martes, 29 de agosto de 2023

What do you think are recent changes/policies that have most affected special education students or staff? Either positively or negatively.

I am interested in what people think has been the most relevant changes to policy, laws, culture, events, etc. on the outcomes on students and experience of staff. It seems recently (from personal anecdotal experience) there has been a large exodus of special needs teachers that cannot be easily replaced, any thoughts on any specific actions or decisions that contribute to this? (Outside of just COVID changing everything). I am also interested in any specific positive changes too! Anything in the last decade or so is of interest to me.

Thanks in advance for sharing!

ETA: I come from a US context, but am also interested in other countries if you have another perspective!

Submitted August 29, 2023 at 12:24PM by AbeLincolns_Ghost

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