martes, 23 de abril de 2024

Teaching and helping students with ADHD - Something needs to change...

Hey Educators!

Full transparency - I am here because I own a study tool for students with ADHD. However, because of the market I am in, and I spend my days interviewing students with ADHD and hearing about their pain points when it comes to studying and learning - I think... why are there not more resources out there to help this demographic?

Which leads me to my question - how many of you work at institutions that have an assigned disability department or support department that is responsible for personalised lesson plans etc? Our tool aims to essentially digitise occupational therapy strategies to help students with ADHD ease executive dysfunction. However, we have had a bit of momentum coming from parents using this tool as a homework scaffold, because we have a weekly task list/study timer and website blocker.

I would love to hear more about your experiences as educators and dealing with students with ADHD and the struggles you come across please!!! thanks!!

ps - tool is called Kumo Study on the chrome store if you want to have a nosey - totally free to use

Submitted April 23, 2024 at 06:28AM by Whizzed_Textbooks

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