jueves, 21 de septiembre de 2023

Uni options outside of Oxbridge

Hi, I'm a year 12 student whose in a rather awkward position. I maybe can make it into Oxbridge, but it is not a gauranteed thing (maybe 1/3-1/2 chance). If I don't get in however the top uni in my country is quite mediocre. So I'm looking for suggestions to bridge that gap in the unis I should be looking to apply to. I don't think I have the extracurriculurs to get into good US unis, so that's out of the picture. However, I can't think of any other unis that have the name brand of Oxbridge/ivy leagues.

Currently, because I want to work there in the future, I am considering Moscow State University or the Higher School of Economics, both in Russia. However I am looking for suggestions of unis outside Russia (preferably in anglosphere/sinosphere because those are the languages I currently speak) with as good/better reputation in Russia that is not Oxbridge/Ivy

If anyone has experience with Qinghua or Beijing University I'd also like to hear your opinions. Apparently they have a separate degree system for foreign students that are less rigorous/looked down upon? Should that be a red flag?

Submitted September 21, 2023 at 02:12AM by DesperateforGood8116 https://ift.tt/gIp3bOG

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