jueves, 6 de julio de 2023

AI Hallucinations

With rapid advancement in generative AI various incidents have surfaced where reportedly AI has hallucinated and produced erratic output. In the world if AI hallucinations are defined as generation of non sensible or unfaithful output by AI when compared to the provided output. Such hallucinated output easily hoodwink users because they appear fluent. Personally I have the trust issue on AI because I as an user wouldn't know the basis of the result. Also the inaccuracies can gravely prejudice and individuals reputation which is protected as a fundental right And there has been few cases already to prove its inaccuracies. I'm not defaming AI. Just that analysing the impact of it. It's also predicted that it's gone a take away jobs. To be relevant in the AI world we need to prove that we can do something which the damn machine cannot I liked the way Sadhguru explains


Submitted July 06, 2023 at 07:31AM by Milletomania https://ift.tt/VG5uAwM

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