martes, 15 de febrero de 2022

Quality of education going down?

I've recently went back to college after dropping out due to not being prepared during my time in HS and such, but I've recently noticed after speaking to other students and some professors that MANY students are severely behind. These aren't students who just don't care either they want to further their education but struggle to stay afloat.

I guess what in tryin to say/ask, is there any type of solution to this problem, I spoke to some family members that are teachers and the general response I got was that it's just snowballing, that they can't cover more topics and units in their classes since kids are behind, and that they have to spend more time covering previous units or units that kids should have learned a year ago, leaving huge gaps in their education.

Submitted February 15, 2022 at 01:22PM by Chef-Tony321

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