miércoles, 19 de julio de 2023

Overseas degree compatibility in USA

My step-son will get his green card approved this year or next.

The plan is for him to complete his degree in mechanical engineering in Colombia and then move to USA.

I have heard two diametrically opposite claims (from people who have recently gotten migrated from LatAm)

1) it does not really matter, if employer accepts it, it is fine

2) Nah, bad idea, he will need to get degree here.

From the background of the responders. I have a feeling that country of degree matters if one needs registration from any national authority for eg electricians, doctors, etc

Please help. If my thinking is correct then as a mechanical engineer he will not have issues with his degree as long as he excels in the interview.

Submitted July 19, 2023 at 07:40AM by Careful-Tip-7076 https://ift.tt/6rqHNAS

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