lunes, 6 de noviembre de 2023

Is It Bad If A Teacher Favors One Gender Over The Other?

I work for an after school program. It’s K-5. It’s a fun job. We’re called teachers, but we really just teach the kids in a social and emotional type of way. There’s one teacher there who’s super nice and charismatic. He gets along with everyone, the kids love him, etc. He works there during the day as an aide so the kids have even more exposure to him. What’s slightly bizarre though is that he tends to favor the girls a lot, mainly the ones in 3rd through 5th grade and a handful of them in particular. He goes out of his way to get their attention often times; not in a bad way, but in a playful type of way which makes it a fun child/adult interaction. He’ll shout playful remarks to them from across the hallway or playground the way you may see high schoolers do to each other. They do sometimes approach him first though. He’ll even jokingly take their belongings like their hats or nick nacks to get them to chase him to retrieve them back. It’s all adorable and wholesome. However, he interacts with the boys, but not nearly as much and he’s this masculine type of guy too so you’d think young boys may look up to him and want to be around him more than girls. He’s fair when it comes to not favoring girls over boys in regards to being an authority figure and isn’t mean to be boys at all. He does this very much out in the open too and the bosses see it and I’m presuming are fine with it. I don’t imply anything bad by this at all, but I’m wondering your take on it from the info here.

Submitted November 06, 2023 at 04:17PM by paul_g2009

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