sábado, 19 de octubre de 2019

University has been scamming my department

Background; I'm a mechanical engineering international student in my final year in the UK. I pay 19K GBP in tuition alone. I'm one of the people in my year who has my shit together.

On the 30th they are having an open forum for students to voice their problems. I have been trying to change things for 2 years now. I'm done. I'm going to go their and take the piss out of them

My course has been shit since day 1. They constantly are disorganized. They have a woman who should be in retirement in charge of the organization of all the lectures and course structure. She's a nice woman but she can barely type 30wpm and her desk is knee high in papers. All the lecturers read from slides, they don't want to be there, the students don't want to be there, nothing of value is added in these lectures. The labs during year 1 and 2 were good, that was the only high point.

The course has no module selection options. I want to do robotics but I'm forced to do an INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE module. Where the prof tries to convince us ICE won't die out.

It's the 16th of October and somewhere around 30 - 40 students haven't been assigned a thesis/professor supervisor. They expect a 10 page project proposal and methodology with literature review by the 30th. Last year it was 2 pages. 70% of my course voiced up in a vote for an extension. Denied because "you can do it in 2 weeks" on top of a 9 - 6, 3 days of a week while learning 2 computer simulation software.

The mechatronics Arduino kits aren't enough for everyone, have to stay in the lab, and cost 60quid each. They couldn't even do a student count before the year started to make sure everyone had enough. Now first year product design students get a 70quid worth of kit TO KEEP. They can't even invest in us a little kit for us to actually learn with in our own space and time.

The new Head of Department is this old crone of woman. I was in my CFD labs, waiting for a sim to load, so I played a game of clash Royale on my phone. She comes in, not apart of the lab, and tries to rip the phone out of my hands then makes comments about how I'm going to be one of the ones asking for an extension. Completely disrespectful and unprofessional.

Those are a few of the current problems in my year alone.

I've talked with students from the same course in different universities in the UK. Ive looked at the structure in the US. They are scamming my fellow students out of an education that will prepare us to be real career working engineers. If there isn't module selection because variation is cost then the modules they offer should be of acceptable quality.

This university claims itself as an engineering university. I'm going to go and argue they are pocketing more than 70% of our tuitions. This is a mostly international uni, so they are making A LOT in tuition fees. I want them to open up their financial records. They need to be held accountable for their actions.

Thoughts? Disagreements? I need to be prepared to counter argue.

Submitted October 19, 2019 at 05:07AM by CookhouseOfCanada https://ift.tt/2BtSsP2

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