sábado, 3 de junio de 2023

Principals used to be heroes

Just as I caution people against going into the teaching profession, I feel the same about site principalships. Teachers must give up their self respect. Site principals must sell their souls. Any who try to shield their staff from the unpleasant fuckings from above, are fired.
It used to be that principals were durable. They lasted a decade or two. Communities were loyal to good principals. Therefore, top administrators were afraid to fuck with them. Fuck with a popular principal and be prepared for the pitchforks and torches.
Now they are the plantation field manager. Their only chance of escaping their particular hell is to become part of the "the teachers aren't doing PBIS and LRE properly" team so they can be promoted.
The problem is that in order to toe that line, they must non-renew good, caring teachers. At some point, there won't be any teachers left to non-renew.
I'm amazed that the trees keep voting for the axe, just because the axe is made of wood.

Submitted June 03, 2023 at 02:13PM by MantaRay2256 https://ift.tt/KY5l6mU

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