martes, 1 de febrero de 2022

I'm kinda worried about high school

Hey everyone, I had a high school run down meeting today and they told me about something that caught my attention, the AP programs. I'm kinda worried though because the grades need to be decently high to do these, like 80 and 75, and I have a bit of a problem with grades. I'm passing everything so it's not bad but the problem is that I have some classes where I have 68 or something like it and I need higher to get into the courses. I'm in online school so they go decently quick and not too many assignments so if I do bad on one, it can bring me from 80 to 70 or 65 and it's stressing me out because I can't do anything about that and I'm worried that it will stop me from getting to do the AP courses. Is there any advice I could have on this to ease the stress? I'm really just out of ideas as this might be really bad based on my goals with high school. Thanks in advance.

Submitted February 01, 2022 at 04:53PM by Tough_Reflection2192

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