domingo, 10 de septiembre de 2023

ADHD and Grades

I'm a mom of an ADHD teenager. His grades were always good until tenth grade. Now, they are bad with even some D's. His scores on state tests in those same subjects are outstanding, better than the school, district, or even state scores. They are very good. I'm glad that his scores are good. His school grades mostly reflect homework being turned in late or some misunderstandings about the rubric or rules of the assignment. How do I effectively navigate the school system so that his grades better represent his real knowledge of the subject or do I just give up and try to teach him about deadlines and rubrics? I don't know what to do and it is happening again in 11th grade. It seems weird to me that he could get a C in AP Biology at school and score above the entire state in the same subject. Or, a D in Math and a score above the entire state in the same subject. Advice, please?

Submitted September 10, 2023 at 06:42AM by WishProfessional

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