lunes, 11 de septiembre de 2023

Desperate For Help in my Education Journey

Hi, I am 33F and am so frustrated with my education and feel helpless. This is long but I am desperate for someone to read my story and offer any guidance or suggestions. I need help.

I had a terrible educational background, outdated Christian schooling (example: we would learn about missionaries instead of social studies), I did this program till 2nd grade and joined public school, I did well and loved it. My parents then entered a Christian cult and I was taken out of school for all of 3rd grade (they wanted the females in this cult to be raised to be stay at home mothers and not educated apparently). My parents got out of this cult then put me back into the same terrible Christian school. I did this till 7 grade when I went to a better Christian school with modern education. We then moved, I entered a terrible charter school for 8th grade, the teachers did not care. My 9th - 10th grade I entered a regular public school. I was so behind because of my education that I dropped out at 10th grade. I then eventually started homeschooling with the first outdated Christian schooling program I start school with and graduated. But that graduation means nothing as it was outdated schooling. I have tried going through college throughout the years but have not been successful with it. I am now 33 and want to accomplish getting at minimum my associates. It has been hell trying to do this. I am taking care of my 11 year old son alone (ironically he is extremely gifted and is taking 9th grade math & science, very proud to say that) and working full time. I am trying to focus on this these college classes but it's overwhelming as I am busy and also missing so much information from my terrible schooling. Is there hope for me? I have huge learning gaps. I am in the lowest remedial classes and still not getting it. This is in reference in particular to Math. I believe that I have math dyslexia, I am very firm on my belief. It is expensive to get tested so I am just toughing it out. Does anyone have advice, any resources or even encouraging words for me? I'm having a bit of a breakdown over my schooling and I am reaching out for any help.

Thank you for reading this, it is appreciated.

TLDR: I have a terrible educational background and need resources to get through my math courses, I also believe I have math dyslexia.

Submitted September 11, 2023 at 10:04AM by taylor-isnotmyname

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