jueves, 4 de mayo de 2023

Is size/age a good reason for not allowing a student to skip a grade?

We live in a small town where the options for schools are not that great, and we are currently at a title 1 school. My son is one of the youngest in his kindergarten class (turns 6 in June), and also rather short. However, we just finished dibels and Galileo testing, and he scored wayyyy higher than the rest of his peers (dibels was a 591, with the next highest score in the grade being 519, but most falling between 325-450 for EOY). He is in the gifted program (scored 92% in 2 areas, and 99% in the third and is the only kindergartner in the program across the district). He constantly complains about his homework being boring (putting numbers 1-10 in order, identifying beginning sounds in words, etc). He's reading the same books my 3rd grader reads.

Yet, administration doesn't want to even test him for 2nd grade because of his size and maturity level.. I don't feel like that is a good enough reason, but I'm also not a teacher. I am worried about him getting bored in class because everyone is working on 5 word sentences and he's reading chapter books. I have worked as a para at the school for a year and a half and after seeing the level of 90% of the students (a good portion of 5th & 6th graders still can't read), I'm really nervous about him being bored where he's at and not being challenged enough. We try to do things at home, in the car, etc to engage him, but we don't know what else to do at home.

So again, is size and maturity a good reason for not allowing someone to skip a grade and be challenged more?

Submitted May 04, 2023 at 11:18AM by cmemm https://ift.tt/yprg3Rm

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