lunes, 21 de junio de 2021

I’m trying to “speedrun” my bachelors degree as a 14 year old.

Before anything please let me clarify my main reason for posting this: I need tips and any extra info on what I will be explaining

(i didn’t know what flair was appropriate to use so please don’t shame me)

So I’m currently a 14 year old going into my freshman year and I’m doing Japanese Tutoring over this summer because I will be studying abroad in Japan in my Junior and Senior years.

I’m trying to get my bachelors degree at a young age by doing community college in my sophomore year but don’t know much at the moment so I’m writing to gain more info.

Here’s my plan:

I want to do CC (Community College) in highschool to gain units so I can get my bachelors earlier upon getting my (highschool) diploma, but the problem is that I don’t know if I should go for getting my AA before bachelors in highschool.

I don’t know if studying abroad in Japan will affect me in this situation so if you have any info on that please let me know.

Basically my main questions are:

•When is the youngest I can get my bachelors at my current standing point? (age 14 going into my freshman year)

•Is there any way for me to get into a college earlier than 10th grade? (I want to go in my 9th year but I don’t know if that is possible)

•Will studying abroad affect me?

•Should I get my AA before my Bachelors?

Extra information:

•I also want to go for a masters degree so if you have any tips on that let me know.

•If you were curious about what I will be majoring in: Business

•Money won’t be a problem in most cases and I have a good mentality so don’t worry about me being overwhelmed.

•edit: forgot to state that I’m an Asian-American (full asian, though) Highschool student

Submitted June 21, 2021 at 02:11AM by soreful

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