martes, 27 de julio de 2021

How to mix things up when teaching online to 1 student

When I asked about teaching for the first-time online, I got so much great advice (that I'm using!) Hoping this group can help me with my current teaching online conundrum!

I'm teaching a 5-day camp with one-learner, an hour at a time. The topic is analysis heavy so we're reading and discussing texts. The student is fantastic -- has great ideas and we have good conversations.

But I want to mix things up more and make our interactions less back-and-forth since it's just us and that gets a bit old. I switch topics regularly and do some write-share but I'm struggling to think of other types of interactions that don't require at least one more person. Would love to hear how you teach discussion-heavy topics with one student.

Submitted July 27, 2021 at 02:40PM by drseachange

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