martes, 13 de junio de 2017

need help fleshing out an idea for a government-run forum

My goal of posting here is to get some constructive, especially from teachers, about a policy idea I've been developing in my head.

The idea is that the government could create a forum where teachers can go and post classes. All classes would be offered for free, but there would be a donation box for people to give money for classes that benefited them. This is effectively a volunteer economy, but many volunteer economies, such as on websites such as and, have been extremely profitable for content creators.

This type of forum would be beneficial for many reasons:

1) The best teachers could theoretically rise to the top and make the most money.

2) Teachers often look for summer jobs, and this forum could fill that role for some.

3) Many people that are poor, disabled, from inner cities, are stay-at-home parents, etc. can't get further education from school systems, and this solves that problem.

4) While most teachers are great, some teachers are incompetent. This forum would allow students from incompetent teachers to further their education elsewhere for free.

Obviously, we would need to make sure the classes were of high quality. To solve this problem, teachers could be forced to review X amount of other classes in order to publish their own class. For instance, a teacher may be forced to review 3 other classes and give each one a rating in order for their own class to become public.

This creates another dilemma, which is that some teachers may act in bad faith. They could give bad reviews to their "competition", speed through the process with little effort just to get their own classes published, rate good classes poorly for ideological/political purposes, etc. To combat this, the forum should mandate teachers put their employment as part of the registration process. If teachers are found to be purposefully disruptive, their employers could be contacted and they could risk losing their job. Employment registration also helps ensure that teachers are actually credentialed teachers. Admittedly, I don't have the details all worked out about how determinations of wrongdoing would work, but in my ideal world, the forum would effectively create a community of teachers that would self-regulate their own community.

I think this idea has some real potential as an innovative idea. It solves many of the problems raised with students lacking access to good teaching. People with time on their hands could improve themselves, which would improve society. Politically, Democrats could still push publicly-funded federal schools and regulations, while Republicans should be more than happy about how this forum would enable individual teachers. The government would be supporting this forum, but it would be extremely inexpensive.

What are your thoughts on a forum like this?

Submitted June 13, 2017 at 02:18AM by atheist4thecause

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