miércoles, 7 de junio de 2023

After reading a Scientific American editorial on delaying school start times, Albuquerque high school students and their teacher advocated for the change. Their district listened, and school will start later next year.

Inspired by this editorial in Scientific American, Sandia High School students—who have started school at 7:25 A.M. for many years—will start next year at 8:40 A.M.

The students wrote letters to the editors to share their experiences and why they advocated for the change.

From one of their teachers:

In general, the students are energized by this announcement. They are highly motivated academically, and they think they’ll earn better grades. They think they’ll be more “chill” next year. Most importantly, they think they will learn better and retain more knowledge. Some are apprehensive about how their extracurriculars will be affected or how their employers will adjust their after-school schedules. A few students are concerned about how their families will adjust to the new schedule because they have siblings who start school at a different time. Yet, while there are nuances to settle, I agree with our superintendent who wrote in a letter to our community: “In a year or in three … there won’t be a push to go back to earlier start times for our … students.”

Submitted June 07, 2023 at 08:56AM by scientificamerican https://ift.tt/ZUF4Ec8

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