martes, 15 de septiembre de 2020

GED Related Questions I have

Hey, I’m very sorry if this isn’t the right sub for this. I read through the about section and I think this post should be ok?

Either way, I’m currently a senior in high school, I’ll be turning 18 in the next two weeks, and I’ve decided that I want to get a GED. As of this moment, I have less credits than the average freshman. This is due to mental health problems that have caused a massive barrier in my ability to participate in school, and at this point, I just really want to be done with school. Getting a diploma isn’t a big deal to me, as long as I can get something relatively useful.

I’d like to get it before December if that is possible, but as of now, the only section that I’m confident I could pass is the English section. My math and science skills have lagged far behind due to missing so much school and I doubt I could pass either of those without some level of preparation.

Therefore, to try and keep this simple, what I’m essentially asking is:

  1. Will GED testing be available whenever? (Before/during December? I live on the west coast in the US if that changes anything)

2 Since I’m pretty sure that I’ll need to prepare myself for the math and science tests, how could I best go about doing that? I know that GED Prepbooks exist, so would anybody have a recommendation for a specific one? Or something entirely different if you think it’ll be helpful!

Thank you in advance to anybody that has absolutely any input at all. I’m very lost at the moment, and seriously any guidance at all would be huge!

Submitted September 15, 2020 at 09:44AM by saiyanwich

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