sábado, 26 de octubre de 2019

Does anybody have any info about burnout/feeling unmotivated?

For years I've always been very driven in school. I've always tried to get straight A's and avoid trouble. But lately, something really weird has happened that is honestly scaring me a lot. After being stressed for so long, I now do not care whatsoever about my grades. I went from beating myself up over a B to being indifferent about the idea of failing a class. I'm worried that this kind of thinking will set me off track, because I'm just about to go into high school next year. Is this a common thing, or should I seek help when possible?

Some other important info:

- I am sick right now, so maybe this could be affecting my thinking?

- I have straight A's so far, so I was thinking that maybe I got desensitized to good grades or something?

- I had been doing a lot of work to prepare for a debate throughout the week, which could have resulted in burnout(?)

Sorry if this is the wrong subreddit for this question! I genuinely could not find any other place to post this that I thought would be helpful.

Thanks in advance!

Submitted October 26, 2019 at 04:13PM by myusernameistaken500 https://ift.tt/2MQnSpu

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