viernes, 19 de noviembre de 2021

IB vs A level

so right now im in year 11 and im going to do my IGCSEs and im thinking about doing year 12 and 13 in the US so that if i choose to go to a uni in Canada or the US the transition will be easier. im not sure if im making the right move tho. is A level better or easier than IB. is IB harder and more subjects. im not really sure. when i looked it up online it didn't make sense to be because it said that IB was harder. it didn't make sense, middle school, year 10& 11 are bare easy for Americans compared to British system so how do they suddenly increase the difficulty like that. if anyone has any experience or advice it would really be appreciated.

Submitted November 19, 2021 at 10:30AM by Crystalmethyay

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