domingo, 19 de junio de 2022

When it comes to school ranking sites like GreatSchools, what would the a child's expected experience look like at each rating?

So, lately I've been looking into the rankings on GreatSchools ( and a few others, and I got me wondering what these schools may look like from the inside from a student point of view. I was recently looking at homes to tour/buy, but this was something that was very important to my S/O and their family.

That said, I recall some time ago, I took a teaching course in college only to find out that my own high school was low in ranking (less than 4), and even designated as a high-need school. This was interesting because I pretty much hated my high school experience largely because it felt like nothing I did mattered. It also seemed that a bulk of the teachers felt the same way. I asked a few other friends from low rated schools, even the valedictorian of one, and they both seemed to have a similar experience. There were teachers we all loved, but it also seemed that we had to compete to get those teachers. On the flip-side, when speaking with my friends from highly rated schools (higher than 6), I got one of two responses so far. The first was that everyone enjoyed learning and were extremely self-motivated, and that made it an enjoyable experience. The second though, was that the students were so competitive that they frequently cheated, no one cared, and all just wanted to be rich. I haven't gotten a chance to talk to anyone from a mid-range high school yet, but I'm still curious. I'm also asking about the elementary and middle schools too. So, I'm wondering, based on your schools rating (elementary, middle, and high school), what was your overall experience like?

Submitted June 19, 2022 at 01:25PM by siege5548

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