domingo, 15 de diciembre de 2024

Can a superintendent reveal to a person who reported them? Is it legal?

Hi all, Im a teacher aide and this year I was surprised to know that my assailant started working at my school site. I asked the vice principal how she could help me, if I could get moved to another location or something of the sort. She said it was out of her power so she said I needed to talk to the superintendent. I had a meeting with him where I told him I didn’t want to be around this person as it was a traumatic experience for me and seeing him at work was reawakening all these bad feelings and repressed memories. He made a whole investigation, said person was off campus for a few days while the investigation was ongoing and as he’s a mandated reporter I had to report the SA to authorities. Also I KNEW if I didn’t report it to the cops, the district would keep me in the same place where I’d have to see this person so I felt like I had to report but I decided to not press charges as all the evidence I had of him admitting to coercing me sexually was gone years ago. With the report, they decided to ban the person from the school and keep me at the location. He retaliated and lit my car on fire as he knew where I lived (it’s a small town). It was not my intention to get him fired nor did I want him to know I was the person who made complaint. I was hoping they would just move me like how I wanted but ya know, it was out of my control I guess. I even told the superintendent it wasn’t a big deal if they kept him, I JUST WANTED TO BE MOVED. My question is, does anyone know if because of Title IX the superintendent had the right to “reveal” to this person I had made the complaint? I am very upset and this whole situation has caused me a lot of emotional and mental turmoil. I have become agoraphobic from the fear of seeing him out in public. I will probably be consulting an attorney or lawyer but I just want to know if there’s even a case here.

Submitted December 15, 2024 at 09:21PM by Hell-Raiser-

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