Brief description:
This study tests the influence of motivation on math achievement and enrollment using data from a cohort of 926 seventh-grade prealgebra students (49% male, 76% Hispanic, 76% low income, and 55% English learner). Students' expectation for success ("Can I do this?") and math values ("Is it worth doing this?") were surveyed in seventh grade along with achievement, and enrollment was measured in eighth grade.
Expectancy for success and task value predicted seventh-grade achievement (test scores) and eighth-grade algebra enrollment while controlling for the influence of prior achievement, gender, low socioeconomic status, and English fluency. The association of interest value ("math is fun") and achievement differentiated across Hispanic and non-Hispanic youth, suggesting that the effect of interest value on mathematics achievement was weaker for Hispanic youth than for non-Hispanics after accounting for success expectations and prior achievement.
Expectancy-Value Beliefs of Early-Adolescent Hispanic and Non-Hispanic Youth: Predictors of Mathematics Achievement and Enrollment
Submitted January 06, 2020 at 09:32AM by nsafavian
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