martes, 22 de octubre de 2019

Messed around in HS... now what?


I have a dilemma on my hands, the worst part about it... self-induced.


Backstory SHORT:

I hated school as a teen so I didn't learn anything at all, I messed around and ended up ditching high school altogether (graduated witha "homeschool" program).... Now, 5-6 years later I want to go to college to pursue a dream job. I don't even know HS Algebra avery well... How do I "catch up" or learn what I should have in High School so I can survive college and not be lost. I am okay trying to learn my self with online resources and the help of friends and family... but where do I even start... I am particularly talking about math. Last I remember learning is solving simple equations in Algebra. I know it's all my fault... but looking past that, how do I fix it? Or catch up.



Backstory LONG

: I hated school growing up. I absolutely hated it. Elementary school was torture, when I got to middle school it was difficult to focus, I was constantly distracted with my friends, phone or anything really besides school. When I got to high school ... well I mostly took it as a joke, I thought I had the worst math teacher ever, I thought she was just trying to make me miserable and fail me, In my head, I had outlined a career path that didn't require (At least I thought so) any "algebra" or "geometry" so I really didn't care what grades I was making or whether I was learning anything at all... Notice I only mentioned math, all of my other subjects I was doing fine in, as a matter of fact I didn't care about them either but they naturally just seemed simple to me, I was in all AP classes, somehow I had ended up in AP Algebra too ... Also, important to note I went to a school in a very rural area so the majority of my peers were also choosing the trade/ no education required approach. Something clicked at the end of my freshman year, I started to enjoy learning, particularly difficult topics, I started looking forward to my Algebra classes and learning... Well, right about this time I got into some trouble. Wrong crowd type of stuff., this led to me choosing to be homeschooled. I was 15 or 16 at this time, I was home alone, I sure as heck was not going to force my self to do my homeschool... It was a joke anyways. As soon as I got my driving permit I ditched the homeschool and got a job as a cashier, it was easy money and a great schedule for a 16-year-old who wasn't obligated to be at any school. As I got older I realized I need to start pursuing a more sustainable career... I went through all sorts of trade jobs and enjoyed many of them... construction, welding, landscaping, window and door installer. After a couple of winters working out in the elements and screwing up my back, I realized I did not want a manual labor job and preferred to work with my "brain". I landed a great entry-level job in an office setting, I grew quite a bit, I enjoyed it more than manual work... However, the companies business was not in the industry I wanted to be in... I left there and after being self-employed for a little bit and then landed my current job... Working in the HQ of a great company, corporate environment, making decent money, significant company ($3B dollar company, 7k employees) ... many people would consider this a dream job, and I am very blessed to be here. I have not education practically, all of my colleagues have degrees... yet here I am. One problem... I'm bored. I have an idea of what I do, however, it requires a degree... College sounds like a great idea, opens the door to some of my dream jobs, except I'm terrified to go... Simply because I ditched high school, didn't even try to learn anything, don't remember much of anything- especially math. How in the world would I even survive my first semester working through prerequisites...

Submitted October 22, 2019 at 01:09PM by Yesterday520PM

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