Some context: My schooling has recently moved online and because of this all our tests are open book.
I was taking a history quiz that was 4 multiple choice questions and one long answered one about the history of crime and the law. This particular quiz covered athens to rome in a very general. Im doing my quiz on an online platform called moodle. It automatically corrects the multiple choice, easy 4/4! So far so good.
I get to the long answer question and it is basically something along the lines of "what would a world with no private law and only criminal law look like?" Another easy one. My teacher had answered this question in class. I proceed to give the examples she gave: divorces would be lowered, disputes with neighbours would lead to criminal charges, small everyday infractions would lead to criminal charges like littering and j walking. I even add my own pov, the prison system would overflow. I remember at the last minute that she said the punishment would not suit the crime. All ideas that she either said in class or that other students proposed during the class zoom call. Seems like an easy little quiz.
I find out today that everyone's quizzes were graded except for mine and 2 other girls. They had the same long answered question as me (there were two or three options). We wrote similar answers since...well those were the examples given in class. We all wrote j walking along with other everyday examples (not paying for public transport, littering, trespassing). We all wrote about divorce and arguments with your neighbour.
The teacher mentioned to one or them that she wanted to speak to her privately concerning the test. Im worried she thinks we cheated even though we didnt.
One of the girls recorded her giving a list of examples in class that we mentioned. We also each proposed different ideas since we wrote it alone and each wrote different amounts and have different vocabularies.
How should i approach this teacher? We simply listed off some examples in common, but they were given to us in class. We thought of some similar everyday crimes, but i genuinely can't think of something else. We also did not get the same marks on the multiple choice.
I don't understand why the teacher thinks we cheated or what may have led her to believe we did. How should I speak to her to convince her I didn't do anything wrong? Idk what to do.
Submitted September 30, 2020 at 10:20PM by destinys_otherchild
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