sábado, 27 de marzo de 2021

RTI experiences?

TLDR; in your experience, can you give any helpful examples of your RTI process/RTI related work in PLCs at your school?

For context, I teaching secondary science. Graduated in Spring 2020, but have worked long-term sub positions this year. This week, I have an interview to start next fall and they have asked me to prepare a 10 minute presentation for the start of my interview regarding RTI. The question is along the lines of "The school is implementing an RTI class period for all students next year. How would you identify students who need additional time/support in your classroom and explain how your PLC would use the time to support students"

I feel like this is a very basic question and I that I have a solid understanding of the RTI process as a whole. However, in the past year at my sub positions and when I was student teaching, I have never had the opportunity to be in a PLC or do RTI- or really any data gathering in general. Would anyone be willing to share their experiences with RTI/RTI work in the PLCs? Even RTI experiences at the elementary level would be really helpful!

Thank you!!!

Submitted March 27, 2021 at 12:54PM by kevinsmithhugejorts https://ift.tt/2NXaUtk

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