martes, 6 de agosto de 2024

Squirrel Accountant

The idea of allowing students to design their own independent degrees works in theory, but it fails in practice because it allows everyone to design their own degree. This should be a privilege reserved for those who truly qualify for it—those who have graduated with the highest GPAs or have shown exceptional talent and genius in their field.

For instance, if you earned a cooking scholarship because you created a groundbreaking dessert, or if you received an engineering scholarship for winning a prestigious science prize, you should be allowed to design your own degree. This opportunity should be given to students who have demonstrated excellence, not just to anyone who decides the modern or standard curriculum isn't for them.

The modern curriculum has its merits. It provides the foundational skills necessary for various careers, whether it's in engineering, accounting, or other fields. If someone designs their own accounting degree without the essential base, who would hire them? Would their skills be relevant or productive in the real world? However, if someone has discovered a creative and legal loophole in tax law they’ve shown genius and should be allowed to design their own degree.

Not everyone is a genius, and this system should recognize and accommodate that

Submitted August 06, 2024 at 04:42AM by rowshack67

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