If I can understand the innerworkings of anything, I can use my critical thinking skills to apply it to other things. My brother said that is transcontextual thinking. But what is it called when you REQUIRE context? I hope you understand what I'm trying to get across! I have been ill lately and don't really express my point well sometimes. Thanks.

Submitted January 16, 2023 at 11:29AM by Bright_Court5972

Do you have any ideas for VR apps for education? Which would help students better understand certain areas of science?

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Submitted January 16, 2023 at 09:56AM by majdoleum

How is EQ assessed in primary school added children?

I recently went through my primary school report cards and saw that I got a “F” for emotional intelligence in Year 5. I’m not disputing that at all - I had an emotionally neglectful upbringing and felt pretty numb all my youth. This definitely showed in my behaviour.

The thing is, I was always obsessed with my grades. My home life sucked but I was always good at school, and it’s probably the only thing that gave me joy or excitement. This grade stung at the time but I imagine I just ignored it, thinking that the rest of the marks (being all A’s) balanced it out. My mum never read my report cards either, saying that they were just the same every year.

As an adult, I have a lot of weird feelings about it. Maybe I’m ashamed of my behaviour. Maybe I’m frustrated because I always “got” things in the classroom, and this is something I just didn’t “get”. I’m not really sure quite yet.

How can EQ be taught/addressed/assessed in 10 year olds? Do teachers sneak in EQ lessons during class?? What do they expect as an outcome when it’s written in a report card???

Submitted January 16, 2023 at 07:19AM by Upset_Sort_2001

domingo, 15 de enero de 2023

Should i go into biology for a second degree?

I went to college right after high school and got my bachelors in psychology. After not doing further school, I’m obviously struggling to get a job. Graduate school isn’t an option since I have a poor resume. Should I get a second degree? I’m interested in biology and research, specifically plant science, but I’m not sure if I can make it through the curriculum since i haven’t had to take a “hard” class in almost 3-4 years. I don’t want to be in over my head and regret my choice and fail, but I also want to make a good decision about my future and feel like I’m going somewhere. Any advice would be appreciated, and I would love information from people who have a bachelors in plant science to tell me where they ended up with their degree and how difficult being a biology major was.

Submitted January 15, 2023 at 04:42PM by monstermonster7593

The Arrogance of Education.

have you ever noticed.
how all these educated people act and talk about how much they can do, and understand.

but when you play a simple game of chess against these highly educated people, they tend to loss very easily.

Submitted January 15, 2023 at 02:52PM by Comfortable-Ad-4205

I choose wrong career path

I went to high school for chef which is 3rd degree and now I want to get 4th and possibly college, but I do not like cooking and want to change my profession. What should I do, where do I start? Do I have to take 4th degree in something related to my previous education? What college can I enroll afterwards?

Submitted January 15, 2023 at 08:51AM by Traditional-Row-6842

A happy father of 2 years old baby girl seeking an advice.

Hi All, I am a working professional(chip designer) and a father of 2 years old baby girl. Wondering what we should start teaching her now and how to structure her studies going forward. Please help me with your valuable suggestions. Appreciate the help in advance.

Submitted January 15, 2023 at 04:38AM by Silly_You9597

sábado, 14 de enero de 2023

is it possible to work and do student teaching?

I don’t start full time student teaching until fall 2024, I want to move up in my retail job as a keyholder and the minimum amount of hours to work is like 18 which I think would be perfect if I’m working 40 at a school, I would just need to work two days at my part time job. I’m willing to isolate myself the entire semester and not go out with friends just to be able to have a job and make some money since I would probably live in a school apartment.

Submitted January 14, 2023 at 11:53PM by necksarefathered

Help Request: Defending school boards against misinformation and politics

Our public school teachers and administrators have faced a brutal fight over the past few years against outside political voices armed with misinformation and coordinated agendas.

As a parent, I’m going to start attending local school board meetings to help fight these lies, and I’m looking for any resources or information (books, podcasts, YouTube channels, etc…) where I could go to learn how to be an effective advocate for our public schools, teachers and administrators.

Thanks in advance.

Submitted January 14, 2023 at 05:50PM by TheDoodUhbides

I’m more or less a high school dropout and I really want to start going again but I don’t know how

Back in November of 2019, at 12 years old I stopped properly attending school for a reason that’ll take too long to explain. In these past three years, I don’t think I’ve sat down and focused on my studies like a typical student my age even once. I remember never focusing or learning anything when online classes were going on, I used to skip them all the time, and because I had no other option I ultimately cheated my way through all exams. When face-to-face classes started I remember not understanding a thing my teacher was teaching, or anything in the textbook because almost every word was something I’d never learned before. I Tried So Hard to focus and listen to what my teachers were talking about but it felt like they were babbling something incomprehensible, I literally could not help but space out. In mid 2022 I entirely gave up, I have not touched a book or even once contemplated going to school since. I puked on my academic worth these past three years & have literally become dumber than I was before, it's become hard for me to even comprehend sentences while reading because of how long I’ve spend without practicing it. I’m now 15, 2023 is starting and my peers are gonna start 11th grade soon and my knowledge is nowhere near theirs. I desperately want to start studying and going to school again but I have no idea how. The only ways seem to be getting held back in 10th grade (it's confusing but my principal's aware of my situation and managed to help me get promoted to higher classes without me having to take any exams) or actually picking up where I left off and going back to 7th grade. I want to finish school and go to college to major in graphic design because I like it. But I was so dumb and now it's gonna take so long to get back on track. I don't know what to do. I'm so lost, stuck and miserable. It's now become my dream to be a normal kid who studies and graduates school but I just don’t know how to go at it.

Submitted January 14, 2023 at 02:19PM by jennietheworld

What happens if I miss my offer conditions by a small margin? Say 59% instead of 60%, for an LLM in QMUL.

No text found

Submitted January 14, 2023 at 08:48AM by krin5

How to Prepare ANY study Topic for the First Time [For College and Uni Students]

In this video, I described a method to "Prepare ANY Study Topic for the First Time". This video will help college and University students.

Submitted January 14, 2023 at 04:28AM by Dr-Tahir-Yaqub

viernes, 13 de enero de 2023

3 types of learning memes

Teachers often use memes as bell ringers, but that's just scratching the surface. The reason that almost every subject matter has a meme community on the internet with membership in the tens to hundreds of thousands of people isn't because they're merely funny internet gags. It's because they're social puzzles. And in that vein they're incredible learning devices hiding in plain sight. Here are three ways — Storytelling, Knowledge & Terms, and Culture - read more here

Submitted January 14, 2023 at 12:09AM by idontpayforgas

I feel like I’ve wasted 10 years of my life

Never fitted in well and never worked well in the lessons, I always worked better by myself at home. I just feel like I’ve wasted 10 years studying a whole load of shit for nothing

Submitted January 13, 2023 at 08:41PM by ILoveCatLiver

Is there any research on whether doing scholarship in teaching and learning makes one a better teacher?

I can see that *engaging with* others' scholarship in teaching and learning will help one become a better teacher.

But I am curious about the relevance between actually conducting research in teaching and learning (or pedagogy) and becoming a better teacher. Is there any empirical research on this topic?

Submitted January 13, 2023 at 02:58PM by beerbearbare

I'm nearly finished with my MA but i'm starting to have regrets.

I need someone to give it to me straight because my friends and family, and obviously, my teachers won't, have I chosen a useless degree? I was never good at STEM so I went for a degree in the humanities, specifically English for my BA and Cultural studies for my MA. I'm going to defend my thesis (on political developments in the western world over the last decade) very soon, but I worry that I'll struggle to find any employment, especially since I have ambitions of immigrating to somewhere nicer than where I currently am.

I have some advantages in that I have a respectable amount of money (90k USD) saved up and I can speak 3 languages. I never worried much about this before but after I went down the YouTube rabbithole, I'm constantly stressed out by what opportunities I can have.

TLDR, Got a degree in politics/culture studies, now I'm worried I won't be able to find a job.

Submitted January 13, 2023 at 10:00AM by Zavisxxrh

First vs Second language

Do we teach reading in a first language vs. a second language differently? If so, why?

Submitted January 13, 2023 at 09:12AM by rjdevereux

EssayService advice from an actual writer

I’ve been working for EssayServce for over a year now, and I really love it. But I noticed that some students are not using it to its full potential, so here are a few tips.
1. Take advantage of the bidding system when picking the writer, that way you will get a better price and a better match.
2. Follow them everywhere because there are always promotions and site tips that can really help you out.
3. Don’t wait until the last minute to order. Yes, we can do it in just a few hours if need b, but that drives a price very high, and the whole point of the site is affordable help.

Submitted January 13, 2023 at 05:30AM by Guilty_Feed2902

Questions/Concerns about my sons IEP and how his school is handling his behavior.

I live in Georgia and Long story short my 8 yr was recently diagnosed with Autism spectrum disorder (high functioning). He is very visual when it comes to learning so he struggles in a classroom setting. Change and transition from one task to another can be extremely difficult and overwhelming. He also struggles with sensory overload. Even understanding the importance of doing the work. I don’t believe the school has been following his IEP, not just in the classroom but also at the board of education level. So he’s been unfairly punished (multiple suspensions) for behavior. I filed a complaint with the state. Now the person from the BOE I named in my complaint called me with a brand new attitude, wanting to meet, not only to understand where things went wrong but because they need a more detailed account of my concerns on record. I’m happy to meet and did initially agree to said meeting. However, now I’m worried this meeting is intended to cover their asses, so to speak and may not be in the best interest of my child. Should we wait for a mediator? Do they even need a detailed account from me on record before mediation?

Submitted January 13, 2023 at 03:01AM by Leoch45

jueves, 12 de enero de 2023

Teacher Discord

I work in a district of over 10K teachers so I’ve created a discord for us to chat in. We had some people from outside the district (and one out of state) join so I thought I’d open it up for anyone. Feel free to join if you’d like to help the teacher discord grow.

Submitted January 12, 2023 at 04:51PM by wyzecamone

STEM and Algebra 2

As school board members, we are responsible for approving curriculum. One thing we are struggling with is how to make room for more basic stats and basic data science within our existing curriculum sequences. My question is this: Algebra 2 is tough for a lot of people and seems to teach some topics that even many (not all) STEM people will not use. Recall that STEM is not just Engineering and Comp Sci. It includes Biology, Chemistry, Big Data, Analytics, and more. Why do we need to push high schoolers through a sequence of Alg 1 > Geo > Alg 2 before teaching basic Stats and basic Data Science? If Alg 2 is truly needed, it can be taken later, right? It seems like we are doing it this way just because we've always done it this way.

Submitted January 12, 2023 at 07:07AM by Series_G

Does anyone know where can i find access code to mcgrew hill website?

I lost mine a long time ago and I need access to download some sheet. Please help

Submitted January 12, 2023 at 01:30AM by Ok-Bet-3704

miércoles, 11 de enero de 2023

Prof: Algebra, geometry perpetuate white privilege

A math education professor at the University of Illinois argued in a newly published book that algebraic and geometry skills perpetuate “unearned privilege” among whites.

Professor Rochelle GutierrezOn many levels, mathematics itself operates as Whiteness. Who gets credit for doing and developing mathematics, who is capable in mathematics, and who is seen as part of the mathematical community is generally viewed as White

Gutierrez also worries that algebra and geometry perpetuate privilege, fretting that “curricula emphasizing terms like Pythagorean theorem and pi perpetuate a perception that mathematics was largely developed by Greeks and other Europeans."

If Gutierrez know anything about European history, she would know that the Greeks aren't technically “white” /s

Submitted January 11, 2023 at 05:49PM by famaminores

Can TCGs be used for educational purposes?

For instance recommending children to play TCGs like Pokemon or Yugioh for teaching them English for instance (I live in a non-speaking language country and I am a teacher.) Actually this idea springed with a discussion between me and dad, he badmouthed cards so I said that they're beneficial for learning language and I came to this conclusion. What do you guys say? (I believe you'll say things like I can have problems with parents, for such a recommendation but anyways I wanted to share my idea)

Submitted January 11, 2023 at 03:46PM by getto_daze

900th follower gets a FREE coaching session worth 100€

I’ve got a small blog about conscious living, mindfulness and coaching. My 700th and 800th followers got a free coaching session with me on zoom, so I’m offering the same thing to the 900th follower.

My Instagram profile is called @dinaracoaching

Check it out and follow to get a free strategic coaching session with an experienced Life Coach ✨

Thanks for your support in advance.

Submitted January 11, 2023 at 11:17AM by di_teaches

How to deal with this student?

Her name is Jennifer, is a 9th grader in my Art class. She’s popular, many boys have a crush on her, she’s a starter on Varsity basketball, and her family is rich. She somehow has a C in my class, even though most of the grades are completion. I’ve noticed some unhealthy ways she engages with peers such as:

  • She comes to class late every day and will say: “I want to sit in this seat.” And the person seated there will move for her to sit, even if it isn’t her friend.

  • On a few occasions, she’s been told her shoe was untied, and she just looked at a nearby student, then they would kneel down and tie it for her.

  • When it’s time to get materials, someone always gets them and puts them away for her. They also clean her area

  • She regularly tells students they aren’t allowed to talk to her or calls people losers or geeks.

  • Someone from another class usually brings her a snack and drink during class, she’s even told students that she doesn’t want it or that they need to bring something else next time.

It’s basically like we are her peasants and that she is too good for others.

Submitted January 11, 2023 at 11:30AM by fugu694


Has anyone created a summary of the widely used assessments in the US? I was initially curious about research-tested reading assessments. But once I thought about it, I realized how many overlapping international, national, state, and commercial assessments exist. So now I'm curious if they have different objectives, strengths, and weaknesses.

Submitted January 11, 2023 at 10:55AM by rjdevereux

martes, 10 de enero de 2023

What is statistical significance and why do we need to calculate it? can anyone explain it to me in layman's terms so I can understand the concept?

No text found

Submitted January 10, 2023 at 10:56PM by Far8126

Difference between using a Z-score and using C as average to curve exams

I am choosing between 2 professors, one of whom curves his exams by keeping C as average and the other one takes the score you received, subtracts it by the class mean, and divides the whole thing by the standard deviation. Then he uses the number he uses and plugs it into a table to get our final grade. Can someone please help me understand who's system is better and take the best professor because both of them are equally good at teaching.

Submitted January 10, 2023 at 06:31PM by trickster_77__

Typing Skills

Hi All. I just found out that my daughter's elementary school is not offering a typing skills class. Are there any apps or educational tools I can use at home to help her learn this? I feel like it's an essential skill to have. Am I off the mark on that?

Also, how do I raise this issue in my school district in a productive way?

Submitted January 10, 2023 at 02:57PM by Legitimate-Ebb2088

A Lecturer Showed a Painting of the Prophet Muhammad. She Lost Her Job. — The New York Times (No paywall)

A Lecturer Showed a Painting of the Prophet Muhammad. She Lost Her Job. (No paywall)

After an outcry over the art history class by Muslim students, Hamline University officials said the incident was Islamophobic. But many scholars say the work is a masterpiece.

This article is excellent.

Submitted January 10, 2023 at 01:28PM by darrenjyc

Should we stop worrying about ChatGPT and use it in education?

Here is a well-written article that talk about the future of ChatGPT and its place in education. What do you think?

Submitted January 10, 2023 at 12:18PM by idontpayforgas

How hard is it to switch your major for your masters abroad?

For some context I did my undergraduation in bachelors of engineering in biotechnology but I realised eventually that I’m not passionate about it or see a future in the field and want to apply for masters in computer science or so in countries abroad like canada or the US. But I’m not sure how to go about it and I heard the acceptance rate is really low for students in my situation. I don’t have any work experience I wanted to pursue my masters immediately after finishing my undergrad this year so any suggestions?

Submitted January 10, 2023 at 07:14AM by Seskiandikit

I am having trouble deciding my extra module for university. Need advice

Hey everyone. So I am really needing some advice here. I am studying Computer Science in the UK and we are required by our university to pick an extra module of our liking which will start now on the 2nd semester. I haven't picked mine yet and I have just a few hours to send an email with my choices (I have to make a list of 3 options by order of most favorite basically).

However, I'm unsure what to pick. I speak 3 languages and that's something that I'm quite proud of myself for so I always wanted to learn a few more. The one I'd like to learn the most right now is Japanese, which I have already done some learning by myself but I thought picking it up as a module would help me study it on a regular basis, however I can only pick it up on the 2nd year. Right now the only two available languages are Mandarin and Italian. Italian is not a bad option but it's similar to my native language enough that I can understand at least 60% of it already, but can't speak. Mandarin sounds interesting but a bit intimidating.

Despite enjoying languages though I was considering something that is not as easy to find tons of free options of learning online and these are the modules I was considering:

  • An Introduction to Entrepreneurship
  • Developing your Personal Entrepreneurial Skills
  • Introduction to Negotiation
  • Effective Communication Skills 1

Now for reference I'm not that great with communication, I'm a little bit of an introvert, but I would like to become really good with communication. Negotiation is a skill that could also come in handy but I guess it's something I could learn on the internet maybe? And as for Entrepreneur stuff, basically I understand very little about business and/or entrepreneurship, I know my course allows me to get a job in the future but I'm mostly studying for the knowledge, not the qualifications, ideally I'd love to have my own company/companies in the future so I thought this knowledge could come in handy.

Submitted January 10, 2023 at 05:43AM by OvercookedSatellite

Topic for discourse: A successful educational system will be a reflection of a just society, not a mechanism for the creation of that society.

This sentence is taken from an article about "radical" research in regard to the field of education, and especially the Coleman Report of 1966. Research Toward Radical Educational Reform in the USA - The Good Men Project

Based on your experiences and observations, will a successful educational system will be a reflection of a just society, and not a mechanism for the creation of that society?

Submitted January 10, 2023 at 02:11AM by invisiblechaircover

lunes, 9 de enero de 2023

What do you think of Democratic Education? Any studies measuring their effectiveness?

Hi, I'm a social sciences hobbyist who's interested in education reform. I'm very interested in democratic education, where students are treated as equals and schools are run as direct democracies, but have had trouble finding evidence either in favor or against them, with most studies conducted by the schools themselves.

I doubt that democratic education leads to increased performance on traditional standardized tests, but I also doubt that standardized tests are a good measure of actual intelligence. Have any studies been conducted on the outcomes of democratic school students vs traditional school students in any of the following metrics;

-self-reported emotional wellbeing

-self reported life evaluation

-fluid intelligence

-Torrance tests of creative thinking

-openness to experience (Big 5)/other measures of curiosity


-conscientiousness (Big 5)

-percentage of graduates who became entrepreneurs, creatives, scientists, engineers, leaders, etc.

-metrics other than standardized test scores that I haven't thought of

What are your personal thoughts on democratic education? Would you send your child to a democratic school?

Submitted January 09, 2023 at 03:00PM by Pyropeace

Organizations working to end our obsession with standardized testing

Are there any active organizations working to oppose the emphasis on standardized testing in K-12? I see a couple online but they don't look especially active.

Submitted January 09, 2023 at 01:19PM by ZaxRod

Alternatives to school

My 6 year old (soon to be 7) absolutely hates school 4/5 days of the week he cries or throws a tantrum when it's time to leave for school. Today he didn't, but he walked without fighting, shoulders slumped as if going to prison and accepting a horrible fate. This isn't how education should be administered, he should be excited to go and learn things, like he was in kindergarten.

We had a conversation with the teacher and the principle and they tell us he throws fits in class because he doesn't want to participate. They say his knowledge of Science, computers, engineering and Math is well above everyone else in his class, but he refuses to write so they can't test him or pass him during evaluations. He separates himself from other classmates and just sits in the corner not participating.

His mom and I have discussed homeschooling him but we don't think we are smart enough or patient enough to educate him and also we don't want him to inherent only our biases. My cousin did a curriculum where she went to school 3 days a week and home schooled 2 days a week by design, but i can't find any information about anything like that in our area.

I'm posting this asking for help from education community. Should he suck it up and just wait until second grade? Do we let the school system crush his spirit and zest for life? Should we just risk turning him into a drone of his parents and having subpar social skills? All ideas and criticisms accepted.

Submitted January 09, 2023 at 07:40AM by Jono_Randolph

Graffiti Philosophy

I hope the following link is not seen as spam, and that I may participate in this ongoing discussion. I thank you all in advance for gathering in this way and asking questions about the present and future of education. This short article deals with approaching human beings in the extremity with the power of philosophy.


Submitted January 09, 2023 at 07:13AM by lovethedust

domingo, 8 de enero de 2023

Method of teaching

why don't we teach subjects like math and science by following the track of discoveries chronologically through our record of time?

Submitted January 08, 2023 at 06:53PM by camden-is-gay

Should I go to University?

So I’m currently 21 years old and I’m currently working part time in retail in a supermarket. I live in the UK. The pay is ok, but it’s not enough because my contracted hours per week are only 16. The only way I can get more hours is through overtime and it’s rarely available.

I have a place for University this year, the course is for a degree in Games Design. A Games Design degree opens up opportunities not only for things like working in Game Studios but also all kinds of IT jobs, as well as Data Analyst jobs, etc. I feel it makes sense to personally go for a degree otherwise I will be stuck working in retail for not much money for the rest of my life. However, I still don’t know if going to Uni is worth it and whether it will pay off. Many people nowadays seem to be dropping out of Uni and just working basic jobs for the money.

I also think going to Uni could be beneficial for my social skills and my loneliness because I currently live in a small town in the UK with not much to do so I usually end up only leaving the house for work and that’s it. If I go to Uni I will be living in a much bigger town (the size of a city) with many more things to do such as clubs, bars, events, social opportunities, societies, etc. I will be living in student accommodation away from my parents so this also means I will have full independence as well. This could help with my depression due to the loneliness of living in an isolated town with nothing much to do.

I’m just trying to decide whether it’s worth it or not. I will be studying for 4 years which is a long time so I seriously need to know whether it’s worth it or not before jumping into things. I’m currently 21 years old so by the time I graduate I will be 25. That’s a long time and a serious thing to consider. Another obvious important thing is the student debt.

What do you guys think?

Submitted January 08, 2023 at 04:15PM by enchanted5033

Created an elementary school aged lesson on having a growth mindset using the free video game Jump Rogi

Hey everyone. I often to like to use video games to teach. I especially like to use video games to teach social emotional concepts in my advisory class. I just recently put together a lesson on having a growth mindset using the free web browser based video game Jump Rogi. This lesson in particular is meant for students in elementary school. I wrote about the lesson here and my lesson plan is attached inside fo those who want. You will need to make a free account if you want to download the actual lesson plan.

This is my website Hey Listen Games where I make most of my game based learning curriculum available for free. I hope you all can find something useful.

Submitted January 08, 2023 at 12:50PM by somefuzzypants


The people you're trying to help will think you're insulting them, as time goes by. TheMoreYouKnow

Submitted January 08, 2023 at 11:15AM by LibertyCore

ELI5: Why do schools keep adopting reading curriculums that aren't based in science?

I've noticed that a lot of schools seem to be either unable or unwilling to accurately assess whether a reading program is scientifically sound. Like, I don't understand how "balanced" reading and things like Reading Recovery are still so widely used, even though they are not based on what we know about effective reading instruction. Why???

Submitted January 08, 2023 at 06:46AM by blind_wisdom

sábado, 7 de enero de 2023

What about other educational systems

Hi i am from greece and i would like to know what other educational system are forcing the students to learn.In physics at the third class of high school we have a part of quantum mechanics and electromagnetic fields that i find difficult for a seventeen year old to really understand.Do you have such things in other countries?

Sorry if my English is bad.

Submitted January 07, 2023 at 12:25PM by Leonidas_Karamanidis

Detect ai written text

I built a website to detect whether text was written with AI. I'm looking for some beta testers. I don't think I can paste a link here, so feel free to message me

Submitted January 07, 2023 at 10:55AM by Ordinary-Grocery2980

viernes, 6 de enero de 2023

Proficiency-based Learning means no homework?

I just sat through a discussion with relatives who are largely educators. They discussed a school district they grew up around that no longer assigns homework. They were highly critical of this, saying that the studies behind PBL were highly flawed.

I wanted to ask people who may have more knowledge on the subject. Is it a good move to get rid of homework? Does it help, or hurt? I'm mostly curious but I may end up teaching in this district, so I have a somewhat vested interest.

Submitted January 06, 2023 at 07:35PM by Arcane_Animal123

Why aren't students curious to learn anymore?

I'm not sure if anyne has even noticed, but you rarely find any students who are intrested in to involve into lessons and actually learn. Personally Im curious to find out everything, but yet rarely you will find that curiosity in other pupils. Example- If you had went to a kindergardner and told them to ask you a question, there would be millions and they are honestly are excited to learn. Yet in a different suitwation, if you went to a 10th grader you wouldn't get much out of them, since of the exhuasting of school and always being worried about other stuff. I personally think that alot of students now don't have that curisoity anymore to adventure, exoplore and even learn anymore because of school is always viewed as a negative idea and you're constantly shuving information to the piont they're not even intrested anymore. I can understand how students need to learn this thing or that as a general thing (such as reading, writting e.g) but what is stopping us to make these lessons enjoyable for pupils and for them to gain a passion for learning, instead of constantly cramping them with more information then they can handle at once.

Submitted January 06, 2023 at 10:31AM by TheoneandonlyWeird

Is it worth it to get an associates degree in addition to my bachelors degree?

I’m currently in school getting a B.S. in cybersecurity, but it keeps getting recommended to me that I also take business classes in case I ever want to get any type of management roll. The problem is that I’m also being told that college minors and certificates are essentially worthless, so would an associates degree in business in addition to my bachelors degree be worth it? (Getting another bachelors wouldn’t really be possible seeing as that would take me at least two extra years and I really don’t have the money, the associates degree I can fit into my current schedule with no added semesters)

Submitted January 06, 2023 at 09:13AM by Itsnotsmallitssoft

Question: Can a band teacher fail a student for not going to football games because they didn’t turn in a note?

Hi my daughter is a senior and was accepted to a good college but last report card she failed band and it might affect her gpa to go to that college. just wondering if a band teacher can fail a student for not turning in a note for missing football games? And can the school change grades from the previous semester if the principal approves it? Thank you! My daughter will be the first person in our family to go to college and I don’t want a football game mess up her future.

Submitted January 06, 2023 at 07:45AM by YellowMelloMary

Modern Education Ostracise Geniuses

all the supposed changes of modern time is written down on a piece of paper, and then we follows said paper.

no matter how much you change a program, its still a program, its still the same thing. you haven't changed the educational method.

the things that is being taught for the past 100 years, is knowledge. the methods of grading an individuals ability to know,

is based on a piece of paper that tells us the corrects answer.

the key function of education is knowledge.

because it has to be, in an educational system that is based on points.

the only thing an education can actually put into metrics is a knowledge based system.

change of knowledge, is not change of method nor result, in its essence it is still a program.

knowledge dose not equal understanding, it dose not equal intelligence, and it may very well chocke any ingenuity.

those whom have accomplished the next step for humanity, have been those whom was ostracised by this exact system, such as Nikolaj Tesla.

even if you change the way of a programs functionality, it is still a program.

and no program have the intelligence to do the things that Nikolaj Tesla did.

knowledge, is only secondary.

intelligence, wisdom, ingenuity, imagination and creativity, is primary.

it is the current system that ostracised people such as Nikolaj Tesla.....

Submitted January 06, 2023 at 07:31AM by Comfortable-Ad-4205

jueves, 5 de enero de 2023

Why youth view the education system as a means to an end

One thing that keeps happening when I talk to young people today is that almost none of them talk about the actual content of their education. It's a rare occasion when I find somebody who genuinely has an interest in what they're learning/pursuing. And even then, half of them just talk about the pay of their future careers and it just feels all so bleak.

So, I decided to find some root causes. I found the main proponent to be the grading system paired with social media which inevitability breeds comparisons. As a result of this, there's been a large increase in materialism over the last three decades in the US.

I go into detail more here.

Submitted January 05, 2023 at 07:42PM by Thin-Antelope9347

modern education is insane

we all do the same thing over and over again, rely on the same knowledge.

teach the samething, using the same methods.

and still, we expect the future to be diffrent, that we will have the solution to cancer, to be able to fly to the stars.

this, is the definition of insanity, our socity is literaly insane.

and thats why Albert Einstein was correct, when he said that intelligence is made by our imagination.

knowledge is only a tool, used by our intelligence.

when we begin thinking that it is the source of our intelligence, we will go insane.

our education, makes us insane.

because it discourages anything outside the frame, and grips on to the repetition of the knowledge that gave us comfort.

but neglects the potential knowledge we can accomplish.

Submitted January 05, 2023 at 02:54PM by Comfortable-Ad-4205

How to Get Motivated to Study?

How to Get Motivated to Study? 1. Discover why you procrastinate 2. Break the material down into chunks 3. Reward yourself 4. Create a study routine 5. Be clear about why you want to get good grades 6. Use a mind map to organise the information 7. Make a “boring” subject interesting. 8. Understand the topic, don’t just memorise it 9. Look for gaps in your understanding 10. Study in short bursts 11. Use the Pomodoro technique 12. Don’t expect to feel motivated all the time

Submitted January 05, 2023 at 08:21AM by Virtual-Study-Campus

In the developed world, in different countries what percentage of students continue in education to 18, and how many get an undergraduate degree?

I'm interested as I'm from the UK and there is always a debate about how useful it is for some students to continue to 18, and how worth while a degree is; ie the government has a target of 50% of young people going to univeristy.

It would be interested to know the states of other european countries, as well as countries like the US, Canada, Japan, South Korea etc..


Submitted January 05, 2023 at 12:46AM by misomiso82

miércoles, 4 de enero de 2023

If You Could Rewind Time

This is directed to those of you who have been graduated from college for many years, whether you’re 25 years old or 65 years old.

Having lived the life you have and knowing what you know now- if you could go back to school and study something else, what would it be? What do you think would have benefited you the most and been the smartest area to study to have a(n even more) fulfilling life?

Submitted January 04, 2023 at 07:35PM by ElderberryOk8234