miércoles, 21 de agosto de 2024

Cheated on a test, should I own up before I get busted?

Currently in culinary school and had a short PC quiz a few days ago. In a moment of stupidity, I googled one of the questions. I'm seriously regretting it and am considering owning up before I'm caught. I'm pretty sure it will be easy for me to get caught, as I was logged in to a network pc, with my student ID and googled from there. I don't know if the school checks internet usage during tests etc. but if caught, I'm pretty sure I will have to re-enrol in the unit and pay out of pocket. I'm already struggling financially and feel pretty guilty about this stupid mistake.

Submitted August 21, 2024 at 12:46AM by rollyroundround https://ift.tt/ygKeOlR

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