miércoles, 20 de enero de 2021

I feel like my memory is weak.

Growing up I didn’t do well when it came to knowledge in life. I’m a b-c student and such. Growing up I feel like there was something that blocked my intelligence or my brain to develop. I didn’t even know what a condom was! However now I’m 16 and feel inadequate and feel as if I’m just genetically inferior in terms of education?? Likewise, my brain just feels empty, the other day somebody offered me a cuticle gel and I didn’t know what a cuticle was. I always knew it as nail. However now as I’m coming to the end of my high school year I feel as if I won’t manage through college because of my forgetfulness. I’m overweight so I don’t know if that contributes towards that. I’ve also reduced the amount of time I spend on my technology to 2hours a day which is a big achievement. I further want to broaden my vocabulary. I didn’t really focus on my school and academic work and was careless when it came to homework so I feel as if that also contributed towards my weak memory, maybe spending too much time in technology in the past did also. I would spend over 15 hours a day on my technology. Now that I’ve accomplished to discipline myself to reduce screen time I’m hoping to read books to broaden my knowledge and understanding of things but I don’t know how. I feel as if there is too much I wanna do but don’t know where to start . I’ve way behind online school.. I’ve got soo much work to do but keep procrastinating but then yet again I wanna educate myself on other aspects on things like politics for example. Is there anything I could do to better myself. For example to keep up with work and anything to help me with my intelligence. Sound stupid but yeah. are there any subs in which I can learn knew things. I posted in the sub stupidly assuming there would be intelligent people who could give me personal advice from their own experience/ knowledge.

Submitted January 20, 2021 at 02:57PM by 15andabove https://ift.tt/2MabfaM

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