viernes, 30 de julio de 2021

Need some advice! Is a dual degree worth it?

So I've decided I'm going to University next year and I'm currently 23, moving full time to part time and studying online my L3 Adult Care RQF and Access to HE Nursing course just as a little background. I also hold only Level 2 functional skills in English and maths but here's the issue... I really love the idea of two University courses however I am not sure as to whether it's actually worth it in the long run!

I've picked Learning disabilities nursing and social work (dual registration) and Learning disabilities nursing for the other at two different universities. The thing that concerns me is that the dual registration degree is a bit further away BUT they are both the same length course of three years. Is it worth the while taking them as separate degrees or doing both as a dual?

I'm concerned that given the time span, I will not get as much out of the course being a dual degree and hold the same respect as i would doing them separately and gain just as much out of the course?

Respectfully, both courses cost £28500 covering the three years of tutoring BEFORE other travel, uniform, trips etc even come into it so I don't really want to make the mistake on joining the wrong university for me.

What would be your advice or what is your thoughts?

Submitted July 30, 2021 at 04:52PM by ComfortableNo2855

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