miércoles, 18 de noviembre de 2020

AMA from a Educator who has taught the entire range of situations(rural vs city, low income vs high income,bottom of the standings to the top).

I have had an “interesting”to say the least career in education. I have been all over the map in terms of subjects and grades. I stayed out of English(on my cell for ease of use)for obvious reasons but all ways aimed for high school overall in not typical programs. I have been both leadership on both admin and union. I have been used for a gambit of roles as I never walked away from a challenge as pay never motivated me. I have seen the good, bad and ugly in the system. As I read through the threads I noticed a lot of questions, as schools have changed in leaps and bounds over the las 15-20 years. A lot of them could be answered easily but unless you are in the system it’s not in your face. It also explains the actions of a lot of teachers and principals. So please AMA as I think those looking at a career in education or asking questions about decisions might benefit from my unwillingness to walk away from a “impossible” situation.

Submitted November 18, 2020 at 06:42PM by BlackAce99 https://ift.tt/3lLcz0W

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