viernes, 3 de noviembre de 2023

i have changed my mind

i recnetly made a post wich you can go read first you have all convinced me that the woods definetly arent the way wich i agree with but i dont know what to do no i did get one idea i wil finish economics so that if i want to i can do a job what i tought i could do aswell was buy a hosue in the woods so its already fully fixed and live my life away from bullshitty society but still clsoe enough to society to go to the shop or a village or something (very easy to do in the south of my country (im not american)) and while working a home job (using my economics degree) icould stil l earn my money and enjoy benefits from society like healthcare and such and combine it with living in or preferably next to the woods what do yo u think of this plan? i think its perfect as i could invite over friends or find a partenr to live with me to counter possible lonelyness while also doing things such as hunting hiking camping but also getting to buy stuff from the shop going to a restaurant or a hospital and buy supllies this seems ideal for me as its the balance i need between ooga booga cavemen and working an office job and living i nan apartment untill im 70

Submitted November 03, 2023 at 09:12AM by bigredturtle234

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