lunes, 17 de julio de 2023

I Need To Beat The Odds. I Don't Know How Though

I'm doing online school for Pre-Calculus because I didn't do so great the first time around.

I was doing great online until the dreaded first unit test hit me like a ton of bricks. My score plummeted from a promising 97 to a disheartening 77. Now, I know that's not terrible, but in today's competitive world, a minimum of 90% is practically necessary to secure a spot in university.

I've crunched the numbers, and I believe it's still possible to turn things around. If I manage to score 100 on the 3 upcoming unit tests, get 95 on the next three assignments, and ace the quizzes with only one mistake at most, I can climb my way back into the 90's. It's no small feat, and it will undoubtedly require an insane amount of discipline.

To make matters even more challenging, I've struggled with focus in the past. I've tried dopamine detoxing, but I've faced numerous relapses - perhaps more than a hundred times. However, I'm not going to let that deter me. These next 25 days are going to be a test of my determination and hard work.

So, I turn to you for support and advice. If any of you have faced a similar uphill battle in Pre-Calculus or any other subject, I'd love to hear your success stories and the strategies you employed to triumph over adversity.

Also I'm not looking for "Plan Bs" or giving up on this one. This is my Plan B after already faltering Pre-calculus once, and I'm going to give it my all to make it work

Submitted July 17, 2023 at 06:18PM by Handsome_Unit69

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