My ss was evaluated last year for an IEP and found not to need any support, IQ of 100. He is in 8th grade and cannot properly form letters-mixing upper and lowercase in words, structure a sentence, use punctuation or proper grammar. His paragraphs are disjointed. His writing grade was 42 and he failed a sentence structure test. We have known he has issues with written expression for a long time. His has behavioral issues & his punishments have been to write essays on the issue he was punished for to try to get him practice and help. He reads well, above grade level even, but cannot write a book report because he cannot organize his thoughts or summarize anything.
my ss is currently in the middle of a psychological evaluation due to his behavioral issues, including threatening to kill my husband so we have not seen him since June. (Mom fought the evaluation as much as she could until the judge made her lawyer make the appt in his presence). My husband was advised to stay away from his son u til the evaluation is complete because my ss is as tall as his father and an athlete. Mom was on opioids while pregnant with him. They were prescribed by her oncologist for neuropathy. She had been in remission for 4 years before having him. The psychologist thinks this may have contributed to his issues. My sd also has some learning issues with reading. The school evaluated her and said she has issues but figured out coping strategies and wouldn’t help her with any accommodation.
my husband met with his teacher yesterday and the school claims his writing is acceptable and nothing to worry about. Are we overreacting, is the school too lax. We were only out of school for 4th quarter in 2020. They returned in person in 2020 so this is not a Covid issue.
Submitted November 22, 2023 at 08:32AM by JudgmentFriendly5714
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