martes, 22 de junio de 2021

As a special education provider am I destined to always be left out?

I teach 5th grade special education (consultant teaching) and RTI (academic support). Time and time again as providers we are left out of grade level or building things recognizing teachers because we aren't classroom teachers. I try to let it go and not let it bother me because it's not about me, it's about the kids. If I'm doing my job right I shouldn't be drawing attention to myself and what I do. Most days I focus in that and not being included or acknowledged doesn't bug me, but some days it's infuriating and hurtful. Take for instance today. We had a moving up ceremony for our 5th graders. A big accomplishment after this crazy year. Our PTO made t-shirts for all the 5th graders and also gave ones to our classroom teachers. Providers, as always, were left out. They got corsages for the classroom teachers, our self contained teacher, our principal, and our assistant principal - we have two providers (including me) assigned full time to 5th grade who got nothing. Things like this happen all the time. We aren't acknowledged as teachers in the same way. We are routinely left off of emails. I'm not included in planning conversations or meetings (despite being asked to be).

Do I need to let it go and get over it? Accept that this is the way it is? Is it worth approaching my principal and making her aware that these instances can be hurtful? (How do I even have that conversation?)

Submitted June 22, 2021 at 04:15PM by courtro0792

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