sábado, 24 de julio de 2021

Seeking online school for grade school due to COVID

Hi, I hope this is ok to ask here. If not, holler

Question: Does anyone have anything good to say about any online grade school options? We've only found Pearson so far, and we can't tell if it's ok, if the online education has been in place long, etc.

This would be for a third-grade who did very well in remote learning through his school. We love our local school and teachers but the Covid risk to our son is giving us cold feet about sending him back in person. We're trying to come up with a Plan B.

Background: My son will start third-grade soon. He has been remote learning through his school since March 2020, but this year is in person. The school board recently bowed to public pressure to make masks optional, despite grade school students being too young for vaccination.

My son's asthma lands him in the hospital for a few days with dangerously low oxygen levels when he catches the common cold. Covid and its delta variant would be incredibly dangerous for him.

Even if he wears a mask consistently (and teachers won't enforce this because they will be teaching, not babysitting on something optional), it won't do much since masks protect others from the wearer more than vice versa.


Submitted July 24, 2021 at 06:57PM by AutumnalSunshine https://ift.tt/3x1aRgM

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