martes, 13 de junio de 2023

Second student assault

Hi everyone! I work in Life Skills at the high school level. I’m a 100lbs 5’5 para and 21F. This is important to the situation I’m discussing. In March I got assaulted the first time by a student with developmental disabilities and behavioral issues. This student snapped essentially and I ended up thrown into a wall in a gen Ed class. From this, I suffered intense injury to the right side of my body, tearing a muscle in my right shoulder blade. I’m still suffering from the impact of this initial assault. For a few months he and I maintained a decent relationship. Last week he tried to push me down the stairs. Then, last Thursday he assaulted me again. This time, on my opposite shoulder. My question is this-although I am a para, am I always to blindly follow admin, even if I’m the victim in this scenario? Because-admin is discussing removing me and forcing me to work in a different program, even tho I LOVE life skills. It’s where my heart is. I will fight tooth and nail to not get moved. There is this weird feeling I got when I discussed the situation with admin. I feel they were trying to coerce me into saying I was afraid of being near him, although I’m not at all. Almost as if solely to avoid workers comp. In fact, I’m more scared being in a different program, as I know I have less support. What are your thoughts?? I really need support. I have no idea what to do or fight. I’m involving my Union because I’m incredibly upset, but I’d love another perspective. Honestly, I feel like I’m being pushed around mentally after already being assaulted. I have no applied any “accommodations” to my work abilities, and I feel I’m being pushed out because “I’m fragile.”

Submitted June 13, 2023 at 12:57AM by bigbakedpotatoe

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