miércoles, 30 de agosto de 2023

What's the data say is the ideal number of students one teacher can teach effectively? Feels like a number than any voter voting on school budgets should know.

In academia and business, I've run into things like "Eight is the number of employees one manager can manage most effectively," but I haven't run into the same for elementary or high school class sizes. I'm guessing data shows more of a curve than a specific number, but this feels like a key metric we should know when just budgeting for teachers for the number of kids we have in any area. In my public school experience, I vaguely remember them talking about it in terms of max amount of students a teacher could manage or a classroom could even fit. At the time, that was around 30 and I remember some discussion about how that had risen from 25 and maybe 20 prior to that.

So, is there a good source that has data on ideal class sizes that can be encapsulated into a ballpark number or rule of thumb for the average person?

Submitted August 30, 2023 at 10:09AM by ChooseyBeggar https://ift.tt/wj8vd0y

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