domingo, 19 de junio de 2022

reading material

Here is the narrative of adolescent World of Warcraft players using the game's chat to speciously praise Hitler and make false boasts of having committed rapes. Those kids have no appreciation of the enromity of their actions. They only "understand" that they are misbehaving for the sake of misbehaving and no one is punishing them for it. Blame lies with neglectful "parents" who are deluded that their little angel is playing nicely with his computer toy and therefore throw the kid into abandonment on the internet to escalate his misbehaviour for the sake of misbehaving until he is committing criminal offenses such as identity theft to frame some innocent person for sending harassing texts to a third party. The police can only trace the owner of the device used to commit those crimes, not prove who is using the device, but the two victims CAN sue the parents and force them to sell the house to pay for a lawyer. Once that threat is made the parents suddently discover that they have self-indulgently squirted and whelped and then forgotten their kid even exists. They bully the kid into faking remorse and contrition, giving police the confession to ensure that the kid will never be able to get a job in his life.

This odyssey actually began in the 1980s, when Commodore Business Machines positioned their new Commodore 64 computer as a children's toy. The parental assault upon god of abandoning their kid to the new computer toy immediately became modem use for software piracy of games, "phreaking" (theft of long distance telephone signals to give some poor shmuck a fat long distance telephone bill), and other "harmless misbehaviours" that culminated in 15-year-old Rehtaeh Parsons being driven to suicide by cyberbullying by other kids from school. The little shits who committed those criminal misbehaviours on their Commodore 64s grew up to be internet gurus who intended the internet to be only an annihilator of accountability so that deliberate wrongdoers would have impunity foir their deliberate wrongdoing. All along they have been concealed destroyers of civilization who have no abiity to create or build, only to tear down and ruin.

The other week I read the alarming news that, if the internet were to shut down, only two days would pass before civilization collapsed. We are THAT dependent on this satanic annihilator of accountability. May God have mercy on our souls.

Submitted June 19, 2022 at 10:30AM by Glum_Somewhere7458

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