jueves, 28 de septiembre de 2023

I love my kids Title 1 funded elemantry school

I believe that Title 1 schools often face unfair judgments. These schools are typically situated in economically disadvantaged areas, providing essential support to students from low-income households. I'm genuinely impressed by the dedication of these schools.

When my daughter struggled with reading, they promptly assessed her and found her eligible for free tutoring. My son, too, faced challenges with speech during his preschool years, and the school took over his therapy when he entered kindergarten, providing him with the necessary support during school hours.

My oldest child is a shining example of what these schools can achieve. She consistently earns excellent grades, and her teacher even nominated her for a Young Scholars program at our local university. The nomination process is the only way to apply, and if she graduates with a Regents diploma, she'll gain automatic admission to the university along with a scholarship.

Furthermore, the school is going the extra mile by offering monthly parenting classes on various topics this year. They also provide access to a band program, allowing children to explore their musical talents with free access to instruments. In our economically challenged city, free lunch and breakfast are available to all students, showcasing the tangible impact of Title 1 funding.

Submitted September 28, 2023 at 12:39PM by Nearby-Relief-8988 https://ift.tt/ndfJ0hL

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